Ever since I went to see Ye Hao last night, Murong Zhan didn’t see the little girl for a few days. I finally finished the matter. He thought that the girl had only found the aunt in the past few days. Did not mention him in mentioning, Murong Zhan's heart itch, could not help but take Fu Gonggong out of the palace.

Murong Zhan is already planning to do so today, no matter if the little satyr is absent, he will not be stopped by it.

"The emperor, are you going to go to the door brightly, or..." Sneaking from the roof to find the county owner as before?

"When isn't it just bright and upright?" Murong Zhanjun eyebrows a pick, faintly asked Fu Gonggong.

Fu Gonggong hit his mouth twice. "The slaves can't talk, and they will sin."

Murong Zhan snorted, "wait here."

He would like to go directly to the front door to find her, but for a while Lu Shiming will certainly be alarmed, and then can not be alone with Ye Hao or two.

In any case, he is still fortunate that Ye Hao is now living in Lujia. In case of living in Ye Zhai, Ye Yiqing is more difficult to deal with than the little satyr.

Murong was familiar with the road to Ye Hao's yard. He waited for a while on the roof. He didn't find the little seven. He was happy in his heart. Isn't that little satyr not here?

He came down from the roof, and the outer vigil of the night watch had fallen asleep. Murong Chan smashed a fragrant pill into the lights. Soon, the vigil of the vigil slept more.

There was only a large oil lamp in the house, and the people on the bed were sleeping, and Murong took a light footstep.

Suddenly, a pair of golden scorpions appeared at the bedside, and a faint cold light was emitted at night.

Little satyr!

Murong Zhan stepped in a footstep, and his eyes looked at Xiao Qi, who had a huge outline in the dark. This little wolf was not in the courtyard. It was originally hiding in the Ye Hao house.

"Hey!" The voice of the small seven throat gave a warning.

"I don't want to hurt you, you better not to force it." Murong Zhan whispered coldly, with his martial arts, it is not a problem to deal with a wolf king, not to mention he used to fight a group of wolves.

Xiaoqi is obviously not threatened by Murong Zhan, a pair of postures to be rushed over, and his teeth are screaming at Murong Cham.

"Small seven, what's wrong?" Ye Hao asked in confusion, she seemed to hear something.

Murong Chan still looked at Xiaoqi coldly, and did not call Ye Hao.

"Hey!" Xiaoqi called, as if he was back in Yeh.

Ye opened the quilt. "Are you hungry? I will give you something to eat."

Murong Zhan's face is dark, and he is so distressed that Ye Hao will still wait for this stinky wolf to eat in the middle of the night.

Xiaoqi quickly put away the posture of preparing for the battle. He walked over to the bed and yelled at Ye Hao with his head. He wanted to tell Ye Hao that he was not hungry at all, and did not need to find food.

Ye Hao was fascinated by sleep. When I knew what Xiaoqi meant, I thought it was happy to eat.

She opened the account and stood up. She just smashed her shoes and suddenly flashed a black shadow in front of her eyes. She almost screamed and screamed, or Murong Zhanfei held her in her hand and held her mouth in one hand. "It's me, don't shout."

"You...what are you here?" Ye Hao smelled his familiar warmth and heard his voice, only to stunned in his arms, not screaming at him. "I don't know if it will scare people." ?"

Murong Zhan whispered, "Are you still afraid?"

Ye Hao glanced at him and touched Xiaoqi, who was still around her. "Small seven, you go out first, it's okay here."

Xiaoqi reluctantly licked her a few times, and slowly went out under the eyes of Murong Zhan.

"The emperor, you are coming today, don't know what else to order?" Ye Hao gently poked the shoulders of Murong Cham.

Murong Chan hugged her and hugged it on the bed. "I don't want to see you again. You haven't been in the palace recently. If you have anything to do with the aunt, don't you let me come to you?" ”

Ye Hao smiled. "I have something to look for in the aunt. I haven't had time to enter the palace recently. Isn't it for me to learn the rules?"

“Do you still need to learn the rules?” Murong Zhan took her waist and pressed her tightly to her body. “Looking for an excuse not wanting to enter the palace?”

"I am going to the palace to do it? Go to the Queen Mother, please?" Ye Hao whispered, "I am afraid that the Queen will not see me."

Murong Zhan licked her head. "You are wronged."

Ye Hao smiled and said, "I don't feel wronged, just don't know how to make the Queen understand..."

"You will enter the palace in the future and respect the Queen Mother on the bright side. If she likes to talk to you, she will say a few more words. If she doesn't like it, she will go to the Cining Palace less. If you enter the palace, you will marry him, and you will not marry." The Queen Mother." Murong Zhan whispered.

"Do you have such a speech?" Ye Hao asked with a funny smile. "The Queen Mother is misunderstood to me. It is good to explain it later."

Murong Zhan bowed his head and kissed her mouth. "I haven’t thought about it in these few days?"

Ye Hao looked at him shyly. "You said I want you?"

"How do you know." Murong shouted and smiled, and kissed her deeply.

"The emperor..." Ye Hao grabbed his clothes and responded to his request.

Murong Zhan misses her sweet taste. When she is in the palace, she can't see her. She is still in his arms. He is still in control.

"Oh..." Murong Chan pressed her under her body, and her hands flexibly untied her belt.

Ye Hao was so scared that he was going to push him away. "No, Hong Ling is outside."

Murong is very gasping, "Let's take a look."

"I still have something to say to you." Ye Hao whispered.

"Sometimes to say." Murong Zhan bowed his head and took a bite of peach, full of fragrance.

Ye Hao listened to him and thought that he would stop after a while. As long as he drove straight in, she knew that the man’s words were really unreasonable.

She resisted and couldn't scream, only biting his shoulders hard, until the drizzle, she had quickly turned into water.

Murong Chan held her tightly in her arms. "Hey, I haven't been close to you for too long, and I haven't resisted for a while."

"Shut up!" Ye Hao cried his teeth.

"Is there water in the house? Go and get some water to wipe it off." Murong Zhan's eyes are full of smiles, and she is reluctant to let go in her arms.

Ye Hao thought of whispering, "There is clean water in the clean room, you... If tomorrow, Hong Ling, they found out, I... I killed you!"

Murong said with a dumb voice, "Isn't it just a bite to die?"

"You still said!" Ye Hao hammered him.

"Well, don't say it, go to fetch water, and there will be something to tell you later." Murong Zhan remembered that Ye Yiqing had mentioned Zhaoyang last time. He also wanted to ask Ye Xie's opinion.

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