Ye Hao sat down and looked around. It was really no different from before. It was just that they didn’t come before this hall. This is the uncle who often entertains guests here, and the uncle will not allow them to come here. .

"I don't need him to understand medicine. Just help me with the doctor's office. Brother, you think about it. If the medical clinic is opened, who will be the first dissatisfied person? Whenever there is Kyoto, there are other places. There will also be a medical clinic. If no one looks at me, it will inevitably be used by people." Ye Hao said.

Ye Yinan also heard about the previous medical clinic. He listened to Ye Hao’s words and thought that what she said was justified. “I gave it to me, I went to the monkey.”

"People are the sons of the world, you are also called monkeys and monkeys." Ye Yan said with a smile.

"Who made him look like a monkey when he was a child." Ye Yannan shrugged. "You just want to go out for this?"

Ye Hao shook his head. "Let's take a look at the medical clinic. By the way, come and see."

Although Ye Xiaonan has been separated from her sister for a few years, he is a small girl who grew up watching Ye Hao. He does not say 100% understanding, but his sister’s expression and eye movements can still make him see the clues. He will be in the hall. The next person sent it down and looked at his sister seriously. "Isn't that old woman doing something disgusting for you?"

"Brother!" Ye took a look at him, even if it was not in the palace, then you should be careful that there are ears in the wall, let the Queen know that he called her old woman, and must be mad at the blood. "The Queen Mother is hypnotized, she used to I am very good."

Ye Xiaonan snorted. "You don't think I don't know. The Queen Mother is not necessarily hypnotized. Even if she is hypnotized, hey, one can easily change the temper, and even hurt the people who once loved it. You think Does she have no problem in itself? Hey, the Queen Mother is a man who has lived in the palace for decades. Although the emperor has suffered a lot before, he still survived. You know how many princesses will die each year in the palace. How many flaws will disappear inexplicably, and the Queen Mother is not always favored, but she survived and became the Queen Mother. With this, she could not be just a gentle person."

Ye Hao’s face changed slightly. This is the fact that she is not willing to admit it. “It’s impossible for everyone to be like this.”

"Hey, after going through so many things, do you still think so?" Ye Xiaonan looked at Ye Hao deeply.

"I am not so naive." Ye Hao reluctantly sighed. "It’s just after receiving a favor from her. I don’t want to think about her... bad."

Ye Xiaonan knows that her sister has always been kind, he said, "Hey, you can't survive until you can, no matter what, don't give another chance to let others hurt you. You don't feel comfortable in the Dongqing Congress, maybe you will take it back."

"I know." Ye Hao gently nodded and looked up at Ye Xiaonan. "You don't want to say me, how about you? You are not young, you are not married, I am afraid that someone will hit your mind on your head." It is."

"Old woman wants to threaten you with my affair?" Ye Xiaonan knows what Ye Hao’s words mean without guessing.

Ye Xiaoxiao looked at him. "Do you think this can threaten me?"

"My parents have their own ideas, and now they are not in a hurry. Maybe they will go out after a while." Ye Yinan said.

"Exit?" Ye Hao stunned. "What happened? Is it going to fight again?"

Ye Xiaonan knew that the emperor did not tell Ye Hao about the coldness of the West. "This is not necessarily true. I am talking about it."

I am afraid it is not that simple! Ye Hao remembered that she had met Yan Xi today. "Is it related to Xiliang?"

"Hey, you are getting smarter." Ye Yannan exaggeratedly smiled. "How come you think of Xiliang?"

"I just met Yan Xi, if it is not related to Xiliang, how can the emperor let people finish Yan Xixi to Kyoto?" Ye took a look at him. "The emperor is afraid that I am worried not to say, are you also I want to look at me, do you wait until the time to go to the border to let me know about this?"

Ye Yinan hurriedly said, "I don't mean this. It's still not fixed. If Xiliang doesn't fight with us."

Ye Hao said, "We have just met the killer of the thousand Luosha."

"What?" Ye Xiaonan almost jumped out of the chair. "The killer of Thousand Rakshasa? Are you okay?"

"If I have something to sit here?" Ye Hao smiled and asked, "Brother, what happened to you and Jin Shanshan?"

When it comes to Jin Shanshan, Ye Yinan's expression is a bit subtle. He turns his head and looks at other places. "How do you say her, what does it have to do with her?"

Ye Hao raised his eyebrow and glanced at him. "I didn't want to be a relative because it was for her. It wasn't. Well, when I started, I will pay attention to those showgirls. If you look pleasing to the eye, I will go." Ask the emperor, let the emperor give you a marriage, how do you see it?"

"No!" Ye Yannan's face stood up and changed. "I don't need the emperor to marry!"

"That is like Jin Shanshan?" Ye Hao said with a smile. "You really can't see it. When you were at Chengde Villa, you turned around."

Ye Yinan didn't swear, "Who would like the woman who doesn't know how to be good."

"Gold good or not knowing what?" Ye Hao chuckled. "Brother, don't say that you are very good to her. You like others to be nice to her. Look at your attitude of talking on a weekday. Which girl will meet?" Think you like her?"

"I...what's wrong with me, it's not good for her." Ye Yannan shouted, "It is clear that she doesn't know that others are good to her."

Ye Hao turned his eyes. "Then you will slowly treat her slowly. When she meets one, she really wants her. You just watch her marry someone."

"She dares to marry someone to give it a try!" Ye Xiaonan gnawed his teeth.

"You are not her, why do people not marry you?" Ye Hao said faintly. "Okay, it's almost time, my brother, I should go back to the palace. As for your family, I don't." Will let others around, but Jin Shanshan... If you really like her, then it is really good for others, she has a deep hatred, may not think about these children and affair, you work hard."

Ye Yinan said, "I will send you back to the palace. You don't have to worry about her things. I know how to do it."

Ye Hao is very suspicious of what he calls knowing how to do it.

"Brother, you and Zhaoyang should be close to each other, are we... should we give a congratulatory gift?" Ye Hao suddenly asked.

"That... just send it." Ye Xiaonan said, Zhaoyang is almost the same age as him. He met him later than he was, and he still feels awkward.

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