Qi Qi had a nightmare when she closed her eyes this evening. She didn’t even sleep well. When the East appeared white, she could not lie down. She immediately got up and prepared to go out and find someone.

"Miss, have you got up so early?" Xiu Gu slept in the ear room next to him. He heard the movement in the next room and immediately came over. "Your face is so bad, it is better to sleep for a while."

Qi Qi said, "Where can I sleep, I will go out and look for her."

"Miss, this day is not completely bright, even if you go to find her, I don't know where to look." Xiugu said helplessly, "You sit down first, I will give you breakfast, eat early. It’s not too late to go out for dinner.”

"Okay." Qi Yan looked at the sky and knew that it was not easy to find someone to go out. "What can you ask yesterday?"

Xiu Gu said with a bowed head. "After asking a few words, they have been perfunctored by the slaves. The children are forgotten, and they will definitely not ask in a few days."

Qi Yan sighed. "Fortunately, he did not tell him his mother's name."

"Miss, don't worry too much," said Xiu Gu.

"How can I not worry..." Qi Yan shook her head and smiled. She now regrets that she had left Qi Ruoshui without any clearness.

Xiu Gu did not know how to persuade her, after all, this matter is the knot that their mother and daughter can never solve.

"Let's go see your nephew." Qi Wei said, and sent Xiu Gu down. "I have eaten breakfast and go out."

Xiu Gu sighed in her heart, "Okay."

Qi Hao simply ate something and went out. She didn't really know where to go to find Qi Ruo water. I went to find a few inns last night and didn't find out. Today, she plans to go further afield.

When she first went out, the figure hiding in the dark moved.

The white belly of the east was broken by a golden light, and the sun gradually enveloped the ancient wall.

Oops -

Somewhere in a quiet and elegant place, the house opened and the two women came out one after the other.

I have always liked to go back to sleep. I was forced to go to Huguo Temple early this morning. My heart was already very unhappy, and my face did not have a happy look.

"You have become more and more lazy in recent years. I remember that in college, you are not like this." Qi Ruoshui has a light blue white jade orchid dress. This kind of skirt is more suitable for the little girl. Actually, some of them are not suitable, but they are worn on her, but they are not awkward. On the contrary, they are more beautiful and charming.

"Before it was before, isn't I the same girl who is fifteen or sixteen years old?"

"The more you get older, the less you can be lazy." Qi Ruoshui said with a smile.

It’s even more ugly to look at the face. “I’m younger than you, and you’re going to be old.”

Qi Ruoshui just smiles and doesn't talk, "Get on the bus."

"Who do you want to go to Huguo Temple?" Single and unwilling to follow behind her.

"Let's just walk away." Qi Ruoshui said with a smile.

I saw her with a suspicious look. How did she feel that Qi Ruoshui was not the kind of person who would go to Huguo Temple to go for leisure? Although she was suspicious, she followed her carriage and went to Huguo Temple.

Sitting in the carriage, there is a smile in the water, she knows that someone has been following, it seems that Lu Yan is doubtful? Still knowing her identity from Qi Wei?

No matter what the possibility, it is the same for her.



Ye Hao was shocked to know that Qi Ruoshui’s identity was so shocking. Today, let Wu Chong go to Chaqi Ruo Shui who is who.

Not long after, Xue Lin personally came over and returned to Ye Hao.

"The Niangniang, Qi medical officer went out early to look for it, every inn went to find out if there was a woman with different eyes." Xue Lin said.

"Does your eyes differ?" Ye Hao picked up his eyebrows. What does this mean?

Xue Lin said, "The subordinates secretly heard that the medical officer said it. The woman's eyes are black and amber, which is different from ordinary people."

"There are such people?" Ye Hao asked in surprise. She suddenly wondered what Qi Rushui looked like. If a person's eyes are different, isn't that strange?

"The Niangniang, Qi medical officer seems to be very anxious to find the woman." Xue Lin said, "However, depending on the view, she is doing a needle in the sea, I am afraid it is not easy to find."

Kyoto is so big, the inn does not know much, not to mention the woman does not necessarily live in the inn.

"Go and ask the medical officer to enter the palace." Ye Hao whispered, let Qi medical officer find it so sooner or later, she has already guessed that the person who is with Mr. Shan is Qi Ruoshui.

However, perhaps Qi Ruoshui will know the news of Huangfu, which is known from Mr. Shan.

Xue Lin went out to ask the medical officer, and Ye Hao also sent people to the dark guard office to inquire about the news. I don't know that the two portraits can be settled.

Nowadays, it is only certain that the person on the portrait is the guard of the Xiliang priest temple, but the others are still ignorant. The Witch King is still a mystery to them.

"Anniling, Fu Gonggong asked to see." Emei entered.

Ye Hao is awkward, let Fu Gonggong come in and talk,

"The maiden, the emperor invited you to the Qing Palace, something to discuss with you." Fu Gonggong met Ye Hao smiled and took a gift.

At this time, Murong Chan let her go to the Qing Palace? Ye Hao was shocked in the heart, knowing that there must be an urgent matter.

When I arrived at the Qing Palace, Ye Hao went directly to the Imperial Study Room to find Murong Cham.

"The emperor, what happened?" Ye Hao thought that there was news of Huangfu, and looked at the face of Murong Cham, she thought it was something.

Murong Zhan will take a secret letter on the table to Ye Hao. "In the past six months, the single-mindedness has been in the North, and it is not in Qi."

"What?" Ye Hao blinked, a little unresponsive, "Is Shan is not in Qi?"

"Huangfu was taken away in Qi State a month ago. How do you know his affairs in the North Ming country? How do you see who took him?" Murong Zhan quietly Said.

Ye Hao was shocked in her heart. She couldn’t figure out why Mr. Shan should lie to her.

“What is Mr. Shan doing?” she whispered. “Since she didn’t see it, how do I know... how to draw the guards of the priest’s house?”

"This is what I want to know." Murong Chong said coldly, "He has already let people invite her into the palace."

"Do you want to ask her as a face?" Ye Hao asked.

Murong’s dark scorpion looked at her faintly for a while. “She is your teacher, come ask her.”

"Okay." Ye Hao nodded, and she also wanted to know why Mr. Shan lied.

"Don't believe her because she is your teacher." Murong Zhan whispered.

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