Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 821: Persuasion is invalid

The three-day hunting game has ended. What is unexpected is that Ye Haonan, who seems to have not entered the mountain, is actually the most captured person.

In the two days of the mountain, the victory was a must for this victory. I couldn’t think of him actually losing to Ye Yinan.

"Impossible, I don't believe it! This is not what you are playing." Yan Tuo shouted at Ye Xiaonan. "I have never seen you into the mountains. When did you play the leopard?"

He did not encounter a leopard in the mountains for two days. Where did Ye Haonan come from?

"I have to report to you if I go hunting." Ye Yannan raised an eyebrow and gave a mocking sneer to the question.

Yan Tuo looked at Ye Yunan's prey, and his face snorted.

"Where did you catch the black panther?" Murong Cham and Ye Hao came over and saw that there was a black leopard around Ye Xiaonan, and it was still alive. This black panther looks very good.

"The emperor, the hill, the night minister and Hou Peidong went to the mountain to catch, only hurt its legs, and it was quite spiritual, so he did not kill it and brought it back." Ye Yinan said.

Ye Hao looked at the black panther. "Brother, are you going to raise it at home?"

"Yes." Ye Xiaonan nodded with a smile. He liked the black panther, otherwise he wouldn't spend a night to tame it.

"Can it get along with Xiaoqi?" After Ye Hao entered the palace, he left Xiaoqi in Yejia. If the Panther is at home, with the personality of Xiaoqi, it is estimated that he will fight with this black panther. Its status as a king.

Ye Xiaonan stunned, and he forgot that there was a proud wolf king at home. If he really brought the panther back, it is estimated that Xiaoqi would not let it go.

"The little wolf?" Murong Chong heard the name of Xiaoqi and remembered the little wolf that had blocked him from the door several times.

There are still many people around, Ye Hao is not good to refute the words of Murong Zhan, her little seven is a small color wolf, do not know how much better? He is a big satyr, otherwise Xiaoqi will not always guard him.

"Can you raise Xiaoqi in the palace?" Ye Hao asked quietly.

Murong Zhan looked at her sideways, and his mouth floated with a faint smile. "Let's think about it."

"..." Ye Hao is too familiar with his smile. What he said is not to ask her to find a way to please him? As for the way to please... Ye Hao knows more about what it is, she really wants to scratch him.

"Ye General is young, martial arts is good, and even the ability to catch the beast is not small." General Meng laughed aside, although he was not convinced, but had to admit that Ye Haonan had the ability.

"Meng General has won the prize." Ye Yannan said with a smile. "We often came here when we were young. I just took advantage of the familiar terrain."

Don Juan smiled. "I have been here a few times. I have not been able to catch the live panthers."

Murong Zhan nodded, "I don't have any."

"The emperor, are you not a cold minister? Chen can not shoot a tiger with a skill." Ye Yannan said.

"The emperor and the queen are both powerful." General Meng laughed.

Inkor Chonghan smiled and looked at Ye Hao, took the sabre at the waist and threw it at Ye Yannan. "This is yours!"

Not everyone can take the ice sword of the emperor.

"General Ye, the sword on your waist seems to be a black sword." General Meng noticed Ye Jiannan's sword for a long time, and he felt a bit familiar.

"Oh, yes, this is a black sword." Ye Yannan took down the sword at the waist, "Meng General has good eyesight."

Tang said strangely, "I remember that the sword should be in the palace of Dongqingguo."

"This is what I sent people to give, and it was given to me by the Emperor of Dongqing." Ye Xiaonan said faintly, the last time he won the battle, Li Wei rewarded him with this sword. Although this sword is precious, But it is not enough to compare with his merits.

Murong Zhan looked at Ye Xiaonan, he could probably guess what Ye Yiqing had said with Li Wei, probably completely broke the relationship between Ye Yinan and Dong Qingguo.

"There will be more than half a month, everyone can hunt and hunt, and there is still a reward." In the eyes of Murong Zhan, the smile is deepened, and I look at the young people who are all in the world. These people are all Jin Guo. The power of strength is the power that he can rely on in the future.

"Thank you for the emperor."

In the evening, Mo Rongzhan took the crowd to continue the bonfire. This time, the Queen Mother did not appear with Liu Zhihua, and there was no such thing as a dance. Something was stimulated by Ye Hao’s words last time. I really can't enter the palace draft after knowing the painting.

Ye Hao looked at the Queen’s Eyes. She did not have seen the former softness and gentleness in the face of the Queen Mother for a long time. It seemed to be replaced by a sullen and fierce. If this is the other side of the Queen Mother, then the temperament of the Queen Mother. Is it fake?

The Queen Mother appeared to be a bit smug tonight, and soon she would return to the camp to rest. Murong Chan stood up and helped her. "After the mother, I will send you back."

"Okay." The Queen smiled with satisfaction, and when she heard that Murong Chong called the Queen again, the smile on her face froze.

On the way back to the camp, the Queen Mother never laughed again.

"The Queen has been away from Kyoto for some days. Isn't it afraid of anything in the palace?" The Queen Mother asked Ye Hao faintly, saying that it was to let Ye Hao hurry back to Kyoto.

"What can be done in the palace, don't worry after the mother." Murong Zhan said with a smile.

Ye Hao whispered, "After the mother, the ministers are arranged properly and they are relieved to go out."

The Queen Mother is obviously not very satisfied with this answer. "It is better than not being able to sit in the palace."

“After the mother, haven’t you always wanted to go back to the city of Youcheng?” Mo Rongzhan asked with a faint smile. “It’s time for the weather, why not arrange for you to return to the city?”

“Really?” The Queen’s eyes flashed a touch of color, but she glanced at Ye Hao and quickly shook her head. “When the mourner can go back, it’s time for the draft, or go spring next year.”

Murong Zhan said with a smile, "After the mother, isn't there a queen in the draft? Since you were enthroned, you have been in the labor palace. It's hard to be awkward. Now that there is a queen, you should enjoy it. How can you continue?" Tired."

It is because the Queen is not at ease in the palace, the Queen Mother said, "The House of Sorrow is still not assured, the Queen has just entered the palace not long after, many things still do not understand, next spring back to the city, the emperor still remember to promise the mourning home What happened? You said that if you want Qiu to come to Kyoto, it’s been so long, why didn’t you still move.”

"Hey, forget it." Murong Zhan said with a smile.

The Queen Mother said, "Let's wait for the family to go to the city, and then go back to Kyoto with Qiu."

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