When I heard that the Queen mentioned her, Liu Zhihua did not consciously straighten his waist, but his eyes did not dare to look at it.

The Queen Mother looked at Ye Hao with a cold eyes. "Yes, the Laughing Family likes her very much and is planning to leave her."

"Liu girl is really good. She will take her when she goes to the autumn hunting. It is obviously inseparable from Liu Yan." Ye Hao is not angry with the Queen Mother's care, but looks at Liu Zhi's painting more gently.

"Yes, so she must stay." The Queen Mother said hard.

Ye Hao said with a smile, "Since the mother likes Liu girl so much, she will naturally leave her, and I will always be a companion in the future."

The Queen Mother frowned and looked at Ye Hao. She thought that the Queen was going to stop Liu Zhi painting from entering the palace. Now she is willing to leave Liu Zhi painting? This makes people have to wonder if she has any other intentions.

Liu Zhihua also felt confused in his heart, and he was not sure what the Queen would do.

Hu Yueer, who has been silent for a long time, looked up at Ye Hao and the Queen Mother. She felt that she still had nothing to do. Don’t say that it was Mingzhe’s protection. No one knows what the Queen Mother and Queen should do next. It’s just for the dead.

"After the mother, let's continue the draft." Ye Hao said with a smile.

"Yeah." The Queen Mother nodded faintly and planned to wait and see. Since Lu Hao did not confront her, she also wanted to know what Lu Hao wanted to do.

Ye Hao didn't come to the Taishou today, but she was praised by the Queen Mother, and she followed the Queen Mother's intention to leave the showgirl. How to do it filially, let the Queen Mother have some doubts. I don't know what she really wants to do.

"This year's show is really good, after the mother, what do you think?" Elected twenty showgirls, Ye Hao turned his head and smiled at the Queen Mother.

After the Queen’s slanting sweeping sweeping the leaves, today I feel that Lu Yishun’s eyes are a little bit. “It’s good. After a few days, the emperor’s eyes were over, and it’s time to make a book seal.”

Ye Hao nodded. "The mother said it."

"Since the showgirls have been chosen, the mourner will go back." The Queen Mother has chosen her favorite showgirl, and naturally there is no need to stay here and entertain with Ye Hao.

"Gong Gong to the mother." Ye Hao stood up and saluted.

Hu Yueer took a ritual, "The maiden, the courtiers also retire first."

Ye Hao smiled and nodded. "Hey, this time is hard for you."

"Chen Chen did not dare to bear the hard work of the Queen, this is the courtiers should serve you." Hu Yueer said in a hurry.

On the way back to Huaqing Palace, Hung Hom had forbeared for a long time and finally couldn’t help but ask, "Women, why did you leave that Liu Zhi painting?"

"The Queen Mother likes her so much, can this palace not let her stay?" Ye Hao asked faintly.

Hung Hom whispered, "The Queen Mother wants to go with you, leaving Liu Zhihua, and I don't know how to confuse the emperor in the future."

"The Queen Mother likes Liu Zhihua to have anything to do with the emperor. In the future, let Liu Zhi painting... stay in the Ci Ning Palace as a female official, just to accompany the Queen Mother every day, it is also a filial piety of the palace and the emperor." A touch of light, the twilight is cold.

"Hey." Hung Hom smirked out, the original Queen Empress is the meaning, if the Queen Mother knows, is not to be mad at vomiting blood.

Ye Hao looked at her. "Is this not the filial piety of this palace?"

Hung Hom hurriedly said, "Nature is the filial piety of Queen Mother to the Queen Mother."



"Let me go to be the principal of the medical workshop?" Hou Peidong looked at Ye Yinan in surprise. "You are kidding, I am, the master of the medical workshop?"

Ye Yannan glanced at him. "This is not what I meant. It is the meaning of the Queen. The medical workshop was founded by the Queen. She wants you to be the principal of the medical clinic. Naturally, she has her thoughts."

Hou Peidong got in front of Ye Xiaonan. "It really means the queen, isn't you talking for me?"

"You don't know anything about medical treatment. I am worried that you will break the Queen's hospital. How can you speak for you? Don't think too much." Ye Yannan pushed him away. "Would you like to say a word, I want to Go back to the Queen."

"This... I am used to idle people, I am really not used to having errands." Hou Peidong said with a smile.

Ye Yinan stood up. "That's it, I will go back to the Queen and say you can't."

Hou Peidong immediately grabbed Ye’s arm. “Can you still make me feel bad?”

"As you are, you still have a bad fart." Ye Xiaonan smiled and said, "If you should have this errand, then do your best for the empress, and you can't make a mistake."

"How do I feel that you are better than Queen Ye's sister to Ye Hao's sister." Hou Peidong asked with a smile.

Ye Yinan said, "She is... isn't it my sister?"

Hou Peidong laughed. He should have known that Ye Yinan has always been a short-term supporter, especially for his younger sister. This is the case since he was a child. Unfortunately, his sister who cares for growing up is not blessed. Instead, his sister who was separated from childhood has his love. "Okay, then I should have this errand, and I will not be responsible for the Queen's wife."

"That will go to the palace tomorrow to go back to the Queen." Ye Yannan patted his shoulder with satisfaction.

"Yes, General Ye." Hou Peidong respectfully and cleanly.

Ye Yannan rubbed his shoulder. "Then I will go back first."

"You return to the military camp?" Hou Peidong asked.

"Yes, it will be curfew if you don't leave the city." Ye Yannan said as he went outside.

Hou Peidong asked with a smile, "What about your female deputy? I haven't seen her for a few days..."

Ye Xiaonan’s face sank, “less hit her idea.”

"I didn't say anything, why are you so angry?" Hou Peidong cried exaggeratedly.

Ye Yinan was too lazy to say to him, striding out, and leaving the city gate to go straight to the military camp. Just after she got off the horse, she saw that Jin Shanshan was training. In the sunset, she was slender and straight, although not like the average woman. Feminine and beautiful, but more beautiful and beautiful.

He walked over to her. When he had not yet led a war, he also liked the gentle and beautiful woman. They always felt that they needed care, but now he feels that only Jin Shanshan can make him really tempted.

The younger sister said that he did not know how to please the woman. He snorted. He had never done this before. How did he know how to please her, and Jin Shanshan was an unusual woman.

"General." The soldiers saw Ye Haonan all saluting.

Ye Xiaonan nodded faintly and walked toward Jin Shanshan.

Jin Shanshan saw him and said to the soldiers who were training, "I will practice here today, let everyone rest."

When she finished, she turned around and left.

Ye Yinan looked at her back and was only angry with her teeth. She was so ignorant of her attitude. How did he treat her well?

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