"Slaves have seen the emperor, the emperor Wanfu Jinan." Qian Xue Zhan looked at the high-ranking ink-filled Zhan, the mind appeared in the mind of the boy.

Murong Zhan looked at her faintly. "If you haven't seen you in the mountains, you will almost think that you were still in the palace."

Qian Xue said, "Slaves have always been thousands of snow."

"I thought you were just a palace lady." Murong Zhan said coldly, if Qian Xue is not the killer of the thousand Luosha, he will definitely reward her for the past, so that she will be carefree for the rest of her life.

"The emperor left me in the palace, I am afraid that I still hope that slaves will wait for you as they did in the past." Qian Xue smiled and asked.

Ink Murray's thin lips sneered a sneer. "When you left the palace, you joined the Thousand Riddles, right?"

Qian Xue laughed. "Since the emperor has already found out, why bother to ask?"

"You know what you want to ask." Murong Cum whispered, "Are you leaving the palace, is it related to the king?"

"The emperor, what are you talking about? Although the slaves have served the king before, but since the slaves have followed you, they have never seen the king again." Qian Xue said with a funny face.

Murong Zhan slowly stood up. "Is it? I thought that the only person in the world who can let you obey and sacrifice everything is only the king."

The smile on Qianxue’s face froze slightly. “The emperor, the king of the king has made the slaves yours.”

"Yes, it is the king who wants you to take care of you. Only the king of the king will listen." Murong Cum whispered, "Where is the king?"

"The slaves don't know what the emperor is saying." Qian Xue whispered.

Ink 眸 眸 眸 锐 锐 锐 锐 锐 锐 锐 锐 锐 锐 锐 锐 锐 锐 锐 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨

Thousands of snow turned and Merong Zhan looked at each other. "Since the emperor already knows, why bother to ask the slaves, it is better to kill the slaves."

"Why are you going to kill you?" Murong Chong smiled. "Wang Wang may come to find you, let you let you go."

"You want to use me as a bait to kill the king?" Qian Xue finally changed his face, no longer pretending to be a loyal slave girl.

Murong Zhan said coldly, "The king of the king is a brother of a beggar. He has neither done anything wrong nor violated the law. Why do you want to kill him?"

Qian Xue said, "The emperor, you killed me."

"Why are you going to kill you?" Murong Chong heard a smile. "Look at the service you have served before, just stay in the palace. You and the king haven't seen you for a long time. If he sees you back to the palace, he wants to come. It is also happy."

"The emperor, the slave is nothing but a trivial person. When the king saw the slave, he still remembered it." Qian Xue said with a smile.

Ink said that "Wang Wang remembers you, you should ask the king."

Thousands of snow frowning at Murong Zhan, "The emperor, what do you want to do?"

"I just want to know, who originally made you the killer of Thousands of Rakshasa, how did you learn the martial arts in your body?" Murong Chong asked softly.

"When the slaves have not entered the palace, they will have a little martial arts. Later they met in the palace... He Gonggong, he taught the slaves martial arts." Qian Xue was a little anxious, she was not afraid to be caught in the palace, the big deal is One died, but the emperor does not seem to want her life now.

Gong Gonggong? Mo Rongzhan thought for a moment before he remembered who it was. It was an old **** in the former royal palace. He died a few years ago. Qian Xue said that he taught him. Who knows if the father-in-law is really martial? What?

"Who made you the killer of the thousand Luosha?" asked Murong Zhan.

"After returning to the hometown, the slaves returned to their hometowns, only to know that their parents had already died in the plague, and they were helpless. Later they were sick and saved by a cook of Thousands of Rakshasa..." Qian Xue said, this is what she thought before. Excuses.

Murong Chong just looked at her like a smile, with a cold sarcasm in her eyes. She didn't seem to believe her rhetoric. He knew that he couldn't ask anything in Qian Xuezui.

"Take her down." Murong Zhan told Fu Gonggong that he was obviously not interrupted and asked her.

Qian Xue looked at the image of Murong's exaggerated figure. "The emperor, the slave who wants to catch is the Yan Yan, if you insist on protecting him, I will only have trouble in the future."

Murong Chong hooked his lips and sneered. "He has never been afraid of trouble."

"If this is the case, why not kill the slaves?" Qian Xue asked.

"You are naturally useful, and stay in the palace, maybe the king will come back soon." Murong Zhan said faintly, waving Fu Gonggong to take away the snow.

Fu Gonggong knew at this time that the emperor was left with an old feeling for Qian Xue, which clearly meant to use Qian Xue to lead the king.

He said, how can this thousand snow compare with the Queen's Empress.

Murong Zhan glanced at the back of Qian Xue’s departure and called Shen Shen in. “Export the news of Qian Xue, and let the king know this.”

With the news of thousands of Luosha news, it should be known soon. He would like to know that Murong knows if Qian Xue will come back in his hands. If Murong Yu is really the owner of Qianluo Is there any relationship between the pursuit of Ye Hao before him?

Although Ye Hao did not say it, he saw that she was somewhat comfortable with Murong Yu. Murong had repeatedly saved Ye Xie in Dongqing State. Is it accidental or another purpose? Murong Chan is hard to judge, but he didn't want Ye Hao to know about it before it came out.

Murong Chong returned to the harem and stood outside the hall. He looked at what Ye Hao was busy. She seemed to feel good, with a cozy smile on her face. Can she be so happy once in the palace?

"Hey." Murong Zhan went in. "What are you busy with?"

"Emperor Wanfu." Hung Hom and others have bowed down.

"Go all down." Murong Zhan sent the palace ladies in the temple down, and took Ye Hao's hand forward. "The mood is very good."

Ye Hao said with his arm. "I went to see the doctor's office. The location is very good. Just fix it. Now it's a big thing."

Murong Chong picked up his eyebrows. "You seem to have a candidate."

"Hou Peidong." Ye Yan said with a smile, "I think he is the most suitable candidate."

Murong Chong heard nodded and asked faintly. "It is really appropriate. You know that the danger of ectopicity is not willing to come back. Is it for this?"

Ye Hao heard that his tone was a little unpleasant, and his clear eyes looked at him with love and affection. "They are not coming to me. I think there should be nothing... I don’t think there is Xue Lin and Wu. Is it rushing? I also went to Ye Ye to find my brother."

"Yeah." Murong Chan looked at her coldly and coldly.

Ye Hao got together and kissed him a few times. "I didn't come back well?"

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