The weather in Xiliang is already in the winter. Walking on the street, the body has already been wearing a thick mane coat. Murong Yu and Fuji Teng, who are easy to accommodate the businessman, slowly walked on the Xiliang Street.

"All said that Xiliang is a barbaric small country. What do you see?" Fujita is not so much a sharp-eyed person, how can you not see the strangeness of Xiliang prosperous street at a glance.

"It seems familiar." Murong whispered.

Fujita laughed. "It’s like a deja vu, it’s like Kyoto in the country."

Murong’s eyes floated in a shallow smile, but the smile was a little cold. “What do you think?”

"Perhaps this Xiliang used to like Kyoto in Jinguo very much, so the Xiliang city is like this in Kyoto. The building is similar, and it seems to be a little different." Fujisawa said.

The king of Xiliang was not like this before. Fujisawa had been there many times ago. It was still very backward. It was not as prosperous as it is today, and it was not like Kyoto.

"It seems that there are people in Xikou who have business dealings in Jinkou City. These goods should all come from Jinkou City." Murong said faintly.

"Is Xiliang Wang going to Kyoto?" Fujisaki asked curiously.

"As far as I know, there should be no." Murong Yu looked at everything he saw. "Xiliang and Jinguo have almost never had a relationship. How can Xiliang Wang go to Kyoto?"

After that, he and Fujisawa looked at each other.

It is possible to make Xiliang Wang change so big. Except for Xiliang Wang, there is only one other person who can do it.

"If Xiliang Wang has not been to Kyoto, there is only one other possibility." Rattan whispered.

Murong was very cold, "Maybe we should first find out who the Xiliang Wuwang is."

"Although you are trying to make your talents cool, but I am also very curious, what is the origin of this witch king." Fujisaki was still interested in Xiliang and his party, but now he is more interested.

Maybe the Xiliang Wuwang went to Jinguo, and even... from Jinguo?

"The situation like Wang Ducheng was not built in a day or two. It has been said for ten years. Ten years ago, what happened to Xiliang? Maybe you can find out the identity of the Witch King." Murong asked.

Fujita said with a smile, "That should be checked to know."

"Let's stay and talk about it." The witch king is a man or a woman, not necessarily.



Ye Yinan has already arrived at the wasteland. Although the weather is cold, the court does not lack the soldiers to eat and wear. The conditions are not particularly difficult, but the only thing that is depressed is that it is not allowed to be cool.

On the other side of the wilderness, the grassland is the border of Xiliang. At this time, they are heavily placed, and it looks like they are going to fight with Jinguo at any time. Ye Yannan only took the troops to camp. The heavy soldiers in Xiliang seem to be paralyzed. The posture of the war.

"Ye General, we have been here for a few days, what is the meaning of Xiliang over there?" Murong screamed Ye Yannan out of the camp and hurried forward to ask.

"This is going to ask the West to cool." Ye Xiaonan looked at the ink-filled ink-handed singer, "Little prince, when are you going to mix here?"

Inkor smiled slyly. "I came here anyway, I will see you first."

"The princes like to get together in the military camp to eat hard, it is really rare." Ye Xiaonan laughed at him, "Do you follow the soldiers to eat?"

I am definitely not used to it, but I have been hungry for a few days, even if I don’t want to eat it.

"Men's husband, what can't be eaten." Murong screamed firmly.

Ye Yinan listened to this, and it was a bit of a glamorous look at Murong. "It seems that you are very capable, and the emperor still allows me to take care of you. It seems that you can take care of yourself."

Inkor's face changed, and asked for a low voice. "The emperor knows that I am here, then... what can he say?"

"Oh, in fact, nothing, let me send you back." Ye Yannan said deliberately.

"Don't! Don't!" Murong yelled. "I don't want to go back."

Ye Lannan was about to continue to speak, but he saw Ge Kuan striding over. "General, letter from Xiliang."

"Not a challenge book?" Murong blinked.

"Take the little prince to change clothes, and you will take him in the future, don't let him run around." Ye Xiaonan took the letter in his hand and let Ge Kuan take the ink to him.

It is one thing for Xiao Wang to have his own ideas, but now that he is in his military camp, he has the responsibility to take care of him. Moreover, he did not expect a prince to help him.

"Ye General..." Murong Yu was still willing to leave, and looked at Ye Xiaonan.

Ye Yinan waved his hand and turned back to his own camp.

"I heard that Xiliang gave you a gauntlet?" Before he could read the letter, Jin Shanshan had already ran in from the outside.

"Although you are the deputy general of the general, should you tell me before you come in?" Ye Xiaonan looked at Jin Shanshan and was very unhappy about her recent hiding from her. If it was not because of Xiliang’s letter, she estimated that she would not come. Look for him.

Jin Shanshan’s face was awkward. “It’s rude.”

"Xiliang is sent by letter, is not necessarily a gauntlet." Ye Xiaonan whispered, slowly opening the letter of the wax seal.

The contents of the letter are only a few words, at a glance.

Ye Xiaonan looked a little heavy after reading.

"Is it going to fight with us?" Jin Shanshan asked urgently. She knew that the Xiliang Liang soldiers were the generals who had played against Wan Ziliang last time. Why was this general being taken away by Wan Ziliang? Convicted, and even able to lead the troops, this makes Jin Shanshan feel very confused.

"No." Ye Xiaonan looked at Jin Shanshan and looked at him. "The other general wants to invite me to go to the past."

What is Jin Shanshan? Invite Ye Xiaonan to go to Xiliang’s military camp?

"You can't go!" Jin Shanshan did not want to say.

“Why?” Ye Xiaonan asked with a smile, and he was puzzled at the same time. Why did the opposing general have to see him?

Jin Shanshan glanced at him. "It's too dangerous. You are the coach, you can't take risks."

Ye Yannan said with a black face, "The other party is not asking me to go to their military camp."

Is she only concerned about the identity of his coach?

Jin Shanshan did not understand why he suddenly became miserable again. Did she care if he was still wrong?

"Go and ask other deputies to come over and discuss together." When Ye Xiaonan came to see her, she didn't want to understand his mind.

"Yes." Jin Shanshan nodded and looked at Ye Xiaonan's back.

It’s really inexplicable. I’ve always been mad at her. How did she offend him?

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