Ye Hao finally was able to go to the trade zone of Jinkou City. This way, she couldn't wait to have another pair of eyes. She couldn't see it.

"Azhan, you see, he is the person you said yesterday that the whole body skin is black." Ye Hao is a woman dressed as a man, walking like a young boy next to Murong Cham, eyes carefully watching that and business The black man who spoke to the treasurer.

Murong Chan kept her in her side. "There is nothing to look at, it is not black."

Ye Hao smiled and said, "It’s more lively than I thought. I don’t know what the grand occasion was like."

"There will be such a grand occasion in the future." Murong Zhan whispered.

"Are you taking me there after that?" Ye Hao asked with a smile.

She knows what he meant in his words. The reason why Jinkou City will usher in an unprecedented grand occasion is that Huang Fuxiu later dominated the world and developed the trade zone in an all-round way. Murong Zhan certainly wants to unify the country and bring out another flourishing world. .

"Coming with the children later." Murong Chan whispered in her ear.

Ye Hao’s cheeks were reddish and he glanced at him, but he felt that the idea was very good.

"Where is your money?" Murong Zhan whispered.

"I don't know, I haven't been here." Ye Hao got on tiptoe and saw only a personal head. He didn't even see the plaque of Qianjinxing.

Xue Lin, dressed as a young man, took the first two steps. "Yes, madam, in front of the trade shop, the money is there."

Ye Hao’s eyes lit up, “Azhan, we are past.”

Murong Zhan smiled and glanced at her, walked behind her and went to the other side.

"Yeah, some people are tracking." Shen Shen went to the side of Murong Zhan, screaming at Ye Hao, while snoring with Ye Rongzhan.

"Get it." Murong Zhan was so cold.

Ye Hao looked back at him. "What are you talking about?"

In the eyes of Murong Zhan, the frost in the eyes faded. "Tell you to walk carefully."

"It seems like I didn't look at the road." Ye Haodao, grabbed his sleeves, she wanted to hold her hand, just remembered that she is now a man's dress, where two men walked hand in hand.

What she didn't know was that although she was wearing men's clothes, she could see her as a girl at a glance.

Murong Cham did not allow her to wrap herself with cloth.

"The shop sells something beautiful, let's go see it." Ye Hao took the hand of Murong Cham and walked to the store next to it.

The plaque is written with Jingde Pan.

"This should be the porcelain of Panjiajing in Jingdezhen, Qiguo. It really is a well-deserved reputation." Ye Hao said to Mo Rongzhan with a smile.

The soil of Jingdezhen is good. Many people have been burning porcelain for generations. Since the old generation has created the advantages of southern celadon and northern white porcelain, the reputation of Jingdezhen is even louder. The white porcelain is bright. Moisturizing, the name of a fake jade,

However, when it comes to the porcelain of Jingdezhen, the most famous one is the thin cup lamp of Pan.

“It’s so beautiful, the shapes of these vases and cups are rarely seen in Kyoto.” Ye Hao said to Murong Zhan with a delicate vase.

Ink said that "these are sold overseas, and the way they are made is more suitable for overseas people."

Ye Hao looked again. "Isn't it true that Pande's thin tire cup lights in Jingdezhen are the most amazing? Why didn't you see it?"

The thin tire cup lamp is as white as jade, thin as paper, and as bright as a mirror. It is really the best in the best of the best. It is really white and frosty, thin like an eggshell, and light as a feather.

"Girls are really good insights. Our thin cups and lanterns are indeed famous in the world. However, there are very few masters who will make thin cups and lanterns, so this output is also affected. If you want to see, you can go upstairs. The shopkeeper heard Ye Hao’s voice and walked over and said with a smile.

“Is it difficult to burn out the thin cups and cups?” Ye Hao asked in confusion.

The shopkeeper smiled. "I don't know very well. It's just that the amount of goods sent this year is less, so the price is also rising, so I don't dare to be outside."

Murong Zhan looked at her lowly. "I like it?"

The House of Government seems to have a lot of thin cups and lights. She knew that she liked it and gave it to her.

"I just heard of the reputation, so I want to take a look." Ye Xiao smiled, she did not know how to burn porcelain, at most it is to appreciate a few eyes, "Let's go, go to other places to see."

From Jing Depan’s record, Ye Hao discovered that the silence that had been with them had disappeared.

When I was asked about Murong Cham, Xue Lin said in front of him, "The money is there."

Below the street, I saw a plaque of a big dollar.

Ye Hao’s eyes flashed in an instant, and he took the ink to the past with enthusiasm.

This time she saw her shop for the first time, but the guys inside didn't know her, just treating her as an ordinary guest.

"Who is doing everything for you here?" Murong Zhan saw at a glance that the treasurer of this thousand gold line must not be simple, otherwise how to do business so well.

"It used to be full of time and Tianjiu. Now it should be Sun Shu." Ye Hao smiled. "Since I was buried in a fire, I haven’t given me a book here. I haven’t understood it for the past two years. ”

In the eyes of others, she is now Lu Yi, not Ye Hao, even if they are two sisters, but in the end it is different.

Murong Zhan flashed remorse in his eyes, "Hey..."

"But I wrote a letter and handed the money to Lu Hao, so it is still the same." Ye Hao blinked in a playful manner, and she was able to take over the money. She just didn't want him to know her and the leaves. The relationship between the family is also afraid that he will find the existence of the Qianjin Bank, so he has been letting Hong Ling manage for her.

"Yeah, people caught it!" Shen Shen came out from the outside and whispered in the ink ear.

Ye Hao listened to his words, some strange, when he wanted to ask clearly, he saw the fullness and the red dragonfly coming out from the inside.

"Girl!" Hung Hom cried out when she saw Ye Hao.

"Red Dragonfly?" Ye Hao looked at her in shock. "Manchu? How are you here?"

Man Qin came over with a blank expression and gave Ye Hao a ritual. "Girl, it is a big man who ordered us to come to Tianjin City to find you. We just arrived here yesterday."

Ye Hao was very surprised. When he heard the full work, he had already rounded his eyes. "How do you know that I will be here?"

"Girl, here people come and go where they are not talking, it is better to talk inside." Full of whispers whispered to Ye Hao.

"Okay." Ye Hao looked back at Murong Zhan, worried that he would let her go to her to find her.

Murong Cham's expression is not very good-looking. He thought that Ye Yiqing was sending someone to take Ye Zi.

Behind the shop of the Qianjinxing is a small yard. They just entered the small hall. They will salute the ink-filled slogan when they are full of work. "Imperial, can you let the people of the grass people be released?"

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