Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 777: The Queen Mother returns to the palace

Ye Hao listened to the words of the Five Kings and had a new understanding of the Five Kings.

"...This Palace believes that you will not be rude to Lu Jinger. The five princes are not right because they are arguing with you. Just, how do you beat him?" Ye Hao asked helplessly.

Wu Wangyu said with a sullen face, "Chen Chen’s life has always been bright and upright. Even if he really wants to clean up the side squat, there must be a reason. The five princes do not distinguish between right and wrong, and say that the future is in the position of the world. On the head of others, where the courtiers were so suffocating, they couldn’t help but smash him."

She can not want the five-grandfather, the man, what kind of glory he can bring to her, there is nothing to be happy, the only thing that makes her unable to cede is the interests of her two sons, she will not let anyone steal her son. thing.

Ye Yi knew it when he heard it. This must have been provoked by Lu Jinger in the back. Otherwise, Wu Wangye would not say that the position of this world is on the head of others. It seems that Lu Jing’s ambition is not small, thinking that he is pregnant. I want more.

"Who wants to choose who is the world's son, I have to nod, and what are you worried about with the five kings?" Ye Hao said helplessly. "Now it is like this, how do you both end up?"

"Chen Chen wants to be separated." Five Wang Hao said firmly.

Ye Hao raised her eyebrow and glanced at her. "And away? What about your two children? You thought that leaving the palace, they have a good day?"

The five kings stunned. Now she can't save their interests in the palace. If she is gone?

"Yes, I can't leave!" Five Kings straightened their waists. "Queen of the Empress, Minister Chen... There is no way to enter the palace."

"You will go back first, this thing will be the master of this house." Ye Hao said, do not know what the ink-filled side of the side, the five kings found him there, it is estimated that it is really ironhearted to take five kings.

Wu Wangyi nodded gently, "Chen Chen has moved to the maiden with the child."

"Then live in the maiden," said Ye Hao.

When the five kings retired, Ye Hao thought about how to solve the problem of Murong Cham. Just after leaving the Huaqing Palace, he saw Fu Gonggong hurriedly walked over, "Queen Niangniang Wanfu Jinan."

"Fu Gonggong, what is so urgent?" Ye Yan asked with a smile.

Fu Gonggong whispered in front of him and said, "The emperor asked the minions to come to tell you, the Queen Mother has returned to Kyoto, and the driver is already outside the palace. Please come to the front to meet the Queen Mother."

Ye Hao’s face changed slightly. “Is the Queen coming back?”

"Yes, the emperor is only aware of it." The Queen Mother did not say hello when she came back, but it was really unprepared.

"Hung Hom, you go to Ci Ning Palace to explain first, and then quickly clean up, the palace to meet the Queen Mother." Ye Hao took a deep breath, although knowing that the Queen Mother came back this time is a problem, but she still hopes I hope that the Queen Mother is already awake.

"Yes, the goddess." Hong Ling took the lead.

The Queen Mother was planning to return to the palace yesterday. She knew that Murong Yu would send someone to quietly return to Kyoto, and forced him to remind the emperor that she would not be able to come back by surprise.

"After the mother, how come you come back this time?" Murong Chong had already greeted him when he saw the Queen Mother's drive, and his eyes looked at the empty-hearted ink.

Inkor’s hard work can’t be said. It’s not that he doesn’t want people to send news back. He’s not allowed him to say it, but he’s also cheated on him for two days. He still wants to remind people in the palace today.

He is pitted!

The Queen Mother looked at their brothers and said, "Can't the mourning family come back at this time?"

"I don't mean this." When Murong Zhan listened to the Queen Mother with anger, she knew that she was still the same as before.

Ye Hao rushed over, she was actually afraid to see the Queen Mother. She used to smile and look at her eyes. Now she becomes resentful and alert. She doesn't know how to adapt.

"Chen Chen welcomes her mother to return to the palace." Ye Hao did not rush to stop in front of the back, she bowed a bow.

The Queen Mother looked at Ye Hao with a cold look. She didn't know how to describe her feelings. When she saw Lu Yan standing here, there would be an indescribable disgust in her heart. "I am afraid that the return of the mourning will hinder certain Let's go."

Ye Hao knew that the Queen Mother was talking about her, but she could only pretend to ignorantly bow her head and pretend that she could not understand anything.

Murong Zhan smiled. "After the mother, what are you talking about? When you get sick, you are very happy."

Healed? The Queen Mother snorted. "In the opinion of the emperor, the mourner may still be sick."

"That's the first time to send the Queen Mother back to Cining Palace. After a while, let the medical staff come over for your diagnosis. You will know that you have recovered." Murong Cham's voice also faded, helping the Queen Mother's hand to let her back on.

Although the Queen Mother has an inexplicable anger at the bottom of her heart, she also knows that if she is embarrassed here, she may be under house arrest at Chengde Villa.

Ye Hao silently followed, at this time she did not say much to please the Queen Mother, she would not appreciate it.

At the Cining Palace, the palace people have already greeted the Queen Mother outside.

The Queen Mother looked at the past and her face was so dark that she was about to drop water. Her Cining Palace now does not know that there are still a few people she can trust.

"After the mother, you are tired, it is better to rest first." Murong Zhan said with a smile, "When you have a rest, come back to talk with you."

"The sorrow is not tired." The Queen Mother said faintly, his eyes fell on Ye Hao, who was behind Murong Zhan. "The sorrow has been waiting for so long, and the emperor is finally married."

Murong Zhan said with a smile, "After the mother, is this not the most hopeful thing you used to?"

The Queen Mother looked at Ye Hao’s eyes and felt all kinds of irritations. "Okay, you have also passed through filial piety. Go on, and you will not be with you."

"After the mother, then we will go down first." Murong Zhan said, eyes looked at Murong, he still wants to know what is going on, how the Queen Mother suddenly came back from Chengde.

The Queen Mother did not want to see them, and waved them to let them go.

Ye Haohang took the first ritual and left the Cunning Palace with Murong Cham. She sighed with a sigh of relief. "How come there is a feeling of a wave of unrest."

Murong Zhan smiled and held her hand. "Is Gong Gong coming to you again?"

"Gong's is not a big mistake. If you change someone, you can't stand it." Ye Hao whispered, "I don't want to do this thing, or you can solve it."

"The next day, let the people of the world choose, but..." Murong Zhan looked down at her. "The old five is so fond of the side, it seems that she is surnamed Lu."

Is it difficult to have a relationship with her? Ye Hao frowned in disgust. "I still want to call Lu Jinger into the palace to ask questions."

Murong Zhan nodded and did not say more.

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