Murong Chong returned to the room and saw that Ye Hao was happily sorting out the little things that I didn’t know where I bought it today. I didn’t have to be affected by Xia Qi Niang.

"Where did you go today?" Murong Zhan came in and Fu Gonggong went to change clothes for him.

Ye Haotou also laughed back. "We went to the Qianjin line and walked around in the vicinity and bought a lot of fun and interesting objects."

"It seems that I am in a good mood today." Murong Zhan said with a smile.

"Why don't you have a bad mood for no reason?" Ye Haotou did not return to ask, his tone was cheerful.

Murong Chan sat down beside her, looked up at her face, and really did not see the unhappy look at all. "Can someone find you downstairs?"

"You said Xia Qi Niang?" Ye Hao looked at him. "Do you think that I will be angry because she came to you? In the eyes of the emperor, I am so narrow-minded, really close to you." Can't women fit?"

"What can't be tolerated, you won't have other people except you." Murong Zhan whispered.

Ye Hao smiled. "That's not it. What else do I need to be angry?"

Murong Zhan shook his head and laughed. It seems that he did not put Xia Qi Niang in his eyes.

"Let's go back to Kyoto tomorrow." He still wants to spend more time with her outside, but he is an emperor after all, and it is always bad to leave Beijing for too long.

"Okay, I want to go back. Don't get to Kyoto at the time, we are still outside." Ye Hao said with a smile.

In this case, Murong Chong thinks that Ye Yiqing will go to Kyoto. The last thing he wants to deal with is Ye Yiqing.

On the next day, Murong Chan left Yeh Teng with Ye Hao. They no longer need to go to Wangdu City. Naturally, they don’t have to take the waterway. They will return to Kyoto from Jinkou City. If they are on the road overnight, it will be enough for ten days. They are not in a hurry. On the road, it has been half a month since I arrived in Kyoto.

Ye Hao left Kyoto for a year, and now she is back here, her mood has an inexplicable feeling.

She once thought about leaving the place forever after revenge, and whoever thought she finally came back.

"Hey, if you didn't go to Bailongjiang to find you in the same year, you just saved you from Lu Hao's hand. Would you...have your own identity for a lifetime?" Murong Zhan felt the same feeling when she left Kyoto. What he fears most is that she refuses to come back.

Ye Xie looked at the sacred and majestic city gate. "I didn't intend to tell you. I just wanted to find a quiet place to live after revenge. I don't want to have anything to do with you anymore."

Murong Chan held her in her arms. Fortunately, he went to find her at that time, and forced her to tell the truth about Ye Hao, otherwise they would not be like this...

"Quick stop." Ye Hao's eyes lit up, and the feeling in his heart had been replaced by excitement. She saw Lu Shiming and his wife. "My sister-in-law came to pick me up."

"How did Lu Shiming know that you are going back to Beijing today?" Murong Cham asked, and he thought about taking her into the palace.

Ye Hao said with a smile, "Let people bring them to them when they are standing."

"And the 朕 advanced palace?" Murong Zhan grabbed her little hand and said.

"What do I have to enter the palace with you now? You are going to the royal family, but now I brought it back. Others don't know that I went to the military camp. I don't have to misunderstand us. I will go to the palace tomorrow to ask the Queen Mother." Ye Hao whispered, but her heart was a little uneasy about going to see the Queen Mother. When she left Kyoto, the Queen Mother was angry with her. I don't know if she was already out of breath.

Murong Zhan licked her head. "Then go to the palace tomorrow."

Ye Hao went down from the carriage and waved at the Lu Shiming couple standing in front of the city gate. "Hey, mother."

"Yes..." He saw the daughter he hadn't seen in a year, and excitedly grabbed Lu Shiming's hand. Their daughter finally came back.

Lu Shiming's eyes are reddish. He suppresses the joy and excitement in his heart. He can't behave like his wife. He must be calm and calm. "Well, it's coming back."

"This girl also knows to come back and play crazy outside." Yan's tears in his eyes, still complaining about Ye Hao.

Ye Hao came over and just heard the words of Yu, and immediately smiled at the arm of the arm, "Mom, I am back."

He gently touched her forehead. "I still know how to come back."

"I think about you every day, how can I not know how to come back, hey, mother, my daughter is not good, let you worry." Ye Hao said with a low head.

Lu Shiming looked at her more beautiful and beautiful daughter, saw her ruddy, and grew taller. It shows that this year is a good day. "It’s good to come back."

He took his daughter's shoulder. "Let's go home, your brother sent us a letter, tell us everything, go back and teach you well."

"Mother, I just came back. You shouldn't be able to hurt me? How do you want to train me?" Ye Hao shouted.

"Who makes you disobedient." He glanced at her.

Lu Shiming smiled and shook his head. He knew that Yu was just talking about it. He didn’t know more about the children outside this year. He took a look at the carriage behind his daughter. "Hey, are you a person back to Kyoto?"

How did he see the guards around the emperor here? Is it... is it coming back with the emperor?

Ye Hao looked at the carriage and knew that Murong Chan was not suitable to appear here at this time. "Hey, let's go back and talk."

Lu Shiming saw her daughter's reaction. What else did she not understand? He gestured to the person in the carriage and said to Ye Hao, "It is not early, let's go back."

"The emperor, the county owner and Lu Daren they left." Wu Chong said next to the carriage.

"Well, go back to the palace." Murong Zhan said faintly.

Murong Zhan did not come back this time. Many of the ministers in Kyoto did not know that he was coming back. Of course, except Tang Yan is an exception.

"Chen Chen has seen the emperor." Murong Zhan just entered the palace, Tang Yan has asked for it.

"How about Wangducheng?" Murong Zhan was dressed by the palace to replace him and asked Tang Yan to go to Dongqing.

Tang Yan replied, "When Chen went to Wangdu City, Ye Daren had already suppressed the rebel. After the emperor of Dongqing State executed Liu Wenxue, Chen was already back."

Ink Murray nodded faintly. "Oh, I know, this grandfather of the father-in-law seems to be able to be a good man, and he can be a prime minister and a general."

"Yeah, Ye Daren is not only brilliant, it seems that the martial arts strategy is extraordinary..." Tang Yu said, "There was no such thing as a point in the past. He is the one who is really hidden in Ye Family."

"Ye Ye had Ye Yisong in the same year. If Ye Yiqing did not do this, it is estimated that he would not live now." Murong Zhan said faintly, "You should go back first, and you have to go to the Queen Mother."

Don Juan should have a voice.

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