In the evening, when Murong Cham came back, he saw his queen staring at the table with a look of sadness, and he didn't even notice when he came in.

"The emperor." Hung Hom and Emei saw him all surprised, turned his head and wanted to remind Ye Hao.

"Let's go down." Murong Zhan waved his hand and walked lightly to Ye Hao's side. He was about to speak, and he saw the note on the table.

At a glance, it is the handwriting of Huangfu.

"This is the handwriting of Huangfu?" In the eyes of Murong Chan, he saw the hand of the paper on the table. He asked strangely, "I have found him?"

Ye Hao heard his voice and turned back. "When did you come?"

"Just came over and saw you are in a daze, what is this?" Murong Zhan whispered, his eyes looking at the paper on the table.

Ye Hao whispered, "Sinking has just been sent, found his traces in Qi State, people have disappeared when looking for the past, leaving only this note."

Murong Chan took the note on his hand and looked at it carefully. "This is indeed the handwriting of Huangfu. He was taken away by the Witch King."

Ye Hao whispered, "But what does this Qi mean?"

"Qi Guo, Qi surname?" Mo Rongzhan frowned and meditated. "What do you think?"

"I just can't think of it. It is not necessarily Qi State to be arrested in Qi State, but if it is a surname, who is it?" Ye Hao asked, "I just can't figure it out."

Murong Zhan said with a deep voice, "There are many people in this world who have surnamed Qi, and the mother of Huangfu is also surnamed Qi, but Qi family is now only Qiqi, and it is not a climate."

Ye Hao sighed. "So I thought for a long time and didn't think about what it meant. I wanted to get hurt."

"Don't think about it, you don't think about it." Murong Chan took the note and said, "He will let people continue to find the emperor. No matter who took him away, he will find him."

"Yeah." Ye Hao had a frowning heart. She thought that she couldn’t think of a stunned head. I still have to check it out. Maybe I can guess what it means to leave this sentence. .

"How is my brother over there?" Ye Hao no longer thinks about the issue of Huangfu. Besides this, she is also worried about the wasteland.

Murong Zhan glared at her waist and went to the enthusiasm. She held her cool hand in the palm of her hand. "Xiliang’s generals have always been the weakest in the formation of troops. Now the military is flexible, mostly because Lu Yizhi..."

"My brother does not have the insidious sin of Lu Yi, will it be calculated?" Ye Hao asked worriedly.

"You look so small at your brother?" Murong Zhan said with a funny smile, Ye Haonan has a lot of battles, if there is no snack machine, how could it have been living until now, in the mind of this little girl, Ye Xiaonan is still only knowing before Is the son of the wind and snowy month?

Ye Hao said, "It’s not that I look down on my brother, but Lu Yuzhi..." She frowned, and some did not like to recall the previous ones. "Before I got along with him, I only thought it was a gentle and jade son. Later, Knowing that his intrigue is a set, if not for me to be blessed, I don’t know that he started counting me a few years ago."

Murong Zhan did not want her to recall the previous things. He held her in his arms. "Your brother is a big man with Ye, and you should believe him."

Ye Yiqing is a fine old fox, how can Ye Xiaonan be a little white rabbit.

"It’s also true." Ye Hao laughed. "But I can't help but worry."

Mo Rongzhan said, "Yu has already let Tang Yan bring five thousand soldiers to support him. Tang Yan knows the way of Lu Xun's marching. He goes to the wasteland, and your brother is sure to be a tiger."

"What do you want Lu Yanzhi to do?" Ye Yiyue thought more and more and felt that he couldn't understand. "I know that Xiliang will not be an opponent of Jinguo. They don't join forces with Beiming. Do they still think that only Can you defeat Jinguo by Xiliang?"

"What they want to do, they can't see it now, maybe, they will soon know." Murong Zhan said.

Ye Hao sighed in his arms.



On the following day, Xue Linjin returned to Ye Hao, although Qi was in Kyoto, but it was not easy to trace the past, he spent a night to find out.

"...Qi was originally a large family in Kyoto. From the generals of the townsman a hundred years ago to the three queens in the back, when the emperor family was in sinister world, the family of the family also left the family, leaving only the doctor. The official family, the medical officer had been at the Women’s College for three years, and then left Kyoto. It was twenty years after he left. Twenty-five years ago, the medical doctor returned to Kyoto with his newborn daughter. With the news of the Qi family, the people of the Huangfu family were able to inquire about the news at that time. However, the medical staff had never said their own people, and no one knows where they went. Whispered.

"I don't know where to go? Is the Qi family's people secluded with the Emperor's family?" Ye Hao frowned, she thought this was very possible, and the Huangfu family had already connected with Qi, since Huangfu took the initiative to give up. The name of the royal family, as the most loyal Qi family will not be reused even if they stay, it is better to return together.

However, why did Qi Qi come back?

"Why did the medical officer return to Kyoto at that time and find out?" Ye Hao asked again.

Xue Lin said, "I have never heard of the news of Qi family for so many years. It should be buried in a certain place. As for the medical officer... I can’t find out if I can’t find it. I only know that she didn’t go to Kyoto at that time. Just give birth to a child."

Ye Hao asked questioningly, "Who is the Qi medical officer married to?"

"Subordinates... didn't find out." Xue Lin said.

"I remember that the medical officer also lived in Kyoto with his grandson. He never knew who her husband was..." Ye Hao suddenly felt that there was a lot of doubts in Qi Wei, and she did not think clearly for a moment.

Xue Lin said, "Mother, do you want to continue to check."

"Check it out..." Ye Hao’s voice is a little weak, she is not willing to suspect Qi Qi, this is impossible! But... she was still shaking.

If it is related to Qi, it is really not so simple for Ye Hao to send troops to the wilderness.

"Mother, this is the weeding you want." Hung Hom came in from the outside and handed the sedge in his hand to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao gently nodded, she had to swear for the emperor, and his whereabouts were unclear. It was difficult to talk about life and death. Apart from asking for a peaceful and fierce, she had no other way.

"Mother, you are not going to see the medical officer? Do you want people to go to Chengde Villa to send a message?" asked Red Dragon.

"No, wait until the medical officer is back, and see this in the palace." Ye Hao said softly.

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