Ye Hao asked faintly, "What can she tell you?"

"No." He lowered his head in the main event, his eyes flashed a bit, and he didn't seem to want to say too much.

"Oh." Ye Hao smiled slightly. "This palace just wants to know where Cheng Aunt can't think about it. He will go to the well. In this palace, she is not the person who can't think of it."

He whispered in the Lord, "The slaves don't know."

Ye Hao saw that she didn't want to say more about Cheng's aunt. She probably wanted to protect herself. After all, this matter may involve the Queen Mother.

"You didn't know it." Ye Hao smiled faintly. "You have a main thing in the Weaving Division. Do you have a suitable candidate?"

"Back to the maiden, the candidate who was sent by General Manager Wang is the best candidate for the Weaving Division." He whispered in the main event.

Ye Xie chuckled in his heart, and it was such an ambiguous answer. It seems that this officially knows that Mingzhe protects himself.

"There is another candidate for this palace. There is a good palace lady named Cheng Hao in the Weaving Division. This palace thinks she is more suitable as a deputy." Ye Hao asked with a smile.

The eyes of the principal were slightly bright. "The Queen's maiden can see her, that is her blessing."

Ye Hao nodded faintly. "I heard that Cheng Hao is also a fellow of Cheng Aunt. I don't know who she is with Cheng Aunt?"

"This...the slave has never heard of her relationship with Aunt Cheng." Said the main event.

Ye Hao does not intend to go deep into this issue. She smiles faintly and let the main thing retreat.

"The Niangniang, this is a slick head in the eyes of the main thing." Hong Ling handed a cup of tea to Ye Hao.

"She is not a slippery head, but she knows how to survive. Cheng Aunt is a person around the Queen Mother. Since the Queen Mother does not want to pursue it, she certainly knows that this is a problem. It seems that there are no people in this palace who want to do this." So simple." Ye Hao smiled thoughtfully, or if life is too simple, she still feel bored.

Aunt Pan has already handed over the list of deputy principals to General Manager Wang.

"This is..." Wang Zongguan looked at Mrs. Pan and hesitated on his face. "Is this candidate for the main thing changed?"

"It was changed. The original few things were not safe enough. These are the observations of the goddess and they feel that they are better candidates." Pan said with a smile.

General Manager Wang shook his head. "Aunt Pan, I don't want you to say that the candidates for these deputy principals are particularly valued by the Queen Mother. The Queen changed people at this time. Is it not good?"

Pan Aunt looked at Wang Zongguan with an eyebrow. "General Manager Wang, now the Queen Mother is still uncomfortable in Chengde Mountain Village. The trivial thing in the palace is difficult to bother her old man? It used to be because there is no Queen Empress in the palace. It’s already different. Is it difficult to have a queen empress, or is it necessary for the elderly to take care of the harem?”

"You have a reason to say this." General Manager Wang nodded and smiled. "Then I will go to the divisions to read it."

In the afternoon, all the divisions knew that the Queen’s Empress had directly replaced the original deputy’s candidate. As for the newly elected candidate, it’s not her, it’s not known, but it’s a lot of people’s hearts. Increased vigilance.



After the Empress Dowager went away, the more and more people felt that the days of Chengde Mountain Villa were boring and boring, and they began to think about going back to the palace. But when they thought that there was Lu Hao in the palace, she would not want to go back.

"The Queen Mother, Princess Angola came to see you." The palace lady came in and whispered to the Queen Mother.

"How did she come?" The Queen Mother was amazed. She did not have such a relationship with An Lao Wang, how come she came to visit her? "Let her come in."

An old prince made a carriage for a long time, the old waist should be hard into a wooden board, but still strong to support the Queen Mother.

"Chen Chen gave the Queen Mother a peace." An old Wang Hao was held by the ring.

"Don't go to salute, hurry down and sit down, seeing that you are not comfortable walking." The Queen Mother frowned and said, "How come the big old man ran?"

An Lao Wang smiled and said, "Look at you, just look at you."

The Queen Mother laughed. "You still tell the truth to the mourner. This kind of sorrow can't believe it."

"The Queen Mother, the courtier is really missing your days in the palace, there are you, everything is well-regulated, now... Hey!" An old Wang Hao sighed.

"Is there a queen in the palace today, isn't it more rules?" asked the Queen Mother.

An old Wang Hao almost didn't scream. "The Queen Mother, you don't know, the Queen is really... It's really too selfish. Haven't you heard of her? Chen is only proposing to give the tribute to the widows of the country." She was still ruthless and ruthless, and her true intentions were misunderstood by her. She also humiliated the courtiers in front of everyone, and the courtiers had no face to enter the palace."

The Queen’s face sank and said with great anger, “You are right in saying this, how can she humiliate you, and then, you are still her elder, how can you give me some face, is she thinking that she became a queen? Can you be lawless?"

"After the mother, you still don't know what happened at the time. How can you feel that the Queen is doing something wrong with one side?" Murong smiled and walked in from the outside, watching the old man Wang Wei with vigilance.

He just heard that when An Lao Wang Hao came, he felt that something was wrong. It was so true that he had to provoke him to leave the room.

An old Wang Hao said, "Little prince, you are not in the palace, how do you know what I said is wrong?"

"The emperor brother said before that the widow will marry again and righteously. It should not be ordered to stop. The queen is now just following the words of the emperor. Is it not right? Is it right for the empress to be right against the emperor?" Looking at the old man Wang Hao.

"I..." An old Wang Yan was angry.

The Queen Mother waved impatiently. "Well, it’s not a few words, you will argue for Lu Hao, and the old Wang Hao is still your elder."

Inkor smiled and said, "After the mother, I am not afraid that you have been misled?"

An old Wang Hao snorted. "The Queen's Empress does have the ability to enter the palace for a few days. The main things of the divisions have been cleaned up. I heard that even the deputy of the deputy is replaced by her."

When the Queen Mother heard this, his face sank immediately. "I want to fight for power in the palace so quickly? I don't want to put the mourning home in my eyes!"

"Mother, maybe those people can't use it, or why should the Queen change it?" Murong said with a smile. "You still don't listen to so many gossips, it's generally not true."

"Little prince, do you think I am arguing?" An old Wang asked with a sneer.

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