Murong Chong picked up his eyebrows and understood that someone had just said something in front of her in the Su family. He pinched her chin. "Someone sent a woman to you, what do you do?"

"I see that a few of them are still not married, and they are transferred to them." Ye Hao stunned, and patted his hand and bit him in his thin lips. "Is there really someone who sent you a woman?"

"When you have a beautiful beauty like you, who will be boring?" Murong Zhan laughed and kissed her on the cheek. "Your idea is also good. If someone really gives a woman," They will all give them a difference."

Ye Hao smiled, she just said casually, he was still serious.

After the street, Ye Hao came to the interest, "I am going to go."

"There are too many people." Murong Chong slightly raised his eyebrows, worried that she would be collided outside.

Ye said with his sleeves whispered, "Isn't it going to go back in two days? I was suffocated all day at the inn. I don't know when I can come later. You will accompany me to go outside."

Murong Zhan has always had no resistance to her soft voice. He sighed in his heart and told him to stop and stop. "Go down, put on your hat."

"Okay." Ye Hao nodded immediately.

Here, the main street and the business district are somewhat different. The characteristics of the five lakes and the four seas are all there. After Ye Hao walked down, he finally felt that he was going to leave.

Murong Zhan looked at her with a funny smile. "What are you buying?"

Ye Hao looked at the things he was holding on his face. "It's all good things anyway."

"Would you like to go back?" Murong Zhan asked with a smile, reaching out for her hair.

"Yeah." Ye Hao also felt tired and couldn't move, just wanted to go back and rest.

They returned to the inn and were about to go upstairs. A man dressed as a butler came over and handed an invitation to Mo Rongzhan.

Shen Shen took the post over.

In the ink, Zhan Zhan glanced at the invitation sent by Su Yanning, and invited Murong Zhan to paint.

"Su boss wants to see me, let him come." Murong Zhan will post the invitation, he will not go to see Su Yanning, just waiting for him to come to the door.

The butler stunned and wanted to say why they had to come to the second master. Their second master was the boss of Su, but he still couldn’t say too much when he looked at the face of Murong Cham.

"Don't you say that Su Yanning can use it? Why don't you see him?" Going upstairs, Ye Hao asked Murong Zhan in confusion.

Ink Murray smiled faintly. "The place where you paint is not suitable for talking. It is only suitable for the wind and snow."

He wants to use Su Yanning, but he doesn't want to let too many people know, otherwise something will not work.

Thinking of painting the place, Ye Hao also felt that it was better not to go.

The two have used dinner lately, it is almost dark, and they are returning outside the door. Su Yaning came to see him.

"It seems that Su Yanning is not satisfied with being just a businessman." Ye Hao smiled.

"He hopes that the Su family can become the second Lu family." From the merchant to the Marquis, it is a dream that cannot be expected for all businessmen. Now that there is an opportunity to realize this dream, Su Yanning naturally refuses to let go.

Referring to Lu Jia, who is related to Lu Yi, Ye Hao whispered softly. "Is Lu Yuzhi sent to the wilderness, does he want it?"

Murong Zhan laughed. "He will be smarter than Lu Hao."

Is it because Su Yanning does not have a sister who will only be tired of his brother?

"You go see him." Ye Hao took the outer skirt for him to cover him, and picked up his toes to sort out his clothes. "See him, don't accept any messy gifts."

Murong Zhan said with a smile, "Good."

Ye Hao knew that he was promoting her, and took him a look and pushed him out the door.

Seeing his figure disappeared into the entrance, Ye Hao asked Hongling to wash her hair, and she was groomed. She wanted to lie down on the bed and repair the rest. He walked in from the outside and went to Ye Haofu.

"What's wrong?" Ye Hao asked her questioningly.

He took out a delicate and delicate post in his hand. "The county owner, someone outside is looking for the emperor. This is the post sent by the other party."

Alas? Ye Hao took a moment, did Murong Zhan go to see Su Yanning? How to send a post over.

"I look." She took the post in her hand, a light fragrance scented, Ye Hao slightly frowning, this is probably not a post sent by Sujia, open it, it is as she guessed.

“Where is the Qingyinfang?” The people of the Qingyinfang will actually give a message to the ink-filled Zhan, and the name is still Rong Gongzi. It seems that Murong Zhan has a past with this Qingyinfang...there is a past, otherwise people will not I sent the post here.

He whispered, "Returning to the county, the Qingyinfang is the painting on the side of Baishawan. Unlike other paintings, the women in the Qingyinfang are all selling and not selling."

Ye Hao remembered, and last night it seemed to have heard that Murong Zhan had mentioned such a place.

"Who is this Qi Niang?" Ye Hao put the post on the table and didn't want to look at the second look.

Both Hong Ling and Hung Hom are looking at each other at the same time.

He whispered back. "The slaves have been talking about the people who listened to the inn on these two days. There is a head of the Qingyinfang called Xia Qi Niang. The chess and calligraphy paintings are all proficient. I heard that it is a famous talented woman in Jinkou City."

"What a woman, not a boat Ji!" Hong Ling snorted. "Don't dare to send the post here, hey, throw it out, I don't have to look disgusting."

Ye Hao smiled faintly. "The post is kept, but it is not for me. I am going back to the person. I am not in the inn now, so that the summer girl does not have to wait tonight. If she wants to see her tomorrow, she will naturally Go."

"The slaves went back to her," he said, turning and going downstairs.

Xiaochun had been waiting impatiently at the stairs. When he saw the cockroaches appearing, he immediately came over. "What about Rong Gongzi?"

Look at her coldly and coldly, "our lord is not here now, the post has been accepted, and when our husband returns, he will be handed over to him."

"Don't you give the post to someone else, if Rong Gongzi didn't see it? I told you that Rong Gongzi and our girl are old-fashioned." Xiaochun called.

"Then you are waiting here, when you see Rong Gongzi, you go up and ask him to be." He whispered, when he saw this ring with his eyes on his head. Was thrown out.

Xiaochun said, "You don't think I won't. Today I have to wait until Rong Gongzi."

I don’t even look at her when I look at it. "Please."

Only went upstairs, but saw the red diamond standing in the corner, she will pull the past. "You said it is good, this kind of person should not be polite."

"Yeah." 蒹葭 smack nodded.

Hong Ling is somewhat worried. Is it true that the emperor and the Xia Qi Niang really know each other?

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