The Zhuo Yunyu brothers had no parents since they were young, and they were raised by Zhuo Lao. Zhuo Yunyu became the owner of Qingyun Mountain Villa after he grew up. He always thought that his biological father was the former old owner. The old is only their elders of the same family. He was accepted as an apprentice to teach him martial arts to protect the mountain and his brother. Until he accidentally learned his own life, he realized that everything was false.

He is not a surname, Zhuo Lao is not their same elders, because his life is too surprised, and he knows that others will want to use his life. He has been avoiding Zhuo Lao for two years, but he never expected His own brother and brother will actually become the killer of the thousand Luosha.

What is the Thousand Brakes? It is a cult that he and the martial arts alliance want to eradicate. Is it an evil sect that should not exist in this world. When did his brother join the Thousand Brakes?

Zhuo Yunyu has a pain in his chest.

"How is the injury today?" Zhuo Lao came in from outside and did not see Huangfu. He sat down in front of Zhuo Yunyu.

"Wu Rui's business, did Master know it long ago?" Zhuo Yunyu saw Zhuo Lao, the gentleness in his eyes disappeared immediately, and some looked coldly at the person who had always been respectful.

"I only know that he was arrested today. It is also today that he knows that he will be in the city again. If he knows it... he will not let him do this." Zhuo Lao said.

Zhuo Yunyu looked at the wound on his lower abdomen and looked at Zhuo Lao with anger. "I am not talking about this matter. It is Yunrui who has become a killer of thousands of Luosha."

"This incident..." Zhuo Lao hesitated for a moment. He now regrets that he would tell Zhuo Yunyu's life too early. He even accidentally discovered the things of Qian Luozha. He wanted to say something to lie. He is even harder. "I originally wanted to tell you, I have never had a chance. I want to persuade Yun Rui, he already..."

"Master, do you think I will still believe in this? Yun Rui is an unfettered child since he was a child. Where does he know what a thousand Luosha, you did not introduce him? What do you want to do?" Zhuo Yunyu Shen Asked.

Zhuo Laoyi looked at Zhuo Yunyu with a deep sense. "Yunyu, I know that you don't want Yunrui to know too many things, but even if you don't want to face it at this time, you will always face it in the future. This time, it is indeed I am negligent. I don't know if someone would want to use Yunrui as a chess piece. You can rest assured that I will solve this problem and will never let Yunrui have something to do."

"Master, I know what you are calculating." Zhuo Yunyu whispered, "I will not agree. Now that there is something wrong with Guotai Min'an, Huangfu is willing to live a happy life, but all the political affairs are not asked. You don’t even have a part-time job, you can die."

"This is the legacy of your first grandfather." Zhuo Lao said coldly, "If you are willing or not, it will happen. What you don't want to do, Yunrui is not necessarily unwilling." ”

Zhuo Yunyu angered, "This is the purpose of pulling Yunrui into the water?"

"I just hope that you can recognize the facts." Zhuo Lao said, "The existence of Qian Luozha is for this purpose. If you abandon those who have protected you for years, what will they do?"

"I never knew what a thousand Luosha! You are carrying me..." Zhuo Yunyu called.

Zhuo Lao said, "You know it now."

"Yeah, I know it. I also know that some people in Thousands of Luosha do not seem to listen to you. Master, there is such a thing as Yunrui. Do you still think that your control of Qianluo is absolutely no problem? ?" Zhuo Yunyu asked sarcastically.

Zhuo’s face was gloomy and said, “I will check this out.”

“Where is Yunrui now?” Zhuo Yunyu asked.

"In Rong Chan, Suer has already seen him." Zhuo Lao said.

Zhuo Yunyu whispered, "Where is he going to assassinate someone? Even Huangfu and Rong Zhan are so concerned."

“Huangfu is also very concerned?” Zhuo Lao frowned. “Yun Rui’s assassination is the owner of Jinguo.”

"Counter?" Zhuo Yunyu burst into a gas, but he didn't want to say more, and said nothing. "Master, you still don't want to come out. You were so right for Rong Zhan, he didn't have a teacher for you." The feelings of the disciples, the county owner... is it around Rong Zhan?"

Lu Hao? Around Rong Zhan?

Zhuo Lao’s look is heavy. He has an incredible idea, but he feels too ridiculous. If Lu Yan is the woman around Rong Zhan, who is Rong Zhan?

Rong Zhan... Lu Hao...

Lu Hao is the county magistrate and the queen of the future. If it is the woman, she and Rong Zhan are as close as husband and wife, and the identity of Rong Zhan will not fall out of stone?

However, is it possible?

Zhuo Lao can't believe this guess will be true.

Zhuo Yunyu has been unable to wait for Zhuo Lao to open his mouth. He can't see Zhuo Lao's unpredictable look at this time. "Master, what's wrong? What do you think of?"

"Nothing." Zhuo Lao immediately said that he could not let Zhuo Yunyu find Rong Zhan's identity, otherwise he would definitely reject his arrangement.

"Master, things have reached this point, I hope that you have a convergence, what you want to plan, not a day or two can be done, do not think about it again." Zhuo Yunyu said.

Zhuo Lao said, "You are right, that is not something that can be done in a day or two. We have waited for many years, one generation passed down, no one has given up, I hope you will not give up."

Zhuo Yunyu is silent and refuses to speak without words.

"Yunyu..." Zhuo Lao still wants to say it again.

"Master, the person who assassinated me should think that it should be a thousand Luosha, perhaps related to Yunrui's business. If you don't care about Yunrui's business, it is better to check who wants to assassinate me." Zhuo Yunyu said.

"I will also find out about this matter." Zhuo Lao nodded, two things are extremely important.

Zhuo Yunyu heard the perfunctoryness in Zhuo Lao's tone, "Master!"

"Someone is coming." Zhuo Lao Shen said, his face convulsively looked at Zhuo Yunyu.

Huangfu slowly walked in from the outside and saw Zhuo Lao here. He slightly decapitated. "I don't know Zhuo Zhuang has a guest, I am disturbed."

Zhuo Laoxiao smiled and stood up. "Mr. Huangfu is back. I just came to see Yunyu. I have to leave without any problems."

"Master is walking slowly." Zhuo Yunyu did not stay old.

After sending away Zhuo Lao, Zhuo Yunyu was anxious to ask Huang Fu, "Mr. Huang, have you seen my brother?"

Huangfu gently shook his head. "I didn't see it. However, the younger brother was not in danger. Azhan did not kill him."

"I want to see Azhan side." Zhuo Yunyu said, "I have just known that Yunrui has been used by Qianluo, I will not let him leave Qingyun Mountain Villa in the future."

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