It is not far from the medical museum to go to the western suburbs. Ye Hao and Qi Wei did not arrive long.

In fact, Ye Hao knows very well that this time, she is only looking for a peace of mind. Her body has no problems at all. If she can’t get pregnant, it is not because she and Murong Zhan’s body are sick, but the result of her being born again to her sister. .

"Madam, the bamboo house in front is the residence of a doctor without a doctor." Qi Wei whispered, "I don't know if she is at home today, if she is going to the mountain to collect medicine, I am afraid I will not meet it."

Ye Hao asked, "Is this A-no doctor a native of Kyoto? I didn't seem to have heard of her name before."

Qi Qi said, "I also heard it by chance. It seems that it is not long before I came to Kyoto."

They walked to the front of the bamboo house in a short while, and the red dragonfly went up and knocked on the door. It only knocked for a long time, and no one responded.

"It seems that no one is there." Ye Hao smiled faintly, but I don't know why I was relieved.

No one is good. When she decided to go out of the palace, she already had some regrets. She seemed to be too entangled in this matter. Even if this is the meaning of heaven, what can she do besides accepting it? Is it difficult to change your life?

Qi Yan said with a smile, "According to me, the wife does not have to be too entangled, you are still young, don't be too anxious."

Ye Hao nodded. "Yeah, I am too anxious. Let's go back."

They just turned around and suddenly came behind to open the door, "Who?"

"Madam, there are people inside." Hung Hom looked back and whispered to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao also looked back, but this eye was shocked.

"Who are you?" It was a woman who was about twenty years old and had a light eyebrow, but had another taste.

The woman came out and looked up at Ye Hao. She narrowed her eyes and her face was indifferent. "You... are you a ghost?"

Ye Hao pressed the strangeness in her heart. She knew this woman. She was a confidante of the former Prince. She used to be a female doctor in the medical museum. She once saw her in the Prince's House, but she did not know it. I didn't expect to meet here, but she used to be charming, but now she is called A.

"Let's go! Our lady is naturally a man, you are a ghost!" Emei heard her opening is actually a curse, and immediately rounded her eyes and counterattacked.

Awkwardly watching Ye Hao, "Yeah, nowadays, since I can stand here, it is not a ghost, but I did not expect someone to be so similar."

Qi Qi’s heart was secretly surprised. Didn’t this A formerly see the first queen? Who is she?

"What are you looking for?" Ah did regained his indifference, but his eyes stared at Ye Xie.

Since I have seen the Queen, I will definitely guess the identity of the Queen. Today, I can’t say the truth anyway.

"We just happened to pass by here. I am getting older. I can't walk a few steps and feel uncomfortable. I see people living here. I want to come and borrow a place to rest and disturb the girl." Qi Wei whispered.

A did not look at the carriage behind them. "I have no outsiders here, you have to rest, sit in the stone bench in the courtyard."

Qi Qi said to Ye Hao, "Mrs. I think it is better. It is better not to bother others. We can hurry into the city."

"That's good." Ye Hao gently nodded.

A did not just look at Ye Hao, did not say anything, directly shut the door.

"Madam, do you know what her origins are?" Qi Tong was stunned by her move and whispered Ye Hao.

Ye Hao knew that she had no identity, but she couldn't say anything. She smiled faintly. "It just feels that her behavior is weird and somewhat strange."

"It’s a mistake of the lower official. If you don’t understand it, let the girl go out of the palace.” Qi Hao said quickly, bowing his head in a sly face.

"She didn't recognize me. The medical officer didn't have to blame himself. It wasn't too early. Let's go back to the palace." Ye Hao said softly, slowly moving toward the carriage.

They have not yet reached the place where the carriage stopped, and they saw the intersection turn in a bright carriage.

Hung Hom supported the hand of Ye Hao, "Mother, let's get on the bus."

Ye Hao didn't want to meet another person any more, then she lowered her head and stepped up to the carriage. At the moment of getting on the bus, she felt that someone in the carriage that had come to the side was watching her.

She frowned and looked at the past, a familiar, feminine and beautiful face flashed in front of her eyes.

Murong Hui?

Ye Haoran was shocked. How could the abolition of the Prince be here? Is he not under house arrest?

"Mother, what's wrong with you?" Hung Hom noticed the strangeness of Ye Hao and asked in a low voice.

"Get out of here." Ye Hao said quietly, frowning and looking at Qi.

Hung Hom said to Xue Lin, "Go away."

Xue Lin and Wu Chong were always vigilant when the carriage appeared. Naturally, they saw the appearance of Mo Ronghui from the window. Although they had never seen the abolition of the Prince before, they suddenly appeared in a carriage, how could they not be vigilant.

The carriage that had been flying fast stopped. A man jumped out of the car and looked straight at the carriage of Ye Hao disappearing at the intersection.

"His Highness, what are you looking at?" The car followed a person, it was not someone else, it was the old man.

"An old man." Murong Hui whispered in a low voice, his eyes showing an obsession. "It looks like her, she looks like she must be the same as the woman."

An old prince smiled and asked, "Who is the name of His Royal Highness?"

Mo Ronghui came back to God. He looked at An Lao Wang with a smile. "Wang Shu, I am just a monk now. You should stop calling me the Prince. If you let the people in the palace hear it, I am afraid to give it." You are in trouble."

"Oh, if the person is not worried, you are still in the palace." An old prince sighed.

"Wang Shu, what do you bring me out of the palace? Are you not saying that you want to take me to see an old man?" Murong Hui whispered. "If you let me know that I am leaving the palace, the palace That person will definitely be upset."

The old man said, "The emperor has not forbidden you to stay in the palace, wherever you want to go."

"While that is the case..." Mo Ronghui laughed at himself, and his eyes looked at the direction in which the woman left. Is Ye Hao not dead? Why is there a woman who looks so similar to her?

"His Royal Highness, we are going here." An old prince saw him look obsessed, and his eyes flashed a smug smile.

Sure enough, Mo Ronghui still remembered the first queen.

If he knows that the woman is the queen of today, I wonder if it will re-energize her ambitions?

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