After Wang Hao came to Hulu Lane in the early morning, unlike last time, she did not come to seek Zhaoyang to go back. Now she has the handle of Zhaoyang, she does not believe that the stinky girl dares to be in front of her. Arrogant, she wants the girl to ask her in front of her!

Zhaoyang heard that when Wang Hao came again, his eyes flashed a touch of impatientness. The most annoying thing for her was to see this woman. A white-eyed wolf who was envious of the enemy would feel disgusted at the first glance.

"Let her go back, I don't want to see her." Zhaoyang said faintly, let Fang Zhen go and follow Wang Hao.

After Wang Hao had already come directly to the backyard, he walked into Zhaoyang’s house with a smug smug on his face. “If you don’t see me today, you will regret it tomorrow.”

Zhaoyang sat in the original position and did not move, just staring at her coldly. "If you have something to say, you will roll when you say it."

"I am a good stepmother, your stepmother. Is this your attitude towards me?" After Wang Hao’s eyes flashed a bit of resentment, since she became a king, Zhaoyang never gave her a good face, let alone her mother. When Zhaoyang had not been married before, the entire Wangfu people did not put her in her eyes. Even now, many people are talking about her in the back.

She has never hated a person in her life, and Zhaoyang is the first person to disgust her.

Only Zhaoyang was worse than her, and she felt that her heart could be more comfortable.

Zhaoyang’s mouth sneered a sneer, and she looked at Wang Hao with a mocking look. “What attitude do you think I should use for you? If you want to find a face here, please advise me not to take it for yourself. disgrace."

After Wang Hao’s heart burst into anger, she quickly suppressed it. She just snorted and looked at Zhaoyang sarcastically. “I thought you were a jade-clear person. It’s just that you don’t know how to be shameful. ****."

"What do you want to say?" Zhaoyang looked at Wang Hao indifferently.

After Wang Hao saw Zhao Yang, she did not become as angry as she wished. She felt that this stepdaughter was more calm than her. Maybe she was experienced, and she was not afraid of pointing fingers.

"Today, Wang Hao came to you personally for the sake of the county palace and your deceased parents. As a stepmother, I should have taken up my mother's duties. However, you are not a little girl, I believe no matter what I say. It’s useless. I just remind you, don’t forget that you are still a widow’s identity, that is, steal a man, or don’t be too anxious.” Following Wang Hao’s direct clarification, he lifted his chin and waited for Zhaoyang. Panic and ask her.

Zhaoyang’s mouth is deeper, “He, do you think everyone is like you?”

After Wang Hao snorted, "You don't need to admit it. If you dare to do it, you must dare to do it."

"How can I not admit it? It is difficult for you to spend so much thought to let my dowry woman betray me. Do you think that knowing this thing can threaten me and let me bow down in front of you for mercy?" Zhaoyang smiled Asked.

"Do you think that you are a new widow who can steal a man and be able to be fair?" asked Wang Hao.

Zhaoyang satirically and sympathetically looked at Wang Hao. "Which country's law stipulates that widows can no longer marry? Oh, I only know that stepmothers and stepchildren can't have the slightest difference, but I don't know which widow will be married again." Why, do you think that the former county owners are not ignorant of shame, do you need to tell the world to criticize them?"

After Wang Hao’s face changed and changed, he once again experienced Zhaoyang’s fangs. “You don’t have to find any excuse to cover up. It seems that no matter how I persuade you, you will not listen to it.”

"You came to persuade me? I thought you wanted me to beg you." Zhaoyang sneered.

"If it wasn't for your big brother to ask me, I wouldn't come here. You want to marry again. Then you have to go back to the county palace and quietly send you out to marry. This is for your fame, but also for the face of the prince. ""

Zhaoyang looked coldly at Wang Xi, "It seems that you are old and confused. Even if I marry again, I have nothing to do with the county palace. When you sent me to kiss, I have already played the first emperor. It’s my own thing to marry you again.”

Cried after Wang Hao, "We are all for you, don't you know!"

"I don't know who you are, you are!" Zhao Yang shouted. "How did you treat my mother? You don't remember. Chu Yang doesn't remember. I remember it clearly. You are pretending to be lost to my father. Forcing him to marry you, my father died not long after, you actually even Chu Yang hooked up, He, you better not to provoke me, or you can not even go to the county palace."

"You..." After Wang Hao’s face became a burst of white, the things between her and Chu Yang, no one knows for so many years, how does Zhaoyang know, "Zhaoyang, you don’t listen to my advice. You don't need blood to spray people!"

"I am not a **** mouth, I believe that you are clearer than anyone else." Zhaoyang said that the **** and Chu Yang came to her, Ye Hao found that they were not right before she, and later Ye Yiqing went to the county. Wang Fu checked, it is not a secret that the stepmother's step-child hooking has long been together, but there has never been a county kingdom.

It’s disgusting!

After Wang Hao’s face was black, “Okay, good, Zhaoyang, let’s go!”

"Do not send!" Zhaoyang said directly.

The eyes and Wang Fu were so angry that they left the place legally. Zhao Yang was only eager to tighten. "Clear the people on the side of the gourd lane. It seems that some people are not suitable to stay here."

"Yes, the county owner." Fang Zhen whispered, "Just... Will Wang Hao be troubled by this matter? The county owner, in the end, has a bad reputation for you."

Zhaoyang said, "She still doesn't dare to make a big deal. It's just that, with Ho's as a person, she will definitely not take a break."

"Why don't you say that you are not a widow? It is written by Beitang and given to you." Fang Zhen is somewhat unfair.

"It’s boring to say it." She waited for Wang Hao to take a shot and see what good idea she could come up with to deal with her.

Fang Zhen looked helplessly at her master, "County..."

Relative to Zhaoyang's calm, after Wang Hao is angry, he is even numb, and as Zhaoyang expected, she does not dare to make this big, otherwise she will certainly be affected, that little People actually know her and Chu Yang...

"I don't believe there is no way to deal with you!" said Wang Yu, gnashing his teeth.

"Wang Hao, the county owner is a hard and hard to eat, it is not easy to deal with her, it seems that it is necessary to use others." Following the shackles of Wang Hao said.

With someone else? Following Wang Wei’s slight glimpse, “You are right, I will go to the palace tomorrow morning to see the Queen Mother!”

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