Yu’s last time was that Ye Hao was almost assassinated at Huguo Temple. When Xu’s family was ransacked, she personally went to Huguosi and wished her. Now that her daughter is back, she feels how to go to the incense. Only then.

"Mother, I want to go to the medicine field today." Ye Hao whispered, she did not want to go to Huguo Temple.

"When can't go to the medicine field, today the abbot of Huguo Temple is right, we have a fragrance, the last time you got blessed, it's okay."

Ye Hao said helplessly, "Well, I will accompany you."

Kuang took a look at her and let the ring to prepare the carriage.

Lu Shiming walked in from the outside and held a letter in his hand. "What happened? Are you going to go out?"

"Hey, are you coming back so early today, aren't you going to play chess with Xu Lao?" Ye Hao saw him smile and asked.

Because Ding is at home, Lu Shiming has nothing to do on weekdays. Once he went to Kyoto's chess club, he happened to meet the old man who passed through there. After a game, he became a friend. Now Lu Shiming goes to see Xu family every day.

However, it was all after the lunch, and the old man was not at home in the morning.

"I didn't go to play chess today, I received a letter from Ye Daren in the morning." Lu Shiming said.

Ye Hao slightly stunned, "Ah?"

"Ye Daren should have arrived in Kyoto in two days." Lu Shiming said with a smile, "It should be for your family."

"..." Wouldn't it be to stop her from marrying Murong Cham?

He said, "Ye Daren can't live in Hongjun Temple this time. Isn't he asking Ye Daren to live in our house?"

"Mother, you forgot, the emperor has already returned the original Yejia Mansion to his father. This time the father came back, he should live there." Ye Jiada’s house was sealed for two years and finally returned.

She and her sister are not rare in the Ye Family House, but the yard where they lived was designed by the original. She really liked it, and she was reluctant to give this house to others, so that others would ruin the hard work of the year.

Murong Cham should be able to see her mind.

"Hey, what do you say in my father's letter?" Ye Hao asked curiously.

Lu Shiming said, "Just say this, there is nothing else, I am here to tell you, you are not going to go out with your mother, go."

He even nodded. "That is, Ye Daren is not coming back these two days. Let's go to Huguo Temple first."

Ye Hao had to say, "Okay."

They don't need to go to Huguo Temple for a long time. However, when Yu and Ye Hao came, they were the most people. However, Ye Hao still carefully found some differences.

"Mother, you found that there is not a lot of soldiers under the Huguosi Mountain." Ye Hao looked suspicious, just came along, as if he saw many soldiers.

He has been sitting in the carriage, unlike Ye Hao, who is lying in the window. She didn't find any difference. "It's wrong."

When they entered the Huguo Temple, they realized that the Queen Mother had come back today.

"The Queen Mother is now in Huguo Temple?" Ye Hao was surprised to ask the little sister who came to greet them. I thought that if the Queen Mother came back, she would not stop people who would be fragrant in the mountains, let alone Huguo Temple. The various stalls outside are so lively and extraordinary. It’s hard to guess that there will be a Queen Mother in the future.

Xiao Yan whispered, "Yes, isn’t Lu Girl looking for the Queen Mother?"

Ye Hao stunned. It turned out that this little sister thought she was coming to the Queen Mother, so she told her that the Queen Mother is here?

She did not know that the Queen Mother would go to Huguo Temple today. If she knew it, she would definitely not come.

"Hey..." Hey gently pulled her sleeves. "The Queen Mother is here, should I go to please?"

Ye Hao whispered, "The Queen Mother may not want to see us."

The Queen Mother is not as good as her, she may not want to see her at all.

When her words were just finished, there was a little hurriedly walked over. "Lu girl, Queen Mother, please come to the apse."

Ye Hao stunned, the Queen Mother knew that she was coming so soon?

"Niang?" Ye Hao turned his head and looked at Yu.

He whispered, "Go and ask the Queen Mother."



At this point, the mood in the queen of the apse does not look very good.

She did not think that Lu Hao would come to Huguo Temple today. Wouldn't it be a deliberate attempt to bump into her?

"The Queen Mother, the slaves have already let people go to the county owner." Cheng Aunt whispered, the eyes looked at the changes in the look of the Queen, only to know that the county owner also went to Huguo Temple, she obviously found the Queen is very unhappy.

It’s just a coincidence. The Queen Mother did not know the Huguo Temple. I didn’t even let the abbot seal the temple. What is the Queen’s unhappy?

"When I don't want to see it, it always appears." The Queen Mother said coldly, the appearance of Lu Hao, her plans for today are all destroyed, she must not let Lu Hao know about it.

Cheng Gu’s heart was shocked. Did the Queen Mother have such a dislike for the county owner?

The Queen Mother said, "Let's come over."

After all, she gave a look to a nearby palace lady, and the palace lady quietly retired.

After a while, Yu and Ye Hao came over.

"The minister gave the Queen Mother peace."

"The courtiers give peace to the Queen Mother."

The Queen Mother swept them and gave them a smile. "Let's get up, how come you to Huguo Temple today?"

He said with a smile, "When I came back to the Queen Mother, I was a minister who used to come and pray for blessings last year. Although I have already returned, I just came back and thought of bringing her to the last incense. I didn't expect to meet the Queen Mother."

"Oh?" The Queen Mother glanced at Ye Hao, "Hey, what are you asking for?"

"After returning to the Queen Mother, the woman who asked for it was safe and smooth, and there was nothing else to ask for." Ye Hao whispered back.

The Queen Mother nodded faintly. "The House of Sorrow is still hoping today. Let your mother and daughter go to the incense."

I have seen the love of Lu Hao in the past, and I saw the indifference of the Queen Mother today. The impact in her heart is not small. I finally managed to restrain my head and look at my daughter. "Yes, then we will not I am disturbing you."

"Go." The Queen Mother nodded. She was willing to let them come to see her. It was already a face.

Yan took the leafhopper and left the apse. Both the mother and the daughter went to the front hall and slowed down.

"Mother, are you okay?" Ye Hao had long guessed the attitude of the Queen Mother to her, but it seemed that she was a little surprised.

"Hey, are you not irritated by the Queen?" He looked nervously at Ye Hao. It’s still not in the palace. The Queen Mother seems to like it very much. What should I do in the future?

Ye Hao said helplessly, "Mother, I am no longer a princess. How can the Queen Mother love me as a daughter?"

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