Ye Hao carefully and replied to the questions of the Queen Mother. It is no longer as unscrupulous as it used to be. It is still different after all.

The Queen Mother is still very satisfied with Ye Hao’s attitude, at least not because she is about to enter the palace. She has a sentence to ask you, the emperor has already set the wedding date, do you know?

"The girl knows." Ye Hao gently nodded.

"After the emperor wants to stand up for you, can you have a hint of unwillingness in your heart?" The Queen Mother looked at Ye Hao violently, and she wanted to see through her heart suddenly.

Ye Hao looked back at the Queen Mother's attention. If she had resentment against Murong Cham, how could she follow him back? "The Queen Mother, why are you asking?"

The Queen Mother said, "The emperor is the son of the mourning family. The mourner can't look at him and marry a woman who hates him."

"The minister has no resentment against the emperor." Ye Hao whispered, too much of a misunderstanding, she thought she was married to Murong Cham for revenge?

"You have no resentment, then your father Ye Yiqing?" asked the Queen Mother.

Ye Hao heard and smiled and shook his head. "The Queen Mother, you don't know my father. If he can't let go of his heart, and he still wants to take revenge, he won't let me go back to Kyoto. My father is even less likely to use it." My daughter is going to take revenge."

The Queen Mother looked at Ye Hao suspiciously. "You and Ye Yiqing just recognized this year, so I know him?"

"He is my biological father. How difficult is it to understand him?" Ye Hao asked.

"When you hear that, the mourner is relieved." The Queen Mother nodded gently. "There is no other meaning in the mourning home. I hope that the people around the emperor are really sincere to him. Hey, you should understand the mourning home." Meaning."

Ye Hao’s eyes looked brightly toward the Queen Mother. “The Queen Mother, the courtier understands.”

In the eyes of the Queen Mother, even if she likes her more, her son is more important. There is no doubt about who he is.

"You go to the aunt, he heard that you are going to the palace today, saying that he is coming to you, and now he should have returned from the study." The Queen said with a smile.

Ye Hao had a bit of sorrow and grief in her heart. When she was like her mother and daughter, she could not return to that situation now.

"The Queen Mother, the minister first retired." Ye Hao bowed his first bow and slowly withdrew from the hall.

The Queen Mother looked at her back and sighed helplessly.

"The goddess, the county owner seems to have lost weight." Cheng Aunt gave the Queen Mother a cup of tea and whispered.

"Yeah, it's thinner and taller. It's no longer the little girl a year ago." The Queen Mother said faintly. "The mourner looked at her and felt old."

Cheng Auntu smiled. "The Queen Mother, where are you old, think more."

"You said that the sorrower liked her so much before. Now she thinks that she wants to be a daughter-in-law, but she feels..." The Queen Mother stopped when she said half of it. Now, when she looks at Lu Hao, there is no feeling of pain in the past. It is.

Daughters and daughter-in-law are naturally different! Cheng Aunt said with a smile, "You have always loved the younger generation. It is too long to see the county owner has a strange feeling. It will be a few days later."

The Queen Mother said, "The emperor is not fortunate for her. This kind of infatuation, I really don't know who it is."

Cheng Auntu laughed. "The Queen Mother, men are not all greedy, and the best they can't get."

"Yeah, wait for you to enter the palace, the emperor has been fresh, and it may be just fine." The Queen Mother laughed. When the emperor saw a more vivid woman, he would definitely be tempted.

Looking at the Queen Mother's thoughtful look, Cheng Aunt paused in his heart.



Ye Hao left the Cining Palace and hesitated for a moment. He then walked in the direction of the emperor. Before he went to the emperor's office, he saw that Murong was coming from another direction.

The teenager who came far away, like the ink-handedness that she met when she was a child, but he did not have the coldness and majesty on the face of Murong Zhan, but also seemed handsome and refreshing.

"Hey!" Murong Yu had already seen her, and the handsome smile showed a big smile and strode over to her.

Ye Xiaomei’s eyes showed a smile, remembering that he was a child for the first time, but now he has become a handsome boy, because her rebirth has given this boy a chance to continue his life. When your own brother is treated like that.

"How long have you not seen, how long are you growing up?" Ye Hao smiled and looked at Murong, and when he came to her, he found that he was taller than her.

Murong snorted and pointed at her. "You didn't say goodbye to me when you left. I haven't caught up with it for a long time. It's not enough friends."

At that time, Ye Hao left Kyoto in the middle of the night. Even Murong Zhan didn't know. The departure of Murong Yu was definitely her substitute. Since she is a substitute, how can she let others catch up? "I don't know you. Come and send me, oh, I’m going out, isn’t this coming back?”

"At that time, I thought that you would not come back again." The anger on the face of Murong Yu became a low, knowing that she is the daughter of Ye Yiqing, he is worried that she will not come back after she left, after all, Ye Haohe Ye Jia’s business, he felt that even if he didn’t want to come back, it would be normal to not see the emperor.

But she is still back!

Ye Hao wanted to touch his head as before, but found that she could not touch it. "How can I not come back? My mother is still in Kyoto."

Murong smirked and smiled, with a few minutes, "I know, there is a brother."

Ye Hao cheeked his face reddishly. "You know more."

"When you are not there, the emperor seems to be unhappy, and often does not come to the harem, it is not easy to see him after the mother." Murong said.

"There should be nothing happening in the palace?" Ye Hao asked in a low voice.

Murong Yan and her side by side to the gazebo of the Imperial Garden, "What can happen? Although Ye Yaoyao is pleased with the mother, but now people are not there, do not care about her."

Ye Hao slightly sighed, "How does Ye Yaoyao please the Queen Mother?"

She remembered that although she was sympathetic to Ye Yaoyao before, she could say that she liked it, that would not be possible.

"How do I know, but Ye Yaoyao seems to be different from before. Anyway, she is dead, and she does not need to pay attention to him." Murong said.

Ye Hao thought that Murong would think that Ye Yaoyao is not necessarily, definitely because she replied to memory, so it looks a little different.

"How did you learn to ride the horse this year?" Ye Yan asked with a smile, no longer asking Ye Yaoyao.

"Definitely better than you, let's find a time to compare and test?" Murong blinked and shouted.

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