Back to the camp, the Queen Mother learned that Murong Zhan was injured and immediately came to visit him with Liu Zhi.

Although she knew that Murong Chan had no serious problems, the face of the Queen Mother was still very difficult to see. She looked at Ye Hao, standing next to her, and said to Murong Zhan, "The House of Sorrow has already said that she should not bring a woman into the mountains. Hunting, this is unknown, you are not convinced, but fortunately it is only a minor injury, just like the last time... you are not long-term memory."

"After the mother, the injury is not related to the Queen." Murong Chong said softly, the Queen Mother is already disgusted with Ye Hao, no matter what, she forgot her head.

The Queen Mother said with no sorrow, "How can it be irrelevant? The last time because of her, you have been hurt like this, this time again."

Murong Chan frowned, "Mother!"

"The mourner knows that you are hurting her." The Queen Mother said with a sigh of relief. "I heard that you brought two people back?"

"Well, I lost my way in the mountains." Murong Zhan said faintly. "After the mother, let you worry, it doesn't matter."

The Queen’s cold eyes looked around and looked around. “You only took Fu for this time, but now you are injured and no one is taking care of you. Let the paintings leave you to take care of you.”

When Ye Hao looked up and looked at the Queen Mother, the last patience of the Queen Mother finally dissipated. "After the mother, the emperor has a courtier."

"If you can take care of the emperor, will the emperor be injured?" The Queen Mother said with dissatisfaction, she had to arrange Liu Zhizhu to the side of Murong Cham.

"After the mother, what you said is like the courtier who made the tiger appear." Ye Hao smiled faintly. "Chen Chen knows the medical skills. Besides the courtiers, who can take care of the emperor?"

Liu Zhihuai lowered his head and did not speak.

The Queen Mother said in a cold voice, "How do you know that you don't understand the painting?"

"This Liu girl..." Ye Hao’s mouth floated with a mocking smile. "I heard that this year’s showgirl, you are not good at home, waiting to be selected, as a showgirl to join in the fun, knowing is When you come to serve the Queen Mother, what do you think of you if you don’t know? A showgirl will show up before he even enters the palace. Will you still let you stay in the palace in the future?"

Liu Zhi painting jerked his head up and looked at Ye Hao in a burst of white. These words were too heavy for her. The Queen simply wanted the emperor to hate her.

"Lu Yan, is it a sorrowful family to let a hearty person wait around?" the Queen Mother asked with anger.

Ye Hao smiled and nodded. "After the mother, the courtiers can't say no, wait until the future Liu girl enters the palace. The courtiers must arrange her to serve you. Anyway, there are still some female officials and palace ladies in the palace."

In addition to becoming the emperor's embarrassment, some of the girls in the palace will become palace ladies, and the other is the female officer. If Liu Zhi painting becomes a female official, then she does not have to think about becoming a woman in the emperor.

The Queen Mother was so painful that she was so painful that she was stunned. "Lu Yan,"

Murong Zhan quietly drank Ye Hao. "Queen, how to arrange a female officer after the mother is a mother, you should not intervene."

"Yes, the emperor." Ye Hao went to a ceremony and said to the Queen Mother. "After the mother, all the officials are not sensible. Don't blame the courtiers."

The Queen Mother looked at Ye Hao coldly and left in an angry manner. "I don't know what it is!"

Liu Zhihua's face is pale and snowy. She is not a fool. How can she not hear that the emperor is actually swearing at the queen, actually helping her.

He is talking about a female official!

After the Queen Mother and Liu Zhihua left, Ye Hao did not breathe a sigh of ink.

Murong Zhan looked at her innocently. "It doesn't matter."

"How can it be irrelevant?" Ye Hao was sour in her heart, she was still here as a queen, and the Queen Mother was unscrupulously smothering the woman beside him. It will definitely be even more powerful in the future. "It’s all because of you!"

"Oh, this can't be weird." Murong Chan said helplessly, he did nothing at all.

Ye Hao knows that he can't blame him. He just secretly helped her, otherwise he won't let the Queen Mother become like that. "Do you think Xiwu Wuwang might help the Queen Mother?"

"Then it depends on what happened in Xiliang." Murong Zhan said with a slight sigh.

"If the Queen Mother's hypnosis is no longer solvable..." Ye Hao thought of facing the Queen Mother for a lifetime, the scalp could not help but numb.

Murong Zhan whispered, "There is Ye Yaoyao, she will always say it."

Ye Hao remembered that Ye Yaoyao, who was still in the supervision office, did not know what happened to her now.

"I will go to see Yan Xi first." Ye Hao whispered. "He looks very wary. If you see him, he may not be willing to say anything."

"If he is asking for help, he will naturally say anything." Murong Zhan said faintly.

Ye Hao thought for a moment. "So... wait for him to come and ask for you?"

Ink said that "you go to see him, you will go to Xiliang to check."

"Okay." Ye Hao gently nodded. "You don't know him?"

"There are several sides." Murong Chan smiled. "Before I used to hand over the battlefield, I don't think it is deep."

"..." Ye Hao looked at him silently, then he is still familiar with Tuoba Xuanyuan today?

Murong Chong picked up his eyebrows. "Don't say that, he won't come back."

Ye Hao shook his head and smiled. "I will go to see Yan Xi first."

When she left, Murong Zhan asked Fu Gonggong to call Shen Shen.

In a short while, Shen Jin came in from the outside and gave a ritual to Murong Zhan, "I have seen the emperor."

"Let people go to Xilu, check what happened recently, and check the whereabouts of the king." Murong Zhan silently told.

The sorrow should be whispering.

Murong Zhan was silent for a moment. "A decade ago, a group of palace ladies had been released in the palace. Let people check it out. Is there a palace lady named Qian Xue who is about twenty-seven years old and will go to her for the past ten years? Check properly."

"Yes!" Shen Shen's heart is slightly strange, this thousand snow... Is it the woman the emperor saw in the mountains yesterday?

"This time, don't let the Queen know." Murong Zhan whispered, he did not want Ye Hao to know the existence of this thousand snow, if Qianxue is really a thousand Luosha people, it must be related to Murong.

Qianxue used to be the palace lady around Murong.

"Yes, the emperor." In addition to the promise, Shen Shen did not know what to answer.

Murong Zhan nodded faintly, "Go on."

The Shen footsteps moved and stopped, "The emperor, thousands of Luosha two people still refuse to say anything."

"Don't leave alive." Murong Zhan's voice is cold and underground. Since he refuses to say it, there is no need to live. Anyway, he will not let the people of Qianluo.

"Faithful understanding." Shen said.

Murong Chan 眸 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微

This is why he has always had doubts about Murong.

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