After Ye Haonan asked this sentence, he kept looking at the man. He was suspicious of the identity of this person. He listened to what he meant in his words. He seemed to know his sister, but he never came to Xiliang. At most, he went there. Dong Qingguo, but never heard her say that people like this.

"Is it only the Jinguo to admire the sister?" The man smiled softly.

Fan Luduo also said with a smile, "I heard that the Queen of the Kings is the world's first beauty, when will I also see this insight."

The sword in the hand of Ye Yinan came out of the sheath and pointed straight to Fan Luduo. The cold voice said, "Is it with you, also the queen of our country?"

"General Fan, you are offended." The man's voice was also a little cold.

"It is this that will be wrong." Fan Luduo said to the man, "Mr. Do not blame."

Seeing this scene, Ye Yinan even more doubts the identity of the man. He has already pointed to Fan Luduo. He has no fear at all. Instead, the man is just a word, and he has already made him so scared.

"I heard that Xiliang Wuwang is second only to Xiliang Wang in Xiliang. Isn't this gentleman a witch king?" Ye Yannan asked coldly at the man on the carriage.

The man smirked out, "The Witch King is resourceful, where is the best in the next, but it is just an aide."

"It can be a simple task to be such a curse." Ye Xiaonan smiled faintly. "Today, if you want to talk about this in the future, you will not want to say these things."

The man was silent for a moment and whispered, "Ye General, your Ye family is harmed by Murong Zhan, even if you don't say Ye Jia, your other sister is also died because of him, but today you have to fight for him." Do you think it is worth it?"

Ye Xiaonan smiled happily. "The value is not worth mentioning."

"In this way, your Ye family is really loyal, even the genocide and the enemy can be generously forgiven." The man said with a smile.

"I don't need to provoke dissension. I am not here for who I am here today, but for Jinguo. If you want to invade Jinguo and hurt me, I will not agree." Ye Xiaonan secretly suspected that this person is familiar with the leaf. The grievances of the family are more clear about how to provoke him and Murong Cham, who he is.

The man laughed. "In this case, I will disturb General Ye."

Ye Yinan walked over to the carriage and looked at him coldly. "You don't want to ask more about my sister?"

"If the general is willing to inform, I naturally want to inquire," the man said.

"The general has two younger sisters. The other sister is harmed by the traitor. He was killed by identity poisoning. I don't know if you heard about it?" Ye Yannan asked faintly.

The man said in a deep voice, "I only heard that the Queen of the Kingdom of Korea was self-immolated and died."

"Is it? I thought you were clearer than anyone else." Ye Xiaonan sneered. "The legs and martial arts have been scrapped out of the wilderness. It seems that I really saw you, Lu Yizhi."



Jin Guo, Gong Li.

Regarding the fact that the Queen has not been pregnant so far, it has been suppressed by Murong Cham. No one dares to play the book in the court. However, there are still many discussions in private. No one in the palace dares to say this, for fear of getting into trouble.

"Qi medical officer, the body of the Queen Mother is not a big problem?" Ye Hao called Qi Qi, who had just returned to Kyoto, to enter the palace, wondering what happened to the Queen Mother of Chengde Mountain Villa.

"The Niangniang, the Queen Mother has been much better. It used to be a bit of blood in the heart. After eating it for a few days, the medicine has disappeared, and the body is much better." Qi Wei whispered back.

Ye Hao gently nodded. "That's good. I hope that the Queen Mother will raise her body in Chengde."

Qi Qi looked at her, "Isnaughter announced the official palace, but for the medical workshop?"

"Yes, but there are other things." Ye Hao said with a smile. "The medical clinic is not too trustworthy today, but after all, the time is too short and more time is needed."

"Hou Shizi is out there, even if someone wants to do something unfavorable to the medical clinic, then he will solve it." Qi Xiao smiled and nodded.

Ye Hao whispered, "This palace is to ask the medical officer to see the doctor."

The medical doctor looked at her strangely. "Women, what is the meaning of this?"

"I believe that the medical officer is talking about the outside discussion. Although the palace does not feel that its body is different, in the end, the doctor does not self-medicate, so I would like to ask the medical officer to replace the palace." Ye Hao said.

"Odd girl, you are as light as this year, how to say that it is someone else's business outside, how can you be self-interested?" Qi Qi can not laugh, she feels that the Queen is a free and easy person, should not be taken care of this matter.

Ye Hao said with a smile, "I don't want to be self-interested. In the end... I am worried."

She does not take the arguments of others into her mind, but she is worried that she will have problems after she is born again.

Qi Yan shook his head and smiled. "Since the niece trusts the lower official, the lower official is the same as the maiden."

"There are labor doctors," said Ye Hao.

Qi Qi let Ye Hao's hand on the pillow and listened carefully to the pulse. She smiled and said, "Mother, your pulse is very good, how can there be a problem?"

"The palace also knows that there is no problem, but..." Ye Hao's eyebrows floated in the fog.

"If the maiden is really not at ease, there is a person introduced to the lower official." Qi Wei suddenly remembered another famous doctor in Kyoto. "The man is known as the gynecological sage, specializing in treating all kinds of incurable diseases for women. It’s just... she’s strange, sometimes she’s not willing to see the patient.”

Ye Hao’s eyes lit up. “Really, who is this person?”

"She used to be a women's college. Everyone else called her a doctor, just in the bamboo house in the western suburbs of Kyoto." Qi Wei said, "The lower official can accompany the maiden."

"That would be great, let the palace arrange the time." Ye Yan said with a smile, she is now somewhat uncertain, and the doctor who needs more people to convince her that she is pregnant.

Qi Xiao smiled. "The goddess is actually very good. It is a little too urgent."

Ye Hao said, "It is anxious, but I want to confirm it."

In the evening, Murong Chong returned to Huaqing Palace and heard about her going out of the palace. She was helpless and pressed her down. "Are you not trying to abandon it?"

"I don't mean this." Ye Yanhong cried with a grin. "Although I and the medical doctors both know medicine, but the surgery has specialization, maybe others can see the problem."

"If there is no problem?" Murong Zhan knew that she was concerned, he could not discourage.

Ye Hao hooked his neck. "Then I will never worry, just wait for the fate to give you a baby."

Murong Zhan laughed and bowed and kissed her. "That's it!"

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