Dressing strange? Ye Hao immediately remembered the Xiliang Wuwang, the sentence left by Huangfu was careful of the Witch King, is Qi...

Not to mention the meaning of the word Qi in the back, they don’t even know what the Witch King looks like now, and they don’t know where the people who took the emperor are now, not knowing what to look for, it’s not easy to find.

“Mr. can still remember the looks of those people?” Ye Hao asked quietly. “If you can draw those people, it will be more convenient for people to find Master.” Ye Hao said.

I thought about it for a while, "I was impressed by the strangeness of those people."

Ye Hao’s eyes flashed in joy. “That’s also asked Mr. Shan to draw their portraits.”

Because she knows that Huangfu is envious to her, Ye Hao does not doubt whether the words mentioned in the single opinion are true or false.

Hung Hom soon prepared the pen and ink, and asked Mr. Shan to write it.

The acquaintance was slightly coveted, and the appearance of two people was drawn. Ye Hao could see that the dress was indeed Xiliang, and there were tattoos on their faces. "These two...is the priest's house?"

Regarding the Witch King's affairs, Ye Hao recently checked many books, the most of which is about the priest's house.

The Witch King of Xiliang Kingdom is said to have been chosen by Heaven. He has been raised in the priesthood since he was a child. Some of the Witch Kings have never gone out of the priest's house for a lifetime, but there are very few such things as the Witch King directly involved in politics.

The priest's house has its own guards, and each person has a snake-like tattoo on his face, just like Mr. Shan painted.

"It seems that Master was really taken away by the Xiliang Wuwang." Ye Xie was cold and stared straight at the two people on the portrait.

I was surprised to see Ye Hao, "Xiliang Wuwang? Mr. Huangfu has no relationship with Xiliang. Why do those people want to take him?"

"I don't want to understand." Ye Hao shook his head. "If you know, you won't be helpless."

"That... how can I find Mr. Huangfu now?" asked a single surprise. Although she was well-informed, she had never been to Xiliang. After all, Xiliang was too far away, she didn’t even know much about it. This small country.

How did Huangfu be taken away by them?

Ye Hao said to Hung Hom, "You sent this portrait to Shen Daren. It seems that it is easier to find them."

"The slaves will go," Hung Hom said immediately.

The single-mindedness still looked surprised. "Women, will the Witch King kill Mr. Huangfu?"

Seeing that Mr. Shan is so concerned about Master's life and death, Ye Hao believes her more words. "It shouldn't be. This is the palace for Master, and Master is still safe."

"So very good." The face of the single-personality is calm, but the heart is a stormy wave. "It seems that the goddess also knows that Mr. Huangfu is missing."

Otherwise, I was a little surprised when I heard her talk about it.

"Yes, this palace has been looking for him." It was Master who refused to return.

"If there is a maiden to save, I will be relieved."

Ye Hao nodded gently. "If you think of other clues, you must tell this palace."

"Yes, the goddess."

When I went out of the palace, I immediately went back to the courtyard where I lived and went to find a woman who was returning to Kyoto.

The woman squatted in the sun in the yard. She did not wear a hat, revealing a white face and gorgeous face. Although she is no longer young, she can see that she is a very beautiful woman when she was young.

She has a pair of narrow and deep Danfeng eyes, but the twilight is different, the left is black, the right is amber, it looks quite infiltrating.

"Is it coming back so soon?" Her voice was a little hoarse, and when she looked up and looked at her, she had a lazy atmosphere.

"Huangfu was taken away by the people of Xiliang? You already know, what is the meaning of deliberately letting me go to the palace to find Lu Hao?" The single-minded sly looked at her and wanted to get from her face. I saw a little clue.

Unfortunately, she did not see anything, the other party just looked at her like a smile.

"There are so many things I know. How do you know that those people are Xiliang? Lu Yan sees that this is Xiliang?" The woman raised her eyebrows and her mouth had a shallow smile.

The single-minded person said with a sigh of relief, "How can you not see it? It is also seen that this is the priest's house."

The woman sighed a little, and the tone was a bit more interesting. "I don't think this queen is really knowledgeable."

"Do you really see these people grabbed Mr. Huangfu? Why don't you go to the palace to tell Lu Hao, do you want to find me?" I looked at her suspiciously, wondering if I was being used. It is.

"The Queen Empress has never seen me. If I say something, will she believe it? If the Emperor is not related to me, I will not bother to come to see it myself. If I have already brought it, will I save him, I will see the land." The meaning of 夭夭," said the woman faintly.

Almighty sneer, "You also know that Mr. Huang Wei has some relationship with you. You still watched him being taken away. You have been back for a few days. Even your son doesn't take a look. I really want to know yours. What is the heart doing?"

"I am a weak woman, the other man is a man who is unfathomable in martial arts. How can I save the imperial concubine? If I didn't take the opportunity to escape, who will come to them with Lu Yan?" The woman said faintly, "As for me." Babe, he is about when I am already dead, and I don’t know what his mother is like, and I will not stay for him. Why bother to add sadness."

"You..." Single-minded, "You are the most hearted woman I have ever seen."

The woman smiled and said, "You will see it later."

The single-minded glance at her, too lazy to say more to her, walked to the other side of the house, took a few steps and said, "If you think of other suspicious places, remember to tell me."

"I will definitely." The woman smiled and said, "I am trying to think about it."

"If you don't go to see your son, then..." One can't help but persuade.

The woman interrupted in a cold voice. "When I saw it, I have already broken my relationship. Can I change the barriers of so many years?"

"With you, I mean, but you." Single-mindedly shook his head and sighed. "I just hope that you don't doubt, she cares about her master."

Lu Hao will be suspicious sooner or later. The woman thought, her eyes looked faintly into the sky, and the sun shone on her face, lining her skin more white and snowy, and it looked like she had never sunburned all the year round.

After so many years, I finally stepped into Kyoto again. Maybe I should go out for a walk. Some memories, even if she doesn't want to think about it, are always there, never disappeared.

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