Ye Hao did not know that An Lao Wang had gone to Chengde Mountain Villa. She had just taken over the things in the palace. Although the main affairs of the divisions did not dare to express their opposition clearly, they secretly blamed Ye Hao for the deputy director.

"Mother, do you want to beat it?" Aunt Pan whispered to Ye Hao.

"No, if these deputy directors can't stand this martyrdom, then you don't have to stand in this position." Ye Hao said softly, she would not punish those main things in this trivial matter, after all, they all It is the person chosen by the Queen Mother. With her relationship with the Queen Mother, there are still some things to consider.

Pan Aunt whispered, thinking that the Queen's maiden looked at the delicate, not actually the kind of really weak and ignorant, but also very clear.

It is no wonder that the emperor will be as distressed as her eyes. She has been in the palace for so many years, and she has never seen such a distress in the emperor.

"The maiden, the five kings are seeking to see." Hong Ling came in from the outside and said to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao stunned, what did the five kings come to ask her at this time? "Please come in five kings."

When the woman went to the palace to ask for security, Ye Hao did not pay much attention to the five kings, but after seeing a few eyes, it looked like a very good person. I heard that her relationship with the five princes was not good, three days a little noisy for five days. A big noisy, the reason is that the five kings don't see the five kings' slings. The five princes don't like the five kings' temper. They don't think that she is not gentle enough and beautiful, so she will be able to pamper Lu Jinger in the palace.

For Lu Jinger, Ye Hao is well aware of her personality. However, Wu Wang is not a soft persimmon and cannot be easily bullied by Lu Jinger.

When Ye Hao was still confused, he had already seen the five kings coming in from the outside.

The five kings are not looking bad, but she is even more heroic. Without the soft and delicate temperament, she straightened her waist and gave Ye Hao a ritual. "Queen of the Queen, the prince and the five princes can’t go on. Please give the courtiers a favor, let the courtiers leave with him!"

"..." Ye Hao lived, she did not expect that the five kings into the palace actually said this thing, "Five kings, you get up first, what is going on, how come with the five kings and away?"

The five kings stood up and had a decisive look on their faces. "Like him like a wife who squandered his wife, the courtiers who passed him were afraid that they would cause trouble, and the courtiers asked the goddess to let us and leave."

Ye Hao gestured to Hong Ling to take a stool and sat down for the five kings. "You want to have a reason to leave, and this palace can't just allow your request."

"Since the courtiers and his parents, he has always been a bit too picky about the courtiers. The family has always been a lot of shackles. The courtiers don’t want to quarrel with him. They have been tolerating them all the time, but he is now petting a side because With her pregnancy, she still had to sit on the same level with her courtiers. The side squatted out of the limelight at the time. Now she dares to scream at the house. The courtier is just a slave to her, and the five princes will go to the court. Noisy, but also shot the courtiers, ministers..." Five Wang Yan looked up at Ye Hao, hesitant to know how to open.

"You also played the five kings?" Ye Hao easily guessed what she did not say.

The Five Kings whispered, "Chen Chen learned a self-defense technique from an early age. He bullied me like this, but I was not angry."

"Why are you killing the side ring?" Ye Hao asked, not asking which side is the side.

"A few days ago, the ring killed the cat I had raised for a few years, saying that the cat was scared of her master. Yesterday, she brought people to my house to search around and found a master who wrote her. The eight-character scarecrow, the goddess, I have always been bright and upright, it is impossible to do this kind of pickled thing, it is clear that Lu Jinger wants to frame me! But the five kings all believe in her, refused to listen to me, and threatened to take a break. I.” Wu Wangxi said that she was nervously watching Ye Hao. Now she is complaining about Lu Jinger. It is still the cousin of the Queen. She is now asking the Queen to be the master of her. It seems silly.

Ye Xie thought in his heart that the five princes should still fight. "Because of this, you have to leave with the five kings?"

"Yes." Five Wang Hao resolutely nodded. "And then he will go on like this. Chen is afraid that he will kill him in the future. Such a scum, the courtiers do not want to bury their lives for him."

"This is the only thing I can't do for you." She doesn't have the big right to allow a prince to stay away from Wang.

The five kings bite their lips and bite, "Mother, isn't it... because Lu Jinger?"

Ye Hao asked with a funny smile, "Do you want to leave the house because of Lu Jinger?"

"She is your sister. If she is in this position, she dares to do this with her." Wu Wangxi whispered.

"Do you think that this palace will allow other crickets to make a fortune on the head? Isn't it big?" Ye Hao asked softly.

Wu Wangyi looked at Ye Hao and said, "No."

"Then how would you take this court to support a sideline that is not a good thing for you?" Ye Hao slightly raised his eyebrows, looking at the five kings with a smile.

"The meaning of the maiden?" Five kings looked at Ye Hao in a puzzled way, listening to the Queen's meaning, it seems that he would not support Lu Jinger, but also encouraged him to go back and clean up Lu Jinger?

Ye Hao said with a smile, "You understand the meaning of this palace. You are the king of the Ming Dynasty, not the little sister who came in from the side door."

Wu Wangxi stood up and gave Ye Hao a ritual. "Thank you for the goddess, the courtiers understand."

She understands that even if she wants to stay away from the Five Kings, it is not the way. She has to go back and clean up Lu Jinger.

Looking at the five kings swearing to leave, Ye Hao shook his head and smiled.

Hong Ling held her hand out of the courtyard. "I didn't expect the four girls to be so comfortable in the palace."

"I don't know how to be good, the future road is not long. She thought that she had forced five kings to walk. Can she sit downright?" Ye Hao didn't like Lu Jinger very much. As long ago, she saw who Lu Jinger was. The nature of this will not change, it will only intensify.

"If the four girls are taught by the Five Kings, they may even come to the palace to ask you." Hung Hom said next to him.

"Who will enter the palace?" Murong Chong's voice suddenly sounded.

Red Ling and Hung Hom were shocked. "Slaves have seen you."

Murong Zhan gestured to let them flatten and reached out to hold Ye Hao’s hand. “Who is in the palace?”

"Five kings." Ye Hao said with a smile, and he went to the gazebo in the courtyard to sit down, "played the five kings, and said that he wanted to leave."

"What did the old five do?" Murong Chan frowned, and his tone was somewhat unpleasant.

Ye Hao said that the five kings would smother their wives, "... let the five kings go back to teach them a lesson, and they won’t dare to let go again."

Murong Zhan looked at her with a low smile. "The Queen's Mother is really mighty."

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