Dongqingguo, Wangducheng.

As a prime minister above the 10,000 people in Dongqing, Ye Yiqing’s marriage is naturally eye-catching. Everyone wants to know which famous niece can be his continuation, because even the successor can marry the elegant style. The prime minister, that is the wish of many girls, but when the identity of the future lady is revealed, the entire king city is not calm.

How can a prime minister marry a widow? If this is passed to the North Ming State, it may even cause the anger of the monarch of the North Ming Dynasty. Ye Yiqing is the king of the North Ming Dynasty.

"The emperor, Ye Yiqing must not swear that ink Zhaoyang!" Li Yu came in from the outside, and Li Wei, who was completely talking to the Queen, did not let her in.

Li Yan looked at her frowningly. "Emperor, what do you want to say?"

"Ye Yiqing's woman is the widow of the Northern Ming Dynasty. Isn't this an excuse for the North Ming Kingdom to attack us? The ministers are afraid of Ye Yiqing's power and dare not speak, the emperor, do you also watch him look at the disaster?" The jade statue did not see the Fang Queen, and he sat down and said to Li Wei.

"Emperor sister, Ye Yixiang wants to marry who is not who can be the master." Li Yu frowned and said, some unpleasant feelings in his heart, he has already expressed very clearly, if the long princess can let Ye Yiqing like her and is willing to marry him, he is If there is no opinion, she will still pay attention to Ye Yiqing, but now the princess only knows the identity of the identity in Mo Zhaoyang. How could this make him agree to stop Ye Yiqing from being the owner of Zhaoyang County.

In case the leaf is also a good return to the country?

"You are the emperor, why can't you be the master?" Li Yu did not scream, "even if it is for our Dongqing country, you must stop him."

Fang Huang said in a faint voice, "Mo Zhaoyang is not a widow. She is inseparable from the North Hall. Even if the North Ming Kingdom wants to attack our Dongqing country, we will not be afraid of him. Is it our east? Qingguo is what the North Ming Kingdom wants to play?"

Li Yu looked at her coldly. "Queen, do you want us to fight in Dongqing?"

"Who doesn't want to be in the Taiping world, but which monarch will set off a war between the two countries because of a woman who is separated from him, that is really stupid." Fang said with a smile.

"Queen, what is your relationship with that ink Zhaoyang, how can I speak for her everywhere?" Li Yu asked with a cold smile.

"This palace is only telling the truth, no one is talking for whom." The Queen of the Queen touched the lower abdomen and said with a sad attitude.

Not to mention that Lu Hao wrote to ask her to take care of Zhaoyang's affairs, the Princess is so rude to her, she will not help Li Yu to marry Ye Yiqing, when it is not even more innocent.

Li Wei displeased and yelled, "Well, Emperor Sister, the Queen said yes, if you can let Ye Yiqing swear you, that is your skill, you have nothing to say, if you can't, then don't worry about it. ""

"Emperor!" Li Yu did not have the opportunity to approach Ye Yiqing, so she wanted Li Wei to help her.

Li Wei said helplessly, "The emperor is not allowed to be more self-willed. You are already very patient with you."

"Well, I think of it myself." Li Yu snorted and turned and left.

The Queen Queen sighed, "Imperial, isn't the courtier wrong?"

"You are right, it is the emperor who is too self-righteous, she does not know what kind of person Ye Yiqing is." Li Wei shook his head.

"I just hope she doesn't irritate Ye Daren." Fang said, although she said so, she hoped that Li Yu would completely anger Ye Yiqing, lest she always look at the identity of the princess and even the emperor did not look at it. in.

Li Yan frowned. "She shouldn't be doing anything too outrageous."

The Fang Queen smiled in his heart. Did Li Yu raise so many face-to-face in the Princess House? I have never seen a woman who has just died since ancient times. The princess who hasn’t been there for a long time can’t wait to bring a man to the house. I don’t know how much Ye Yiqing’s tolerance is.



Li Yu came out of the palace. She wanted to see Ye Yiqing, but she knew that Ye Yiqing would not see her.

Since she met him in the palace last time, she has been asked to ask him to go to the Princess House several times. Ye Yiqing seems to know her mind and is trying to avoid her.

She did not believe that the man she wanted to get Li Yu would not get.

"Is Mo Zhaoyang living in the prime minister's house now?" Li Yu asked the maid next to him.

"Back Princess, Mo Zhaoyang has lived in the prime minister's house." The maid whispered back.

It’s a curse! Li Yu was cold in her heart. "This woman does not know what a clever means."

"Long Princess, after two days is your birthday, it is better to ask the opportunity to ask Ye Daren to the Princess House?" the waitress whispered.

Li Yu’s eyes are slightly brighter. How can she forget her birthday? In the past few years, she has not celebrated her life. This year is an opportunity. “Yes, but the banquet cannot be set at the Princess House, otherwise Ye Daren is not. Will arrive."

"The long princess can also borrow someone else to take a name and ask Ye Daren." The maid whispered.

Li Yu smiled and nodded. "Before this, the palace will go to the Zhaoyang County Lord for a while."

"The slaves went to inquire about whether the Zhaoyang County owner had gone out in these few days." The maid said.

"Yeah." Li Yu nodded gently.

Zhaoyang in the prime minister's office did not know that she had become the target of others. She was tired enough to be busy with the size of the house every day. She had not yet become a wife of the prime minister, but she had already taken up the stewardship.

"Zhaoyang County Lord, then you will marry in our family, our old grandfather confessed, and must be married like a married woman." The speaker is Mrs. Li, the daughter-in-law of Dongqing Guozhen Guohou, because Zhao Yang, who did not know him in Dongqing, could not marry in the prime minister's office, so Zhen Guohou discussed with Ye Yiqing and let Zhaoyang marry in the town of Houfu.

"Mrs. Li, thank you for my grandfather, if you are not you, I still don't know what to do." Zhaoyang said generously, she is not the first time to marry, so there is no need to pretend that she does not understand anything.

Mrs. Li and Zhaoyang have already dealt with several times. They still wondered how Ye Daren found a woman who was remarried. Now she feels that a woman like Zhaoyang is rare in the world. It’s no wonder that Ye Daren would like it. "You are welcome, we It’s also followed by a smile.”

Zhaoyang smiled. "Mrs. Li, I heard that the Baiyun Temple in Wangdu City is particularly famous. I want to pray..."

"Tomorrow is the Baiyun Temple for a hundred years, I will go with you!" Mrs. Li said with a smile.

"That would thank Mrs. Li." Zhaoyang showed a smile.

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