When Murong Chan came to Huaqing Palace, Ye Hao was discussing with Qi Qi when he went out to see the medical clinic. Now the place has been chosen, not in the busy street, although some are remote, but most suitable for medical treatment. The significance of the existence of the square, that location is mostly the residence of civilians, and more poor.

"The emperor is driving."

Outside the voice of Fu Gonggong, Ye Hao slightly glimpsed, she knew that Murong Chan was busy recently, and even if it was a normal day, he would not come back so early.

Qi Hao was busy standing up from the raft, and bowed his head to welcome the emperor.

Murong Zhan walked in with great enthusiasm. When he saw Ye Hao, he wanted to cover her in the past, and his eyes swept to the figure. He was forced to hold back. "The medical officer is here."

"Chen Chen sees the emperor." Qi Yi went to a ceremony, "Wei Chen came over to discuss the medical workshop with the empress, and now it is almost the same, and Chen retired."

"Oh? How is the thing going on in the hospital?" Murong Cham smiled and asked, sitting next to the big cockroach.

Qi Qi looked at Ye Wei, "Return to the emperor, the location of the medical clinic has been selected, and now only the lady is asked."

Murong Zhan nodded and asked a few questions. They all answered one by one, and then they retired.

"The emperor, isn't it busy today?" Ye Hao took his hand and stood up, untied his belt, and let Hung Hom bring his plainclothes to him.

"Well, I don't want to come for two days, I want to marry?" Murong Chan's rough fingers rubbed a few times on her chin. Before he took off his robes, he hugged her up and lowered his head. Live her lips and kiss it hard.

Ye grabbed his neck and softly accepted his request.

"What exactly did you change?" Murong Chong pressed her on the raft and kicked the table to the side.

Hung Hom took the clothes of Murong Cham to come over. As soon as he saw such a scene, his cheeks were red and he hurriedly bowed his head and quit.

There was a loud voice in the room, and Hung Hom and Emei looked at each other. Both of them stood under the eaves. They thought that because of the new girl, the emperor had forgotten the empress for the past two days. It seems that the emperor is still very pampered. Goddess's.

"Is there a anger in my heart?" After the squatting, Murong Cham would leave Ye Hao in his arms and whispered as he kissed her shoulder.

Ye Hao lazily leaned in his arms, she did not dare to move, the body's aftertaste has not dissipated, and he did not leave in her, she felt a clear stimulus when she moved, she looked at him and looked at him. Why should I have gas?"

"The Queen Mother took the showgirls to block your heart." Murong Chong almost certainly said that he would know what the Queen Mother would do if he didn't ask.

"Those showgirls will not let me block even if they are blind." The only person in the palace who can make her sad is him. If he doesn't touch the showgirls, what does the queen do, what do the show girls do? She won't care.

Murong Chan slowly moved up against her back. "Well? Don't care?"

Ye Hao’s body trembled, “Azhan... no!”

"Lie." Murong Chong bit her earlobe, "I obviously want it."

"You...you are not tired, I am tired." Ye Hao clutched the pillow tightly. She wanted to resist the strong feeling that he brought a wave of waves, but no matter how she ignored it, he was already familiar with every part of her body. In a sensitive place, she was easily thrown away from her armor, and he dominated all senses.

Murong Chan held her sitting on her body, and the two kissed face to face. The impact under her body was heavier than that. His panting, her charming, like a meandering river, ran out of the window.

Jin Wuxi fell, everything was calm, and Ye Hao fell asleep in his arms.

After Murong Chan had brushed it, he called Fu Gonggong to ask questions. Naturally, he wanted to know what the Queen Mother had done on these two days.

"I heard that the Queen Mother is very concerned about the draft, and also selected a few show girls to accompany the Cining Palace, and the Queen Empress gave the big and small things to her." Fu Gonggong whispered.

“Hey?” Murong Chong picked up his eyebrows and could not remember what it was like in the palace.

Fu Gonggong laughed. "It was a Humei person a year ago, and later it was sealed."

Murong Zhan nodded faintly. Although he had no impression at all, it seems that the Queen Mother really cares about this year's showgirl. However, at least she has something to do, so she will not find Ye Hao's trouble.

"Since the Queen does not want to intervene in the show, then let the House of Government not have to report everything." Murong Zhan told.

Fu Gonggong whispered promise.

Ye Hao woke up after a while. At this time, the sky was already a little dull. When she got up, she saw the ink-filled Zhan Zhan who was sitting at the long table reading a book. I am reluctant to remove my eyes.

She took a light footstep toward him and was thinking about scaring him. He hadn't approached him, but he was hugged by him. "When I wake up, I don't say anything."

"You don't even look at it and you don't even care about the wrong person." Ye Hao glanced at him and struggled to come out in his arms.

Murong Zhan chuckled and said, "Can you still hold the wrong person?"

"I have something to tell you." Ye Hao whispered.

"What is it?" Murong Chong picked up his eyebrows and saw her gentle and unintentional look in his arms. He must have asked for him.

Ye Hao was on his shoulder and looked at him with a smile. "I want to go out of the palace tomorrow."

Murong Zhan’s eyes flashed a smile, and sure enough, he was asking for him. “Go out to see the hospital?”

"Yes, I have to go to see it in person and I can rest assured." Ye Hao whispered, "You agree that I will go out of the palace. Even if I know that I will not let me go."

"Do you know that the Queen Mother valued a few girls?" Murong Cham asked like a smile.

Ye Hao grinned. "I know it at Chengde Mountain Villa. Have you seen it before? It is the few who danced to you. The emperor was the one who saw the heart and was anxious to see them. Is this good? Do it, as long as you go to the Queen Mother, you can see them at any time."

Murong Zhan squeezed her cheeks. "I am afraid that I am weak now. I use too much energy in the Queen today."

"..." Ye Hao's face floated up in a blush, and he didn't swear at him. "You still have the heart."

"Small vinegar barrels." Murong Zhan laughed and kissed her in her arms. "Kyoto has a lot of princes and grandsons who are not married. This year's newly elected girl is just married, and I have you." This little vinegar bucket is enough, but I don't dare to ask anyone else."

Ye Hao said, "Do not say this to the Queen Mother, or else I thought I was seduce you."

"Isn't it?" Murong Zhan whispered, only she made him feel the nerves, and never saw anyone else.

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