Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 812: a woman who made him lost

Murong Chan's abdomen suffered a slight injury, the injury is not serious, no harm, but the wound is purple-black, it is obviously poisoned, but the toxin spreads very slowly, except for the wound, ink-filled His face looked good, but the pulse was weak, but it didn't matter. After Ye Hao checked, he secretly sighed in his heart. Fortunately, she added a drop of Lingquan to his tea every day. His body was able to withstand the general poison. It is.

Ye Hao asked Tang Yan to carry Murong Zhan into the cave. This is the cave where Wan Yanxi lived before. Although it is simple, there is at least one bed that is framed by wood, which can make the ink room a comfortable place. Let her be able to force the toxins out for him acupuncture, and everyone else was called out of the cave by Ye Hao, so that she could use Lingquan to feed him into his mouth and put it in the wound medicine to wrap the wound for him.

After everything is done, it is already an hour.

"Anniling." He screamed outside.

"Come in." Ye Hao said, but his eyes could not be separated from the face of ink and beauty, she was still worried about not knowing when he could wake up.

He walked in from the outside. "The goddess, Hou Ye asked if you need to go to the camp and ask the doctor to come."

Ye Hao said faintly, "No, the palace has already handled the wound for the emperor."

"The maiden, it will be dark outside, if we stay here forever, I am afraid that it is not safe." It is not afraid of beasts, but the killers of thousands of Luosha will find it.

"When the emperor wakes up, we will leave." Ye Hao whispered.

Hey, he said, turned and went out to tell Don Juan.

Ye Hao looked down at Mo Rongzhan and let the red dragonfly at the entrance of the cave call in the sinking.

The sinking injury was not heavy, it was already bandaged, and when he heard the Queen's maiden summon him, he immediately stood up from the campfire and came to the cave. "I have seen the maiden."

"How was the emperor injured?" Ye Hao asked in a low voice.

"Back to the maiden, when the people of the thousand robes played against each other, one of the masks of the man was taken down by the emperor, and the emperor seemed to know the man..." Shen Wei explained in a low voice, but did not dare to say that the emperor The person who is holding is a woman.

Ye Hao didn't ask any more, and Murong Chan would hold on to the other person's appearance. He must have thought that it would be that person. Although she didn't know who it was, maybe she would tell her when she woke up.

"The maiden, the emperor is not a big problem?" Shen whispered, he was the most clear how the emperor treated the empress, so I dare not let the empress have any misunderstanding at this time, otherwise the emperor will wake up will be furious.

"When the emperor wakes up, it will be fine." Ye Hao said.

Just after the words were finished, Murong Chong’s eyes moved a few times and reached out and held Ye Hao’s arm.

"The emperor?" Ye Hao said with a pleasant voice, "Are you awake?"

Ink Murray opened a pair of dark and deep eyes, and looked at Ye Hao with a gaze. "Well, wake up."

The sorrow immediately collapsed. "The emperor is a low-ranking guardian!"

"It doesn't matter to you, get up, what's the outside?" Murong Zhan said quietly, sitting up and looking at the hole.

"Everyone is guarding outside, and the Xiliang Prince and his bodyguards are also outside." Shen Wei whispered back.

Ink Murray nodded faintly. "The sky is dark outside, the mountain road is not good, and I will stay here tonight."

"The emperor, if you spend the night here, I am afraid that thousands of people will return." Shen Qiang said, the thousand Luosha killers encountered today are more powerful than before. If the emperor is not injured, now the emperor Still injured, he dare not have any more adventures.

"They won't come back again." Murong Cum said softly, the tone was very positive.

Ye Xie glanced at him with a puzzled look, as if he was very determined that thousands of people would not go back and return.

"The emperor, General Ye, they came." Tang Yin’s voice came in from the outside of the hole.

In a short while, Tang Yan and Ye Yinan walked in and walked in together, and together they gave a ritual to Murong Cham and Ye Hao.

"How do you find this?" Murong Zhan looked at Ye Xiaonan and asked softly.

Ye Yinan said, "In the hillside there were two people with strange paths, and the minister guessed that there might be an accident here, so I found it."

"Have you caught two people?" Murong Chan stunned.

"Yes, it's outside," said Ye Nannan.

Murong Zhan looked at the sinking look. "Go bring people in."

Ye Hao looked at Murong Zhan with some doubts. He felt that his reaction was a bit strange. It seems that... I don’t really want my brother to catch thousands of people.

Shen Shen soon brought people in. It was two men who were injured in their bodies. When they saw Mo Rongzhan, they just tightened their lips and made a look of death.

"The emperor is them." Ye Yannan said.

"Your Majesty!" Shen Shen snorted on their knees and let them kneel in front of Murong Cham.

One of them smirked and looked up. "Kill us, we won't say anything."

Murong Zhan looked at them coldly. "Who is the owner of the thousand Luosha?"

"Hey!" Both of them just snorted.

"The woman who led you into the mountain today, is also the person of your thousand Luosha?" asked Murong Zhan.

"What is it? Today is your life, you will be so lucky next time." The man sneered.

Murong's thin lips floated a little smile, and told Shen Shen, "Take them down and ask questions."

Shen Shen immediately understood the meaning of ink-filled Zhan, and took people out to take them out.

"Tonight stay here tonight, and make arrangements tomorrow." Murong Zhan told others.

"Yes, the emperor." Ye Yinan and Tang Yan are both.

Ye Xiaonan looked at Ye Xie and then retired from the cave with Tang Yan. He was so anxious to come over and wanted to know his sister's safety. Now, seeing Ye Hao is good, he naturally has nothing to worry about, that is, he does not know how Jin Shanshan is.

He just walked out of the cave and his eyes looked around for Jin Shanshan.

In the cave, Ye Hao bowed his head and arranged clothes for Murong Chan. "The wound is not deep, but it is poisonous, so you should not use internal force these days, and the poison of the body will be discharged."

"Hey, you are worried." Murong Chan took her hand and sat in her arms.

Ye Hao bowed her head. She was really worried, but she knew better that he would have a bigger adventure in the future. She did not seem to have anything else except to adapt.

Oh, one more thing, she cares very much about who the woman who made him feel hurt.

"Do you suspect who is the owner of Thousands of Rakshasa?" Ye Hao asked in a low voice.

Murong Zhan laughed softly. "How do you know that you are doubtful?"

Ye Hao flew out a look when you were a fool. "What did you find? Or... who did you meet?"

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