On the following day, Su Yanning did not know where to find the place where Murong Zhan left their feet. They had already waited for them under the inn in the early morning.

Ye Hao was stunned by ink to Zhan Zhan on the boat last night. When she woke up, she had already gone to the top three times. When Murong Chan didn’t go anywhere, she was waiting for her in the room. When she heard her movement, he put down the memorial in his hand. come over.

"Wake up?" Murong Chan sat down on the bed and looked at her with a low smile. He was not in a hurry to return to Kyoto. Once he went back, he and she wanted to meet, not to mention every night. She can sleep with her and return to Kyoto. On the day of the wedding, he wants to taste her sweetness.

Ye Hao turned over with her quilt, revealing a large white silky back. Her delicate shoulders were covered with a rose-like matte finish, and there were traces of his last night, remembering last night on the boat. Indulgence, his breath stagnation, the palm of his hand gently stroked on her back.

His palm has a thin layer of martial arts, across her skin, and it takes a burst of ****, Ye Hao backhand wants to push him away, "You don't touch me, I want to sleep for a while."

Murong Cham half lie next to her, the other hand slid into the quilt, familiarly found his favorite baby, and did not care to hold it in his hand. "I want to go out to the river tonight?"

Ye Haobei teeth bite the lips, eyes like a layer of water mist, "No, nowhere to go."

"Well, it's also good in the inn." Murong Zhan said with a smile, gently biting her earlobe.

"You... can you not always think about this." Ye Hao turned around in his arms, and the quilt holding her body was pulled away by him. She had to protect her chest with her hands.

Murong Chan breathed a lot, but he wanted to relive the good taste of last night. However, he still has other things to be busy, not to mention that if she bears it again, she really does not have to walk down today.

"Su Yanning waited below, would like to ask us to go to Sujia, would you like to go? If you don't want to go out, he will let him go." Murong Zhan asked her shoulder.

If she says she doesn't want to go, he will definitely not let her go.

“Go!” Ye Hao said immediately. “Don’t you want to accept the merchants in Jinkou City? Su Yanning is the first person. If he can listen to you, then other people will have no problem.”

How did Murong Chong know her thoughts, and smiled and kissed her pink lips, "Hey, serve you to change clothes."

"Don't you!" Ye Hao refused immediately, she cried. "Let Hong Ling come in, you go out!"

"Hey, he is already very familiar, really don't?" Murong Zhan held back and asked.

Just because I believed him before, I had to slow down for an hour before I went out. She never believed in his rhetoric.

Ye Hao drove him out and called the red dragonfly outside.

Murong Zhan smiled and shook his head, so he had to wait for her downstairs.

Hung Hom and Hong Ling came down with their heads down. They have been serving Ye Xie in Jinkou City for two days. Naturally, they know that their girls and the emperor have already had a husband and wife. When they served the girls in the last two days, they saw She had a little red stamp on her body, and she didn't have to think about who left it, and the house was full of extravagant love, and they were too shy to look up.

Compared with Hung Hom, who is not aware of the predecessors, Hong Ling is worried. She is afraid of fear. She fears that the emperor will once again disappoint the girl. Her so good girl has already suffered enough to suffer and grievances. Just fall in love with the same man?

"Girl..." Hongling looked at the traces of Ye's chest, and he spoke openly.

Ye Hao coveted, how did she not know what Hongling was thinking, but since she decided to believe in Murong Cham, she would not want to remember it anymore in the past. "Isn't it good now?"

Hongling shook his head and sighed. Now, where is the best, there are so many flaws in the emperor's palace. In the future, there will definitely be more beautiful people around. Can he always do this to the girl?

She knows the character of the girl. In the future, she will not be able to look at the emperor to favor other women. If it is so one day, what should the girl do?

"Well, comb my hair for me." Ye Hao put on her clothes and sat down in front of the dressing table.

Red 缨 缨 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁Hooking people, I feel thrilled at first glance.

She appeared in front of Murong Cham, and the quiet lobby of the inn was quiet, and she looked at the fairy who seemed to be out of thin air.

Ye Hao came to Murong Zhan in front of him. "Would I wear men's clothes?"

Murong Zhan really regretted not letting her change. He smiled faintly. The burning in her eyes was only visible to her. "This is good."

Su Yanning, standing behind Murong Zhan, looked at Ye Hao slyly. After a long time, he returned to God and hurriedly bowed his head to hide his gaffe. "Yong Gongzi, Mrs. Rong, has prepared a carriage underneath, please ask the two to use the house." Drinks, people have already prepared for the banquet."

"Su boss, please." Murong Cum whispered, but did not go to Su Yanning's prepared carriage, Shen has already prepared the carriage.

Su Yanning just smiled and let Xiaoyan drive the car in front of the road.

"Do we still have a few days in Jinkou City?" Ye Hao whispered.

Ink said, "Go back in two days and want to go back to Kyoto?"

Ye Hao can't say that she is still anxious to know Zhaoyang and her embarrassing things, maybe she has brought Zhaoyang back to Kyoto.

"It’s natural to miss after so long." Ye Hao whispered.

"Then go back soon." Murong Zhan mouth floated and smiled, "Is eager to become a kiss?"

Ye Hao gave him a sigh of relief, "Who wants to be a relative?"

"Thinking." Murong Zhan kissed her mouth, and he still owed her a room for a night.

Ye Hao’s eyes floated and smiled. Just pushed him away and the carriage stopped slowly.

Su House arrived, Su Yanning asked outside the carriage, "Rong Gongzi, please."

In addition to Su Yanning, Master Su Da is waiting outside. His son survived yesterday and was grateful to Mo Rongzhan and others. He wished to thank them.

In the face of the crowd, the face of the ink-filled Zhanyu appeared in front of the crowd.

"Rong Gongzi came to visit us, we have a long way to welcome the Su family." Master Su Da greeted him and smiled and smiled.

"Polite." Murong Chong nodded.

Su Yanning said with a smile, "Rong Gongzi, please come in."

Ye Hao looked up at Su Zhai, and it was really the first merchant of Jinkou City. This mansion... is similar to the palace of Kyoto.

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