Ye Hao will encounter an assassin at Huguo Temple. Later, he found out that Xu Yixiang had told Lu Xiangzhi about the things he did. "The bald man caught today is the one who wanted to assassinate me at that time. I fled, I didn't expect him to dare to appear today!"

"Xu's family was ransacked because of this incident! They are cheaper." Lu Xiangzhi snorted. "Is Xu Yongxiang not dead? How can thousands of Luochao still chase you?"

He had heard of the rules of Qianluo, and unless the buyer died, he would not stop chasing. Since the buyer Xu Wei was dead, the thousand Luosha should not continue to chase after it.

"I don't know, but someone should tell us the truth." Ye Hao smiled lightly.

Lu Xiangzhi said, "The emperor knows what is going on today, he will not let him go."

Ye Hao nodded. "You are right, big brother, I want to meet this person."

"Now?" Lu Xiangzhi raised an eyebrow. "If you ask him now, he may not be able to answer you."

"What do you mean?" asked Ye Haowei.

Lu Xiangzhi took her to see the bald man. This person was not locked in the prison of Tuen Mun, but was shut up by Lu Xiangzhi to the house of the house, and many people were sent outside to take care of it.

When Ye Hao saw people, he only knew what Lu Xiangzhi said.

The bald man has been beaten to see no one at all.

"Lu Yan, are you looking at me to die? Oh, Xiaoye is not so easy to die." The bald man's nose and face were swollen, and a pair of eyes that had been eyebrows had been swollen with only one line left.

"I think you are half dead." Ye Hao said with a smile. "It doesn't look really good."

The bald man cried, "If I am dead, you must have lived too soon."

"So, you are not a small singer of thousands of robes?" Ye Hao looked at him.

Lu Xiangzhi said next to him, "His name is Zhuo Yunrui. It is really not a small squat of Qianluosha. It is the Shaozhuang owner of Qingyun Mountain Villa. It seems that the relationship between Qingyun Mountain Villa and Qianluosha is very shallow."

Zhuo Yunrui raised his head sharply. "How do you know?"

"Don't misunderstand, your two subordinates have just used the penalty to recruit anything." Lu Xiangzhi said.

"Impossible!" Zhuo Yunrui shook his head firmly. What kind of people are his two subordinates? He is the clearest. Even if they kill them, they can't reveal his identity. "What are you doing?" knew?"

Ye Hao said, "How do you know how we know, who wants you to kill me?"

"Who wants you to die, naturally that person is going to kill you." Zhuo Yunrui said, talking to the wound on his face, he hurt his teeth and licked his mouth, "Lu Yan, how do you treat me today, I will definitely How are you?"

Ye Hao stepped on his injured calf. "You have assassinated me twice. I want to treat you as a guest, and entertain you with politeness? Do you think others are as fools as you?"

Zhuo Yunrui smiled and looked at Ye Hao. "Lu Hao, it is better for you to let me go. I will cancel the killing order for you."

"Speaking of the killing order, I still feel strange about it." Ye Hao said with a smile. "If you didn't guess wrong, the person who was looking for you in the thousand Luosha should be Xu Xiangxiang, Xu Yixiang is already dead, why is the killing order? No cancellation?"

"Thousands of Luochao have two kinds of killing orders, one is a lifelong killing order, one is what you know, the buyer is dead, the killing order will also disappear, but the lifelong chase order is different, this is forever Will not cancel, until you kill," Zhuo Yunrui said.

Ye Hao slightly raised his eyebrows, a lifelong killing order? Will Xu Jia hate her to this extent? How did she think that this was not quite what Xu made at the time, but in addition to Xu Jia, who else had found Qian Luosha.

Could anyone who was looking for a thousand Luosha at that time was someone else? No, no, 爹爹 and Murong Zhan are all found to be Xu family, it will certainly not be bad, unless ... is Xu family and others have found thousands of Luosha.

"So, I have to kill you first, or will you continue to kill me?" Ye Hao looked at him with a smile.

Zhuo Yunrui said, "I am dead, there will be other people to kill you."

"That's right, but at least killing you, I can vent." Ye Hao took over Lu Xiangzhi's dagger, the sword tip against Zhuo Yunrui's neck, "anyway, it is going to be chased by Qian Luozha... ”

"Lu Hao!" Zhuo Yunrui finally felt scared, this Lu Hao is not a woman in the end, actually can casually want to kill.

Ye Hao looked at him with a smile and smiled. "If you don't kill you, tell me, who wants me to die?"

"I don't know." Zhuo Yunrui said coldly, "The buyer of the life-long killing order only knows that the owner is only responsible for killing."

"You are the owner of the Qingyun Mountain Villa." Ye Hao looked at him with a low color, and with this identity, Zhuo Yunrui could not be a small sister in Qianluo.

Zhuo Yunrui glared at Ye Hao, "What do you want to do?"

Ye Hao smiled and said, "What do you want to do?"

Lu Xiangzhi said next to him, "There are not many people in the world who know that the decent chivalrous sects like Qingyun Mountain Villa are actually related to Qianluo Brass. If it is passed out... How should Qingyun Mountain Villa stand in the world?"

Zhuo Yunrui's face changed, although his bruised face could not see his face at this time. "It has nothing to do with my older brother. My older brother has nothing to do with Qianluo."

"Who believes you?" asked Ye Hao.

"Lu Yan, what are you going to do?" Zhuo Yunrui asked with a grin.

Ye Hao smiled. "Who is going to kill you?"

"I don't know." Zhuo Yunrui said immediately.

"Oh, then you will stay." Ye Hao smiled and turned and left.

Zhuo Yunrui saw that she really wanted to leave, and immediately shouted, "Stay, you are back."

"Zhu Shaozhuang, what advice?" Ye Hao asked.

"What do you want?" Zhuo Yunrui asked with a grin.

Ye Hao said with a smile, "Who is going to kill me?"

"I really don't know who the buyer is. The person who is going to kill the order is Mr. Teng." Zhuo Yunrui said, "Let's go find him."

"Thank you for telling me this news, waiting for you to help you." Ye Hao flashed a smile, exchanged a look with Lu Xiang, and turned away from the firewood.

Zhuo Yunrui yelled behind them.

"Big brother, who is Mr. Teng?" Ye Hao turned to ask Lu Xiangzhi.

"I don't know, Zhuo Yunrui's news is still Xue Lin said, it is better to ask Xue Lin." Lu Xiangzhi said.

Xue Lin, who has been with Ye Hao, said, "Mr. Teng is the deputy of the Lord of the Thousands of Thousands of Shrines. I heard that many things in Thousand Rakshasa are his care, and he is a little owner."

Ye Hao nodded lightly. "I know, yes, don't tell the emperor today."

"Don't tell you, you don't know?" Murong Zhan's cold voice passed from the front.

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