Murong Chan came out to Ye Zhai before dark, and Ye Yiqing had already guessed that he would appear. He had set up a coffee table in the study.

"The emperor is coming to the emperor, and the lower official has a long way to meet." Ye Yiqing sat in the same place, looking at the ink and faint gaze.

"It seems that Ye Daren is expected to be a god, knowing that he will come to visit today." Mo Rongzhan's dark blue rounded clothes make him more handsome and temperamental.

Ye Yiqing glanced at him. "It was a guess, but the emperor came earlier."

Murong Chan sat down on the opposite side of Ye Yiqing. "Compared to the last time, Ye Daren’s mood can be different this time?"

"Nature is different. The last time I recognized my daughter, this time I have to marry my daughter again. It is depressed. I don’t think I can come to the emperor." Ye Yiqing sneered and sipped a cup of tea for the two.

"When the daughter of her sister is married, she will naturally realize the feelings of Ye Daren." Murong Zhan said with a smile, now he does not realize the feeling of Ye Yiqing at all, just want to hurry into the palace.

Ye Yiqing glanced at him. "Are you worried that I will stop you from marrying you?"

"Don't worry." Murong Zhan shook his head gently, he would not admit it. "The last time I heard that Wang Ducheng was besieged, it was Ye Daren who helped Wang Ducheng out of trouble with his own strength. I couldn't think that Ye Daren was not only brilliant but also proficient in warfare. The martial arts, those who used to look down on you, should dig their eyes."

"Less is flatter here, if I change my position in Jinguo, I am afraid that you are not saying this, maybe you have to find ways to suppress me." Ye Yiqing said softly.

Ink Murray said in a positive color, "If Ye Daren is willing to return to the Jin Guo Chao Tang to serve, you must seal you as a prime minister. The users are not suspicious. If the suspects do not need it, you will definitely believe in you."

Ye Yiqing's mouth evokes a mocking smile. He naturally won't take Murong Zhan's words seriously, even if Murong Chan deliberately does not doubt, other people? Nowadays, how many people in the Jinguo Chaotang have once fallen into the stone of the Ye family. He really wants to be a prime minister in Jinguo, and he must become a deadly enemy with these people.

It’s a day when I’m comfortable with Dongqing’s comfort. However, in Jin’s life, he’s not burning his brain.

In fact, Murong Chan also knows that Ye Yiqing is unlikely to return to Jin Guo as an official. He appreciates Ye Yiqing's talents. Especially after he knows that he defeated Liu Wenxue, he felt that this is a pillar of the country. Dong Qingguo has him. As long as Li Wei is not stupid, he can protect. Dongqingguo does not fall for fifty years.

Ye Yiqing’s guarantee for Mo Rongzhan was just a smile, and then he sank again. “You are running my daughter in the quicksand city. I haven’t liquidated you yet!”

If it weren't for this little **** to bring back the cockroach, how could he take his daughter so quickly?

"Ye Daren, this time, apart from the hustle and bustle of the family, I don't know if you have anything else?" Murong Zhanhe smiled and quickly turned the topic away.

Ye Yiqing glanced at him coldly and really made this stinky boy right, and he had other things.

"Do you still remember the owner of Zhaoyang County?" Ye Yiqing asked faintly.

Murong Zhan gently decapitated, often heard squats on the road, how could not remember.

"So, the emperor knows what time she had been in the North Ming State?" Ye Yiqing asked again.

"Hey, hey, I’m going to check it out," said Murong Cham.

The implication is that he is very aware of Zhaoyang’s experience in the North Ming State and is more aware of the reasons for her departure.

"If Zhaoyang is back, how does the emperor plan to treat her?" Ye Yiqing looked down at the tea in the teacup. He couldn't care about the county palace, but Zhaoyang was the county owner of Jinguo. Unless Murong Zhan nodded, she would marry again. Not as easy as she imagined herself.

Murong Zhan looked up to Ye Yiqing, why is he so worried about Zhaoyang? It seems that I was so concerned about Zhaoyang not only because of Ye Hao’s concern.

"Ye Daren, I heard that Zhaoyang has been living in your house?" Murong Zhan asked tentatively.

Ye Yiqing said, "Zhaoyang once saved my life. Before I went to find his older brother, I entrusted her home temporarily."

"If Zhaoyang comes back, she will naturally compensate her, so that she will remain honored in this life, and will not change because she is a widow."

"According to the emperor's meaning, is it to let her continue to guard the so-called honor for a lifetime?" Ye Yiqing asked sarcastically.

When Murong Zhan listened to Ye Yiqing, he finally felt that it was wrong. "Ye Daren, what do you mean, do you want to marry Zhaoyang again?"

Not to mention him, even the former emperor, there is no precedent for the widow's marriage, Zhaoyang was wronged in the North Ming country, but in the end is the remarriage, who can he point her to? If the status is too low, it is not worthy of Zhaoyang. Who is willing to marry a widow? Even if I was forced to smash Zhaoyang by the imperial power, I was afraid that I could not do the husband and wife, wouldn’t that harm Zhaoyang?

Ye Yiqing said faintly, "That does not need to be given a marriage, as long as the emperor allows her to marry again."

Murong Zhan’s eyes flashed a bit of a strange, "Remarriage free?"

"Zhaoyang County is still young, can't it be that she is so widowed? It is inconvenient for the emperor to give her a marriage, and it is best to let her marry again."

"Isn't Zhaoyang already having someone who wants to marry again?" Mo Rongzhan asked, and found that Ye Yiqing should not be asked about this question. How could Ye Yiqing know that he should treat Zhaoyang as a daughter now, so he hopes Zhaoyang can have a good life in his later life.

Ye Yiqing said, "Is it important for her to marry again?"

Murong Zhan nodded gently, "Zhaoyang still stay in the prime minister's house?"

"She is in Kyoto." Ye Yiqing said.

"Ye Daren, this thing is going to make a decision after seeing Zhaoyang. However, you can rest assured that you will not be guilty of Zhaoyang." Zhaoyang was also sacrificed for the country. If Jinguo is strong, Beiming How dare the country to ask for the royal women on their side? Although Zhaoyang is not a princess, she is also the daughter of the prince, who is the master of the county, but she was so wronged in the North Ming State.

As the emperor of the Jin State, Mo Rongzhan feels very angry, there is also a kind of self-confidence, the emperor is in power, if not he is incompetent, how do you need to sacrifice Zhaoyang for peace? And it is still a fake peace. Every year, I don’t know how many treasures I need to tribute to the North Ming State until he is enthralled.

Ye Yiqing knows that he can't let Murong Zhan agree at once, anyway, there is still time, and always let Murong Zhan nod.

"Okay." He picked up the teacup. "The emperor, there is a ugly word to say in the front. If you are wronged in the future, whether you are an emperor or not, I will take her away."

"Hey, she won't let her be wronged." Murong Zhan whispered.

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