On the first day, Murong had encountered difficulties in reporting to the Ministry of War. He had just received an errand from the emperor. He had thought that the main event of the Ministry of War should not be too boring, at least much better than the Hanlin Academy.

However, he did not know that the military and the light camp had just formed a hate! How did he make such a thing on the first day of his arrival in the Ministry of War, what kind of martial arts on both sides, and where he lost, he told him not to do it.

What made him most depressed was that the people in the Ministry of War knew that he was the prince, and he was expected to support the military. The Shangshu Shangshu also let him take the people to the light camp. Looking for the deputy in the inn at the inn a few days ago, whoever lost Set the banquet to admit the mistake.

Murong Yu likes to join in the fun. If you change to another military camp, he will not have to go to the Ministry of Military Affairs to immediately take the person, but at that time, the light riding camp is the site of the country grandfather!

If he really brought people in the past, would it be good to win or win?

Lost the army and lost face, won the game... Will the queen say that his arm is going outside?

Murong is very depressed, can he go back now?

"Oh, really come over and challenge?" Ye Yannan appeared in front of them with both hands on her chest, and her eyes were still on the face of ink-filled face for a while.

Ye Yinan had never seen Murong Yu before. He only knew that there was a little prince, but he didn't know what he looked like. Today, he saw that Murong Yu did not recognize it. He only thought that this person was a little familiar.

"Ye Yinan, don't be too arrogant. Today we are going to be witnesses for Xishan Camp. The vice-presidents of your two barracks will compete, and our military forces will naturally send over the principal."

"So, your military department is not going to fight with us?" Ye Yannan asked with a smile.

The main person standing on the other side of Murong shouted, "Hello! Why don't you fight? You hit us adults, don't you still allow us to challenge?"

Ye Xiaonan said with a smile, "I didn't say that you will not be challenged. However, since you are also looking for a fight, it is too supervised, too shameless."

"Who do you say shameless? Do you know who this is?" the man yelled.

The people who came from the Ministry of Military Affairs looked at Ye Yinan with indignation.

Ye Xiaonan squinted at Murong, and said with a smile, "A group of great men, actually still expect a small baby to support, but the military department is just like this."

Murong squatted his shoulders and immediately raised his head when he heard Ye Yannan. "General Ye Xiao, the military department does not need me to support, I just came to make a fun."

"Today is very lively." Ye Xiaonan laughed.

"Xiao Wang..." Huang said that he wanted to provoke ink to help, who knows that he has been interrupted before he even opened his mouth.

Inkor smiled and said, "Yellow Lord, we are still advanced."

Xishan Daying came to four deputy generals, two of whom were formerly Jin Shanshan. They deliberately took revenge today. They felt that it would be impossible to lose to a girl if they were drunk that day.

"Well, people are coming together, then don't talk nonsense, who do you want to challenge?" Ye Yannan stood there boldly, followed by Ge Kuan and others.

Murong blinked his eyes and looked at him. He secretly felt that he had not seen any man like Ye Haonan, except for the emperor.

"That's good, I called Jin Shanshan out. We are looking for her to challenge today." The vice-president of Xishan Daying shouted.

"Liu deputy, let's explain the rules first. How do you want to challenge, how to win? How to win? Just saying that the banquet is sorry is not enough." Ye Xiaonan said with a smile.

Vice-President Liu snorted. "It's very simple. We have a one-on-one challenge with Jin Shanshan. If she wins us, we will apologize for the banquet. Later, if you patrol the battalion before our Xishan camp, if she loses, In addition to having a banquet, you have to get out of Kyoto."

"Several of you want to challenge Jin Shanshan?" Ye Yannan pointed to Liu and asked several people.


Ye Yinan pointed to Murong and others. "What about you? Also want to find Jin Shanshan to challenge?"

Murong hurriedly shook his head. He didn't come to fight.

"It’s really a group of stinking faces. A few big men come to my light camp to challenge a woman. Do you think that you are taking turns to challenge her to win a lot of glory?" Ye Yanan sneered sneerly. "I really said it. It."

Vice-President Liu was said to be a bit sullen, and it would be true to think carefully about Ye Yinan.

Murong Yu only feels ashamed. The Ministry of War and Xishan Camp are teaming up to bully a woman?

"If you hit it, can you still beat these soft-footed shrimps?" Jin Shanshan, who has been standing behind Ye Haonan, snorted.

Ye Yannan looked back at her and looked at her. "Are you hitting them four?"

Jin Shanshan said with a sneer, "I haven’t played it yet."

Vice-President Liu said uglyly, "We don't want people to feel bullied. Let's send someone to single-handedly with you today."

"What about you?" Ye Yinan looked at the ink to help.

Huang said, "We... we said it was to supervise."

Ye Lannan nodded with satisfaction. "Yes, the general is here to tell you clearly. There is only one chance to challenge. You can challenge everyone who is at home today. We are all going to the light camp. After today, if you dare to look for it. We are in trouble, then don't blame Laozi for seeing you one."

This tone... I am afraid that no one is more horizontal than him!

Vice-President Liu and Huang’s principals looked at each other. They originally planned to join hands with Ye Yinan. It seems that it is not easy now. It is a bit difficult to apologize for the banquet.

"Gu Feng, you go." Vice-President Liu said to the people behind him.

A tall and tall man nodded, stepping on the platform, standing with Jin Shanshan, he was like a mountain, and Jin Shanshan was so small that people felt vulnerable.

Ye Xiaonan was inexplicably worried, as if a string was hanging. He looked at Jin Shanshan with a stern look. "Don't be stubborn, everything is me!"

Jin Shanshan looked up at him. "I can."

"Stubborn!" Ye Yinan did not sigh.

Inkori is a little bit unbearable. He has heard of Gu Feng’s reputation, the famous warrior, and the average man is not his opponent, let alone the other is a woman.

The light riding camp will definitely lose.

Does he want to go first? After the province was able to see Ye Hao Nan.

Just as Murong was fighting in the minds of the heavens, the two people in the ring had already fought. What was unexpected was that the strength of Jin Shanshan did not need to be much smaller than that of Gufeng. Gu Feng’s footsteps are still somewhat unstable.

Vice President Liu will round his eyes, how is it possible? Gu Feng is a famous Hercules!

They did not guess, Jin Shanshan is still a woman who is born with power.

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