Murong Yu lived in Chengde Mountain Villa for two days. In addition to seeing the Queen Mother on the first day, he had not gone to the Queen Mother for two days, and he also found that the palace people in Chengde Mountain Villa were acting strangely, as if they didn’t talk very much. There are even dumbs waiting for the Queen Mother.

He observed it silently for two days and found that the Queen Mother would make a big noise before going to sleep every day. Until Murong gave her a book, she would sleep deeply.

Murong Yu has been walking in the world for so long. Naturally, I have heard everything. It’s just... If the Queen Mother is hypnotized, it’s impossible to be like this, especially if Murong... He doesn’t believe in Murong. Will hypnotize.

He decided to take a closer look.

When Murong Yu came out of the Queen's House, he just saw Murong Yu standing outside. He frowned. "Six brothers, why are you here?"

"This morning, I hit a goat in the mountains and sent it to you and my mother. I can taste it fresh at night." Murong said with a smile, the deep scorpion smashed Murong again, although he did not get along with Murong. However, there are still people who have eyesight. He thinks this boy is not like a person who is very worried.

"After the mother has just lunch break, if you want to ask her, please come back later." Murong said with a smile, he and Murong Yu spent two days, I feel that this six brother is still good, but the Queen Mother is now like this In the case, he really does not want others to see it, lest it cause more discussion.

Murong nodded with a smile. "Then you have nothing to do, go, let the six brothers go outside to go horse riding, anyway, idle is idle."

"The weather is so hot, I won't go." Murong refused to call.

"A big man is still afraid of heat?" Murong looked at him with a smile.

Inkori is actually trying to go. He is very bored with the Queen Mother every day. He was swept away by Murong’s eyes, and he immediately nodded. "Well, go."

"Right, there is something that hasn't been asked to you. What happened to the Queen Mother? Didn't even go back to the emperor's marriage?" Murong and Murong went to the stable to pick up the horse, and asked like an unintentional one.

"Nothing." Murong said, I don't want to mention anything about the Queen Mother's condition.

Murong smiled and glanced at him. "Is it?"

Murong 挑 picked a tall black horse for himself. He didn’t look at Murong’s and left the stable.

This child still does not know how to cover up his own thoughts.

Murong Yan shook his head and smiled. He followed up and went on to catch up with Murong. "Who are you in Kyoto? Listen to the emperor, do you still need to go to the study every day?"

"Xu Daren." Murong said that his teaching teachers were personally selected by the emperor. However, he did not like how to hold the book every day, and it was not fun at all.

"I thought you liked to read the scriptures. I still like to study." Murong said with a smile.

Murong squinted his face and looked at Murong with anger. He knew that he must have been suspected, but he did not say anything, but ran on horseback.

Murong Yan looked at the back of Murong Yu slightly. If the Queen Mother lived in Chengde Villa, it was related to Murong Yu. What was his purpose?

This explanation does not work! If Murong Yu really has the ability to hypnotize, how to send the Queen Mother to Chengde Villa, and when he came to hear the Empress Dowager on the first day, Murong Yu fell into meditation.

Inkor ran a lap in a smooth and fast manner, and there was a layer of sweat on his body. He vomited with a sigh of relief. He had not been so happy for a long time. He felt very depressed with the Queen Mother in the past few days.

"It's not early, we should go back." Murong said with a smile, "Mother may have woke up."

"I will change clothes first, and if I wake up, I will be angry if I can't see it." Murong said with a gasp and strode to his yard.

Murong Yan raised his eyebrows. Why did the Queen wake up and see him and he would be angry?

When I came to the Queen’s bedroom, Murong Yu had not walked in and heard that the Queen Mother was swearing. He listened carefully to a few words, all of whom were disrespectful and disobedient, and rebelled against her. Lu Yi was a Such a story as a wicked woman.

The relationship between the Queen Mother and the emperor is so bad?

Murong’s heart was slightly shocked and slowly walked in. “Mother wakes up after lunch break?”

When I heard the voice of Murong Yu, the anger on the face of the Queen Mother was collected, but the tone was still not very good. "It is the king."

"Just and Aunt went out for a lap, he was sweating and changing clothes." Murong took a sigh. "Mother is not very good today, but where does it feel uncomfortable?"

The Queen Mother snorted and said, "Where you are mad, you can still have a good look."

Murong smiled and said, "Whoever dares to be angry with you, the emperor is just married, and it will take a long time to give you a few grandchildren, when..."

"The prince under such a demon girl, the mourner is still afraid of being slain." The Queen Mother said coldly.

"Why, why do you say this?" Murong Yu was shocked and could make the Queen Mother say such vicious words. It seems that he is disgusted to the extreme.

The Queen Mother is about to talk about the hatred of Lu Hao, and Murong has come in from the door nervously. "After the mother, are you awake? What are you talking about with your sixth brother?"

"When you look at you, how is your face full of sweat?" The Queen Mother was disgusted with Lu Yan, but she still felt distressed. When she saw that he was sweating, he felt distressed and unconsciously shifted his attention. .

Murong Yu did not ask any more. He has now confirmed that the Queen Mother hates Lu Hao, and he almost hates deep hatred. What he does not understand is that the Queen Mother who used Lu Xun as her daughter to be a princess two years ago happened. What happened?

His eyes looked faintly toward Murong, just in line with his eyes.

Inkor Yan calmed the Queen Mother and knew that some things could not be concealed. In fact, he did not have to hide it any more. Yesterday, he let people tell the emperor about the Six Brothers here. The emperor let him go with the flow, some things even Want to deliberately conceal is nothing but Murong.

The Queen Mother was comforted, and Murong let the palace man take the Queen Mother to go out to the outside garden and walk.

"Auntie, what happened to the Queen Mother?" Murong looked at Murong Yu with a gaze. He didn't care much about the Queen Mother, but it was a matter of Lu Hao. He couldn't ignore it.

Murong Yu let the housemen waiting in the house to retreat. He looked at Murong Yu. "The six brothers walked all the year round. I wonder if I have heard of hypnotism?"

"Western hypnotism?" Murong squinted, "Is the Queen Mother hypnotized?"


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