Dongqingguo, Wangducheng, Yuxiangfu.

Today is the big joy of Ye Yiqing and Zhaoyang. Although he doesn't want to be too grand, he can be the prime minister of Dongqing. He can't do it simply if he wants to be simple.

Ye Yiqing welcomed the guests outside the door, but he thought about the situation on the wasteland at this time.

Like Murong Zhan, he felt that this time the Xiliang army was not for victory, it seems to have another purpose.

"Adult, the long princess is coming." Ye Guanjia whispered in Ye Yiqing's ear.

Ye Yiqing’s face sank in an instant. Last time he was counted and went to Qianyin Pavilion. If he was not very self-controlful, he might have already had the woman’s way. A woman who sleeps thousands wants to approach him. Who is he?

"Get her out." Ye Yiqing said coldly.

Ye Guanjia said, "Adult, in the end is a long princess, today is your big day, a lot of guests, if the long princess is troubled."

"If she dares to make trouble, I will not be polite with her." Ye Yiqing said faintly, he would never condone Li Yu's crazy woman.

"Adult..." Ye Guanjia cried helplessly.

Ye Yiqing walked a few steps outside and suddenly stopped again. It seemed that it was not good for a crazy woman to add her big happy days. He said to Ye Guanjia, "You go to Tian Jiu to find me."

"Yes." Ye Guanjia answered, and turned to find someone.

After a while, Tian Jiu walked over. "Adult, are you looking for me?"

Ye Yiqing nodded. "There is something to tell you to do."

Tian Jiu immediately said, "You said."

"The long princess is coming, you are going to entertain her." Ye Yiqing said softly.

This scared Tian Jiu's eyes and rounded his eyes. "Adult, are you going to harm me?"

Ye Yiqing laughed. "How does this harm you?"

"What about a long princess, what if you look at me?" Tian Jiu asked reluctantly.

"If she looks at you, if you are willing to serve me, I will not stop." Ye Yiqing held back and smiled. "If you don't want to wait, find a way to let her leave."

Tian Jiu knows that the last time Ye Yiqing was almost counted by the princess, his face showed a smile. "Adult, I know how to do it."

Ye Yiqing was satisfied with the nod. "Go, please entertain the princess."

Zhaoyang in the new house soon knew that the princess had arrived.

“How did she come?” When Mrs. Li, the bridesmaid, sat up straight and turned to ask Zhaoyang, “Ye Daren invited her?”

Ye Yiqing can't wait to kill the princess, how can she be invited to drink it! Zhaoyang remembered the anger of the previous days when she returned, and she first knew that his physical strength was so good, and he knew that his anger was so terrible.

I heard that the Huang Daren of the same dynasty was not even done by the official. If Li Yu was a long princess, I was afraid that the end would be even more terrible. Zhao Yang knew that Ye Yiqing was waiting for an opportunity and he did not know that he would be today. Will not endure,

"There are long-time princesses telling Ye Daren... Today I know that Ye’s happy event is also coming to the door, but I really didn’t put anyone in my eyes.” The son-in-law in the room said, the tone is full of contempt for the princess. .

"Oh, but she is sure to do everything possible to get it, Mrs. Ye, you should be careful."

Zhaoyang smiled. "Our family has a high-eyed, too dirty thing that has never touched."

Everyone thought for a while before they understood the meaning of Zhaoyang. The heart couldn’t help but swear. This lady is really bold. If she heard Li Yu, she would have to make trouble.

Mrs. Li smiled and said, "As long as she doesn't come here, it's boring to see her."

In fact, Li Yu really wants to come and see the bride. She can't get Ye Yiqing. Naturally, she is not willing to get another woman. She is not invited today. What is embarrassing is the convenience of identity. However, some people do not. Let her step into the backyard.

"Who are you, even dare to stop this palace?" Li Yu dismissed Tian Yu for a long time, feeling that he was blinding the dog's eyes, actually did not know how to lift her way.

"The long princess, naturally knows you, you are so famous, you don't know if you are difficult, but there are some boring women together. The princess today gives us a big drink and a cup of wine, can't follow Those vulgar women talked about each other together." Tian Jiuxiao said, although the heart is very disgusting this long princess.

Li Yu looked at Tian Jiu for a long time. "Is your adult let you come to the palace?"

Tian Jiuxiao said, "Our adults most like to see guests at the pavilion over there, not only quiet and elegant, but also drinking and talking."

This said that Li Yu’s heart was moved, and she was attracted at once. She looked at Tian Jiu with a cold eye. “That’s not to lead the way.”

"Time is, Princess, please come here." Tian Jiu said with a smile.

When he came to the pavilion he said, he did not see Ye Yiqing's figure. Li Yu sneered at him unpleasantly. "Ye Yiqing?"

"Long princess, you see, isn't it already warm wine? You should drink a few cups of warm body first, then go to the adults to come over here." Tian Jiu said with a smile.

Li Yu nodded faintly. "Not too fast."

Tian Jiuxiao retired and walked away in the corner watching Li Yu pick up the jug and pour it, he just left here with a smile.

It didn't take long for Li Yu, who was drinking in the pavilion, to feel a little feverish. The more she thought about seeing Ye Yiqing, the more she wanted to be thirsty, the more she drank the wine, and even the eyes were a little fuzzy.

"Long Princess, how are you here?" I don't know who called her.

Li Yu was hot and dry, and blinking was a man who had only recently hooked up. She couldn’t help but reach out. "Come here, this palace is hard to die."

"Long princess, are you okay?" Her maid hurriedly held her.

"You go to the front and keep no one close to here." Li Yu called, she couldn't stand it anymore, and now she needs a man to save her heat.

When Ye Yiqing and all the guests passed by, they just saw Li Yu’s bumping phoenix with the man, which was simply unsightly.

Li Yu’s mind woke up and immediately left the Ye Family with her maid. However, her reputation, which was not so good, is even worse now.

The entire Wangdu City knows that Li Yu is looking for a man to find someone's wedding banquet. He is still doing things in the pavilion of others, and he really lost the royal face.

This matter was quickly revealed. After all, today is Ye Yiqing’s big day, and Ye Yiqing also entertained them like nothing happened.

"Adult, the letter sent from the wilderness." Full of work came over and said in Ye Yiqing's ear.

Ye Yiqing opened the letter and glanced at it. The twilight flashed a violent murder.

Lu Yizhi!

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