Ye Lanan knew Lu Xiangzhi as a person in Ye Qikou. He also knew that he really loved his sister. He had long wanted to see Lu Xiangzhi. He did not expect to see him on the first day of his return to Kyoto.

Lu Xiang was originally planning to invite Ye Lannan to Lu Jia, but he was surrounded by a crying man. He really couldn't open this mouth.

"Lu brother, I visited the door in the next day. I almost accidentally injured you today. It is very embarrassing." Ye Xiaonan smiled at Lu Xiang’s work, and looked at the small hair that was still crying.

"Good." Lu Xiangzhi said with a smile.

Ye Xiaonan smiled a little, and did not suffocate to the monkey next to him. "You have finished, crying enough, I am not dead, you are crying."

"Hey!" the monkey cried. "I thought you were crying when you died."

"I am still not happy when I am alive?" Ye Xiaonan asked with a smile. "Hou Shizi, I can't see you being so affectionate about me."

Hou Peidong wiped away the tears on his face and reached out to grab the hand of Ye Yinan. "How come you are still alive? I am afraid that I will only quietly give you a sacrifice."

"You are my old man?" Ye Xiaonan looked at him with a smile.

"Don't dare, don't dare!" Hou Peidong remembered Ye Daren, who had recently risen in the wind in Kyoto, and he was so scared.

Ye Yinan looked at him and he was so happy that he laughed happily.

Hou Peidong has calmed down in excitement at this time. He took a look at Ye Yinan and suddenly found that he was very different from the previous style. "Anan, you seem to have changed a lot."

"That's not very good." Ye Xiaonan smiled. "Go, go to my house and say."

"Your home?" Hou Peidong looked at him with surprise.

Ye Xiaonan asked with a smile, "Yes, my family, Ye Family!"

Hou Peidong just remembered that Ye Yiqing and Ye Zhaonan had already been different before, and Lu Hao, who was about to become a queen, seemed to be Ye Xiaonan’s sister.

"I heard that Lu Hao is your sister, really?" Hou Peidong asked quietly.

Ye Yinan walked side by side with him. "What do you think I am coming back for?"

"Is it back? Is it because the marriage of Lu Yan is not enough..." Hou Peidong screamed, "Give a sister to marry!"

"Hey, monkey, I haven't seen you for a few years. You are getting more and more stupid." Ye Xiaonan said with a smile.

Hou Peidong glanced at him and looked back at Jin Shanshan. He gathered in Ye Yinan's ear. "Who is the woman behind you? Your lady?"

"My ring!" Ye Yannan said faintly.

"Hey ring?" Hou Peidong screamed, "I really can't see it is a ring."

Ye Xiaonan said with a smile, "My ring is naturally unusual."

Jin Shanshan stunned Ye Yannan.

Hou Peidong whispered, "You are really unusual in this ring, and your temper is not very good."

Ye Xiaonan just laughed happily, and the female general became a ring, and whose temper could be better?

They soon walked outside Yejiamen. Ye Xiaonan had not knocked at the door yet. The butler had already found him and shouted loudly. "The young master is back."

"Hey, I really didn't think I could go to this place again." Hou Peidong looked at the word Yefu on the threshold, and he wanted to catch Ye Xiaonan's sleeve and cry.

"Don't you be like a girl crying and crying?" Ye Yannan said with a sigh of relief, "Go, I should be at home."

Hou Peidong said, "I haven't visited Ye Ye for a long time."



Ye Hao didn't think that Murong Yi really let Liang Chun write and leave the book to Lu Fanger after three days.

"How did you do it?" She looked at Murong Yu in astonishment and was really impressed with this kid.

Inkor smiled slyly. "Isn't Liang Chunchun remember the boss of Mei all day? But because there is a king in front of him, he dare not act rashly. Last time, he was scorned by the emperor because of the dispute with King Ji. Therefore, I went to Ji Wang and asked Ji Wang and Liang Chun to say that as long as he dared to retire his wife, Ji Wang would not go to the mustard garden afterwards. In fact, I did not have such great hope. I did not expect Liang Chun to suddenly Promise, go home and write immediately."

It seems that Liang Chun is really bound to the boss of Mei! Ye Hao’s eyes flashed a sneer sneer. "Auntie, thank you for this."

"Know that I am amazing." Murong asked with a smile.

Ye Hao nodded helplessly. "Yes, I finally know that you are amazing."

Murong asked with a frown. "What are the benefits of Liang Chun and Lu Fanger?"

"You don't care about this, right, is that Mei boss still in the mustard garden now?" Ye Hao asked.

“When Liang Chun wrote and left the book, he immediately went to the mustard garden.” Murong said.

Ye Hao heard a shock and immediately called Xue Lin in. "You are going to the mustard garden to protect Mei boss."

Murong looked at her with a puzzled look. "Hey, what is the relationship between Mei Bo and Lu Fanger?"

"Don't know so much." Ye Hao said.

Xue Lin went to the mustard garden, and the boss of Mei was no longer there. Liang Chun took the person in the mustard garden and watched him look anxiously, showing how much he liked the Mei boss.

Lu Fanger took and left the book to find Yu and Ye Hao.

"Three, hey, you will be remembered for my great grace." Lu Fanger cried out, she thought that she would be in Liangjia in this life, and now she can regain her freedom. She is true. I am very grateful to them.

He sighed and reached out and helped Lu Fanger. "Is it not very good to be able to leave the Liang family now? It’s just that you can’t stay in Kyoto. I have arranged a carriage and will **** you away."

"Sancha, I used to... I didn't know anything before, you didn't care about it at all, and I was willing to help me, I... I really don't know how to thank you." Lu Fanger said with a tear.

"Don't mention the previous things. If you are still early, you should leave Kyoto."

Lu Fanger nodded gently, but she had already prepared to leave Liangjia. She didn't need to pack anything. She could leave with silver and a prostitute. However, Mei Lang now doesn't know where she is. She turns her head and looks at the leaves. Hey.

Ye Hao whispered, "If you leave the city gate, you can naturally see the people you want to see."

"Hey, thank you." Lu Fanger said with a red eye.

"If you want to be grateful, thank you to your grandmother in your heart." Ye Hao said faintly.

Lu Fanger remembered that she insisted on marrying Liang Chun and complained that the old lady would not find a good relationship for her. She is now just repenting. "I know... I know..."

Ye Hao glanced at her faintly, whispering to the red dragonfly and the cockroach, "Send the second girl out of the city."

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