Ye Yinan ignored Wu Peidong and ridiculed those people. He went to Jin Shanshan and frowned at her still angry face. "What are you running? Here is not the capital of your northern country, who lost you to find you."

Jin Shanshan looked at him coldly. "You are still afraid that I will not be able to return to the North. I am not your prisoner of war now. It is better to shut me up, I will not go anywhere."

"You guys really don't know how to be good!" Ye Xiaonan said with a sigh of relief. "You thought it would be fine to stay in the quicksand city at that time? Will Wan Ziliang let you go?"

"I just don't know how to be good, Ye Yeye, live up to your good heart." Jin Shanshan said.

Ye Yannan smiled. "Do you want to take revenge? Then you go, what can you do alone?"

The tears that Jin Shanshan had stopped had come out again. She felt desperate because she had no way. She had been waiting for her father’s old department to look for her. She was waiting for a hope.

Seeing her crying again, Ye Yinan felt inexplicably irritated, and he frowned at her. "What are you crying?"

"Don't I even cry?" Jin Shanshan asked in a whimper.

Ye Yinan didn't see other women crying. However, he felt irritated for the first time. "Oh, don't cry, why don't you tell me, what do you want?"

Jin Shanshan bit her lip. She is thinking about what to do. If her father’s old department is all under Wan Ziliang’s ministry, what else can she do?

No, absolutely not, even if everyone else betrayed his father, Wu Dashu will not do that.

"Go back and say." Ye Xiaonan saw her open her mouth and waved her hand. Although it is Kyoto, there are still things that can only be said in the house.

Jin Shanshan screamed, "Ye Shaoye, are you going to go back?"

"When did I go back, you don't have to take a step, here is not the place to talk." Ye Yinan said with a sigh of relief, "And, who you just called, do you know? Although they should fight, but you Who do you think you can beat in Kyoto?"

These people are not from the famous Houhou government. If it is really troublesome, he really can't keep Jin Shanshan. No one cares that she used to be a female general, and she doesn't care how pitiful her life is.

Jin Shanshan looked at Song Shizi and others, and a little regretted that she was just too impulsive. She just wanted to vent her anger.

Ye Xiaonan saw that she had remorse, and her heart was soft. When she saw her sister had come over, he said, "You go back with my sister first, and hand it over to me."

"Brother, what's wrong?" Ye Hao came over and asked in a low voice.

"Nothing, she gave a few people to Song Shizi." Ye Xiaonan said faintly, it was like saying that today's weather is good, "You take her home first, and I have something to do with the monkey."

Hou Peidong was originally in a poor position with Song Shizi. When he saw Ye Hao in a blink of an eye, his chin almost fell to the ground.

" it a man or a ghost?" Hou Peidong had seen Ye Hao before, but the empress had died for a few years, and suddenly he saw an identical appearance. No wonder he was so scared.

Ye Hao said with a chuckle, "Can you see ghosts in the blue sky?"

Hou Peidong whispered to Ye Yinan, "This is your other sister? And the first queen looks really like."

"The twins certainly look like they are." Ye Xiaonan said with a sigh of relief, waved at Ye Hao. "You should go back first."

Ye Hao nodded. "Brother, then I will go back with a sparkle."

Jin Shanshan was hesitant and hesitated to follow Ye Hao on the carriage.

"My brother can't talk, sometimes a good heart has become another meaning." Ye Hao explained to Ye Yinan, in fact, she also wondered that her brother's attitude toward Jin Shanshan seems to be particularly bad, because Jin Shanshan is a prisoner of war. Or was it because Jin Shanshan had hurt him before?

"You are his sister, naturally speaking for him." Jin Shanshan whispered.

Ye Hao smiled. "He is not a good heart. You just played Song Shizi. You can't be here now. He is actually protecting you."

Jin Shanshan was silent. Just if she was not Ye Yinan, she might not be able to leave so easily. Although those people could not beat her, she is now offended.

"How come you go to the military camp as a doctor?" After a long while, Jin Shanshan whispered openly, and his eyes glanced at Ye Hao. I really don't know how the original ugly boy could easily accommodate it. It turned out that she looked so good.

Ye Hao smiled. "It was for my brother at the time. I heard that he was injured."

"Are you a daughter of a thousand dollars will actually be medical?" Jin Shanshan looked at Ye Hao with a puzzled look. She had heard that this Lu Hao would not become the Queen of the Kingdom afterwards.

"Then you are still a famous woman, isn't it also on the battlefield?" Ye Hao asked with a smile.

Jin Shanshan glanced at her, and it was difficult to hide her sorrow. "What a name, I am not killed."

Ye Hao said, "Golden General is killed, do you want to take revenge?"

"Who said that I don't want to take revenge? I can't wait to go to the North Ming State to kill Wan Ziliang immediately!" Jin Shanshan said with a grin.

"Do you think Wan Ziliang will let you go?" Ye Hao asked. "I believe that General Kim must have his confession. Not everyone has already invested in Wanziliang. If you only have one person to take revenge, you have not When you go to the North, you will be killed. How do you avenge the Golden General?"

Jin Shanshan tightened her lips. She only wanted to kill Wan Ziliang. She never thought about whether she could go to the North Ming State. "Since I want to avenge my vengeance, I am naturally not afraid of death."

"Is it dead without revenge?" Ye Hao turned his eyes. "Then you will be angry with the nine springs, how come you have such a stupid daughter."

"Lu Yan, why are you swearing?" Jin Shanshan screamed.

Ye Xiao smiled. "Are you not stupid? If you are alive, would you want to see you stupid if you haven’t revenge? There are many kinds of revenge. This kind of brainless rampage is the most important thing, you Nothing just wants Wan Ziliang to have retribution, leaving Qingshan without burning wood, are you afraid that there is no chance?"

"Can I still have a chance to kill him?" Jin Shanshan whispered, and some looked at himself from the outside.

"The opportunity is to fight for it, but there is a chance to live." Ye Hao said.

Jin Shanshan took a moment and lived to have a chance?

"Well, come home, come down." The carriage stopped, and Ye Hao said to Jin Shanshan, who was in a daze.

"Lu Yan, I will not die." Jin Shanshan whispered behind Ye Hao.

Ye Hao’s mouth smirked and smiled. “That’s not going to work, let’s live.”

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