When Fang Zhen was drunk by Zhaoyang, she finally managed to calm down. She didn't know how the county owner was so close to Lu Hao. Now they both have to go back to the people. She is so nervous today that she has forgotten this.

When Zhaoyang saw that Fang Zhen didn’t actually listen to it, he slowly eased his face. “Let’s say, what the **** is going on?”

"The county owner..." Fang Zhen whispered. "There is a beggar who is claiming to be in the palace, and says to invite you to the palace."

what? Zhaoyang and Ye Hao looked at each other and both of them felt very surprised at the same time.

"Who wants to ask the county owner to enter the palace?" Ye Hao remembered that she had told this matter to Murong Zhan yesterday, wouldn't he be looking for Zhaoyang? Should not, she thinks that Murong Cham should not do this.

Fang Zhen said carefully, "The man said it was the Queen Mother."

Ye Hao was shocked, "The Queen Mother?"

Zhaoyang confessed his eyebrows, but what he thought of in his mind was what He came to look for her this morning.

"What happened? What will the Queen Mother ask you to do in the palace?" Ye Hao whispered to Zhaoyang.

"I don't know, no matter what you have to do, you have to go into the palace." Zhaoyang looked up at Ye Hao and appeased her without worrying. It is not necessarily a bad thing to enter the palace.

If it was the former Queen Mother, Ye Hao wouldn’t worry about it, but now the Queen’s temper is too uncertain, how can she feel relieved, “Your advanced palace, I will go to the emperor in a while.”

Zhaoyang smiled. "Is it so nervous?"

"Yes." Ye Hao nodded hard, and when he left the door, he whispered to Hongling, let her hurry to go to Yijia, and tell Ye Yiqing about the Queen Mother to see Zhaoyang.

Zhaoyang was not nervous. Looking at Ye Hao’s appearance as an enemy, she couldn’t help but began to worry. I don’t know what the Queen Mother was looking for.

"Hey, what are you worried about?" Zhao Yang asked Ye Hao's hand.

"I am worried that He has already entered the palace to find the Queen Mother. The Queen Mother has a relationship with me and her now. She may be specifically targeting you. In any case, you must have a little psychological preparation." Ye Hao whispered to Zhaoyang. .

Zhaoyang nodded heavily. "Maybe things are not as serious as you think."

"I am just in case." Ye Hao did not dare to say that she had a bad feeling in her heart. Her instincts have always been very sensitive.

"Then I am in the advanced palace." Zhaoyang said.

It was not long before Ye Hao went out in Zhaoyang to take Xue Linjin to go to Murong Cham.

Since she was invited to the Queen Mother last time, she has never entered the palace again. She did not want to come, but she felt that she should not want to see her.

In the palace, dry the palace.

Murong Zhan is talking to cabinet ministers. Ye Hao knows that he is very busy recently. He is not willing to disturb him at this time. He is worried about the situation of Zhaoyang in the Queen Mother. Some people can't sit and walk around the hall. of.

Fu Gonggong hurriedly walked in from the outside. "Counter, why don't you let people talk to the slaves when you come."

Ye Hao said with a smile, "I heard that the emperor is talking to the cabinet minister, I want to wait for him here first."

"The things of the emperor and the ministers are not finished in a moment. The emperor is already in the royal study for a long time, and should rest and rest. You wait, the slaves go back to the emperor." Fu Gonggong said, heart If you want the emperor to know that the county owner is in the palace, he will be very happy.

In the discussion with the Minister, Murong Zhan was in the North of the Ming Dynasty. The last time in the city of Liusha, North Mingguo did not dare to despise Jin Guo. He planned to negotiate with Jin Guo and wanted to send the princess to come and kiss, but asked the princess to Marry to the emperor.

This incident was passed to Murong Chan today. He was suppressed and did not discuss it in the court. However, the cabinet minister still knew that he was persuading the emperor to promise the North Ming State in the royal study, so that he could also The country is in peace with each other.

"This matter does not have to be discussed again, I will not agree, just like this!" Murong Zhan listened to several ministers, and you persuaded me to persuade, and finally refused impatiently.

"The emperor is just the best way for us to negotiate with the North Ming State. We have a hard time to have peace in our country. We can no longer let the people live a life of turmoil and ask the emperor to think twice." .

In the mouth of Murong, the mouth of the mouth floated with a sneer. "Six years ago, in order to please the North Ming Kingdom, the Emperor sent the kings of our country to the pro, and sent countless gold and silver jewels every year. Now no county owner can send it. Are you going to let you go to sacrifice?"

The words came out and scared all the ministers in the royal study room.

"Don't say it again, you don't need to rely on and kiss to protect Jinguo, have you heard it clearly?" Murong Chuang asked coldly.

At the forefront, there has been no advocacy and pro-examination of the old eyes, and a glimpse of praise. "Chen and others obey."

Murong Zhan remembered what Ye Hao said last night, "There is one more thing, I want to make a announcement to the world."

Xu Lao looked up at Murong Zhan. "I don't know what the emperor is referring to?"

"You all get up." Murong Zhan said faintly. "Do you remember the Zhaoyang County Lord who sent to Beiming and his relatives?"

"Zhaoyang County Lord? Married to the North Ming Kingdom to inherit the king of the county?" Xu Lao immediately remembered, when he was the most objection to this matter.

Ink Murray nodded faintly. "Beibue Cheng wrote a book for Zhaoyang before he died. Now Zhaoyang has returned to Kyoto. Since it was before the death of the North Hall, she did not have to take the place for the North Hall. Widowed, I want to give her the freedom to marry in the future, no longer have to be restricted by anyone."

"How can Beitang Cheng... How can I write and leave the book before I die? This is a big disrespect for our Jinguo!" The minister immediately shouted unpleasantly.

"I don't think he is disrespectful to Jin Guo. He just feels embarrassed about the Zhaoyang County Lord. He doesn't want her to be widowed for him." Murong Zhan said coldly, "Xu Yanxiang, this matter is handed over to you."

Xu Lao joined hands to lead.

"But, the emperor..." Some people think that this is not appropriate. How can we allow a county owner to marry again? This is a royal family.

Murong Zhan glanced at them faintly, and everyone immediately dared not speak.

"Oh, I’m saying once, the sly Jin Guo definitely does not need to use and kiss to ensure peace. Zhaoyang is wronged for our country. The only way to compensate her is to let her marry freely. She is willing to marry again, not willing. Yeah, she is the county owner of Jinguo." Murong said coldly.

"Return all!" Murong Zhan waved his hand.

Fu Gonggong walked in from the outside and whispered in the face of Murong Zhan. "Your Majesty, the county owner entered the palace, and he was in the temple."

The ink color of the ink was slightly sunk, and the tight face was relieved.

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