Although Murong Zhan wanted her to think tightly, but she did not have no sense of scale. After she had been addicted, she resisted the urge. He licked her hand. "Today’s Queen Mother originally wanted to go to Huguo Temple together, and did not go. She is annoyed, and it is cold to you."

Ye Xie knew that the Queen Mother was cold to her. It was not because of this incident. There was a gap a year ago. She leaned her head on his shoulder and said softly. "I used to anger the Queen Mother. I feel bad about you, naturally I don’t like me."

"She doesn't know that you are Ye Hao." The person who made the mistake was him. The Queen Mother did not know the truth.

"Yeah." Ye Hao gently nodded, because she knew that the Queen Mother did not know her and Mo Rongzhan's past, so she understood the attitude of the Queen Mother to her.

Murong Zhan kissed her mouth and said with a smile, "We are really sensible."

Ye Hao glanced at him. "Is that stupid person in your mind?"

"Nature is not, you are the empress of the queen, but also the mother of the world, how can it be stingy."

"I should be coming to Kyoto soon." Ye Hao said with a smile, "I don't know if I will bring Xiaoqi back."

The face of Murong Cham changed slightly. "How come the little wolf is brought back?"

"Small seven is a small satyr?" Ye Hao looked at him with a smile and smiled. "What are you? The night scent is not a big wolf?"

"The big satyr?" Murong Zhan scorned and pinched her nose. "It's you."

Ye Hao pushed his shoulder. "Are you not wanting me to be relieved tonight? Well, I have relaxed my mind, you are going back."

Murong Zhan ordered her forehead. "Is this going to drive me away?"

"What do you stay here?" Ye Hao asked in a hurry.

"With you." Murong Chong took her up and walked to the bed. "When you sleep, leave."

Ye Hao whispered, "Are you very busy when you returned to Kyoto?"

"It's just that there are some things that have not been dealt with." Murong Zhan squatted down beside her and kissed her cheek. "Oh, there is still more than a month, I will be able to marry you again."

"Yeah." It wasn't the first time she married her. When she heard this, her heartbeat jumped quickly.

Murong Chong hooked his lips and gently patted her back. "Sleep."

The two people in the room are sweet, just bitter outside the two rings.

"How come the emperor hasn't come out yet?" He asked the red dragonfly with a frown. This is going to be in the sky. When is the emperor planning to stay?

Red and red face, "Can you remind me?"

"If the lady is here..." Although the county owner and the emperor already have a marriage contract, they can't.

If you haven’t finished talking, Murong Chan just walked out from inside. He glanced at them faintly. "Serve your county lord."

"Yes." He and the red dragonfly bowed down. When they looked up again, they could not see the figure of Murong Cham.



On the official road, a carriage slowly moved forward, followed by a number of carriages dedicated to loading cargo.

"Kyoto is here." In the carriage, a young woman picked up the curtain and looked out, the past was like a smoke, and the memory came back to her mind.

When she was young, she was also the apple of her father. At that time, her mother had not passed away. Her life in the palace was both happy and happy. When she was six years old, her mother suddenly said that she died of violent illness. It is.

Zhaoyang mouth floated a sneer, she never believed that her mother died of a violent illness. It was because her father and stepmother had an affair. The stepmother killed her mother and was able to enter the house. Unfortunately, she did not have any evidence.

The watch who used to be like her close friend became her stepmother, and the family relationship between them was no longer there, only the hatred that had not been torn.

"This time I live in the Yejia Mansion, I don't have to go back to the county palace." Ye Yiqing whispered.

Zhaoyang smiled. "I didn't intend to live in the county palace. I don't have to live with you. This Kyoto has the property that my mother left for me. I have been dealing with her dowry for years. I went there. Just staying."

Ye Yiqing frowned, and some did not agree with Zhaoyang’s decision.

"When I was in Dongqing, I didn't know my past. It's not the same here. Even if you don't have a reputation for yourself, always think about it for me." Zhaoyang said helplessly, she can care. The reputation of media-free match is different. He is a high-ranking singer in Dongqing. After Jinmen is a famous man, he will soon become a national governor. How can it be damaged because of her?

"Where is your house?" Ye Yiqing asked.

Zhaoyang knew that he must have listened to her words. "It is in the gourd lane."

"It is not far from the Ye House." Ye Yiqing was satisfied with the nod. "Is this thing coming back, let people talk to your older brother?"

"They didn't care about my life and death, then what happened to them with them." Zhaoyang said faintly, she did not intend to return to the county palace.

Her father is dead, only the big brother and stepmother who have no conscience before, she will not tarnish her eyes.

"Your big brother and you are not a close relative?" Ye Yiqing asked in confusion.

Zhaoyang said coldly, "How about being a prostitute, He married his niece to him. He didn't remember my sister's life and death in a few days. He has forgotten that I am his sister. Why should I care about him?"

"Since you didn't treat them as relatives, you don't have to mention the things that you mentioned. When you get married, let people say it." Ye Yiqing said.

"Don't you still plan to be in Jin Guocheng?" Zhao Yang asked in surprise.

Ye Yiqing smiled. "That is natural."

"You are crazy!" Zhaoyang screamed. "I am the status of the county owner when I return to Jinguo. Even if He and my brother can't control me, how can the emperor agree? After all, I was the first emperor. Married."

"He disagreed, I have my own way." Ye Yiqing said with a smile.

Zhaoyang felt helpless. After these days, she knew that he was a man who must do what he said, even if she disagreed, she could not stop him.

Forget it, no matter whether the emperor will agree, she will leave with him in the future.

"In the past two years, I haven’t left any industry in Wangdu City. Now I am married, I can only afford a dowry. I will marry you in the future... I am afraid that the hiring is not enough. Only I am the most valuable." Ye Yiqing Zhaoyang’s hand said.

Zhaoyang is faintly authentic. "If you follow me, there will always be a meal."

"Thank you for taking care of my wife." Ye Yiqing said with a smile.

"Don't worry, thank you for your performance." Zhaoyang couldn't help but laugh.

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