Ye Hao always thought that Qian Xue should be imprisoned in the supervision or secret sanctuary. I did not expect to see her in the palace. However, listening to Qian Xue’s meaning, Murong Chong imprisoned her here not to let her say it. After killing Yan Xi’s truth, is it for other things?

"Why did the emperor imprison you here, naturally there is the truth of the emperor." Ye Hao said faintly, although she was curious as to why a palace girl would become a killer, but I believe that Murong Cham would ask.

Thousands of snow covered his mouth and smiled. "I am afraid that the Queen of the Empress will only know one of them."

"Do you think there is something that the palace has to know?" Ye Hao asked faintly.

"You are not curious why the emperor did not imprison me outside the palace, but shut me up here, and let the maids of the palace wait as if they were waiting for the master?" Qian Xue sneered and asked.

Ye Hao heard the provocative meaning in Qianxue's words. She smiled faintly. "How about that? Close to this place that is not much better than the cold palace. There are still guards outside. What point is it like the master?"

Qian Xue saw Ye Hao, she was not fooled at all, and her heart was annoyed. She sneered. "I thought that the emperor really loved you. It turned out to be the case. You don't even know who I am here, maybe." I will go out in the discover how stupid you are."

"If you think you have served the emperor and helped the emperor to think that he is different, then the palace really wants to know what kind of chance you can go out in the future." Ye Hao said softly.

Murong Zhan actually even said his identity with Lu Hao? It seems that as rumored, Lu Yan is different in the mind of Mo Rongzhan. I can’t think of the indifference of that year. Even the teenagers who are not willing to touch the body of the palace will be so obsessed with a woman today.

Qian Xue can't say what she feels in her heart. She just doesn't want to see Lu Wei's confident and confident appearance.

"You thought I was waiting for the emperor... How was it served?" Qian Xue chuckled and looked at Ye Hao with a deep sarcasm.

Ye Hao Xiumei slightly picks, faintly watching thousands of snow.

"I don't know if the Queen's Empress has heard of what is a palace girl?" Qian Xue smiled and asked. "Every prince in the palace will arrange a teacher at the age of twelve to teach him how to be an adult, the so-called adult, queen. Does the goddess understand what it means?"

If it is Lu Lu who grew up in the border town, I don’t know what it means to be a thousand snow. But Ye Hao, who is a parent of Ye, has been married to Qin Wang of Qin Wang. It is impossible to understand what this means.

"You are the palace lady of the king!" Ye Hao was shocked in his heart, but his face was calm, she did not believe that Murong Zhan actually taught the palace girl, he said ... said that there is no other woman except Lu Shuanger.

Thousands of snow smiled, "This is the path that every emperor must pass. At that time, the emperor was not valued by the emperor in the palace. The aunt who gave her aunt's choice had a stench, and he looked very ugly, and the king loved his brother. So I will give it to the emperor, the empress of the empress, although I am not as beautiful as you are, and even less than you are now favored, but any man has a feeling for his first woman, what do you think?"

Ye Hao’s face changed slightly, and she took a deep breath. “Do you think the emperor is now imprisoning you here, is it old-fashioned?”

"What is the reason is not important, what is important, what do you think of Queen Empress?" Qian Xue laughed softly.

"Hey." Murong Zhan came over when he learned that Ye Hao had discovered thousands of snow. He didn't worry about it. He was afraid that his little vinegar barrel would be cranky. When he ignored him for a few days, he would not be worth the candle.

Hearing the voice of Murong Cham, Ye Hao stiffened and didn't turn back. He came really fast.

Is it afraid that she knows the existence of Qianxue?

Qian Xue slightly bowed his knees and said, "The slave has seen the emperor."

Murong Zhan did not pay attention to Qian Xue, but walked to Ye Hao's side, low-lying to see her pale face, and was shocked, "Hey, how come you come here?"

"Oh." Ye Hao's clear eyes trembled and looked up at him. "Chen Chen came here inadvertently, and was curious..."

Even the courtiers came out, surely the fire broke out! Murong Zhan took her little hand and said, "Give you back."

Ye Hao gently nodded, "Good."

"The emperor, you want the answer of the slave, the slave can tell you." Qian Xue called Murong Zhan, "Just, don't know what you can give to the slave?"

Murong Chong felt that Ye Hao wanted to break his hand. He clenched hard and looked back at the cold snow. He told Fu Gonggong, "Take her to the Qing Palace."

Qian Xue sneaked a smile, but she could not leave in the palace anyway. If she could separate the relationship between the emperor and the empress, she would be able to make up for it.

"Don't go to Cining Palace? How come here?" Murong Zhan took Ye Hao slowly and walked back to Huaqing Palace, his eyes kept staring at her.

Ye Hao’s mind is stunned. She knows that she shouldn’t believe in Qianxue’s words. What kind of teacher, if Murong Chan once had a teacher, would he not forget her?

In addition to her, is he still thinking about another woman?

“Hey?” Murong Zhan stopped and gently squatted in her arms. “Is it something that Qian Xue said to you?”

Ye Hao looked at him and asked softly, "What does the emperor think that Qianxue will tell me?"

"I don't know, I have kept her in the palace for a reason, but I haven't found out the truth yet, so I didn't tell you." Murong Zhan whispered.

"What is the truth?" Ye Hao asked seriously, what the truth was so important that he did not reveal a word to her.

Murong Zhan looked at her silently for a while. "I want to know why Qianxue will become a killer. This is very important."

"Because Qianxue is your former palace girl, is her matter important?" Ye Hao asked with a smile.

"She is a former palace lady who is not fake. She left her in the palace. It is in the past, she helped a lot." And she was Murong’s former close-knit girl, this is where he left her. The reason in the palace.

Ye Hao was sharply pointed by his past sensation. "How does the emperor plan to repay her help to you in the past?"

Murong Chan frowned. "Oh, don't get me wrong, I just want to know something from her mouth."

"I know." Ye Hao gently nodded. Since he didn't want to say it, she didn't want to ask again. "She is still waiting for you in the Qing Palace. Go ahead, maybe you need to know the truth." ""

"I will explain it to you at night." Murong Zhan whispered.

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