Jin Shanshan supported Ye Hao’s hand and walked slowly. “What is Niangniang, Qi Ruoshui looking for you?”

"She seems to have lost her patience. Most of them are unable to support Donglai." Ye Hao said softly, although Qi Ruoshui did not say too clearly, but Ye Hao was able to guess what happened.

Xiliang is not a country with strong military strength. If Qi Ruoshui does not have the alliance with the North Ming Kingdom, he has no ability to be an enemy of Jinguo. She must also expect Huangfu to bring her the power of the old dynasty.

"I always feel that there is a bad feeling. I have nothing to do in the house for a few days." Ye Hao whispered to Jin Shanshan.

Jin Shanshan should be whispering.

"What happened to Wan Yanxi?" asked Ye Hao.

"I woke up again, and slept after taking the medicine." Jin Shanshan whispered, "Do you think that what he said is true?"

Ye Hao smiled. "Most of it is true. The details are not clear. It is not easy for him to leave here. However, if Takuya knows that he is in the priesthood, he will definitely save him."

Jin Shanshan said, "I have already recorded the structure of the priesthood."

"That's good, I will go to Qi Ruoshui tomorrow, let her send you back." Ye Hao said, "She wants me, not you."

"Anniling..." Jin Shanshan frowned, how can she rest assured that the Queen left alone here.

Ye Hao said, "Only if you go out, can you find a way to save me."

Jin Shanshan nodded. "I understand."

Back to the Zi Luo Yuan, Ye Hao saw two strange guards at the door and looked back at what I was looking at. She frowned and felt that the two men looked strange.

“What are you doing here?” Jin Shanshan asked coldly.

Murong Yu heard the familiar voice froze, and Fujisawa had hurriedly turned around and saw a strange woman beside Ye Hao. He smiled and said, "We are on the night."

Ye Hao looked at the guard who had not looked back. "Is it a night patrol or is it here?"

"We went to other places to patrol." Fujita smiled and took Murong's arm to the other side.

Murong Yu looked back at Ye Hao, and the deep scorpion looked at her with enthusiasm.

Ye Hao was seen by him a little, and the guard's eyes gave her an inexplicable familiarity, as if she had seen it.

"Mother, let's go in." Jin Shanshan said to Ye Hao.

"Yeah." Ye Hao gently nodded, looked at the backs of the two guards and turned into the yard.

Here, Ye Hao did not let any maid serve her, and everything was done by herself. Anyway, she used to be like this in Lujia. She asked Jin Shanshan to go back to the house. She still wants to read the book again. These books are from the priest. The temple’s study was taken by the emperor to help her.

There are two books about the witchcraft and sorcerer of Xiliang. Ye Hao looked very interested. After reading it, she felt that this witchcraft and sorcerer were closely related, and the means were cruel. She didn't want to learn at all.

Xiliang Wang is being squatted! Ye Hao thought, will Qi Ruoshui also swear to her?

Thinking of this possibility, Ye Hao suddenly shocked, and did not set God, the door suddenly opened and screamed.

"Who?" Ye Hao almost jumped up and hurriedly grabbed the dagger at hand.

The guard who saw it outside came out of the darkness, and the yellowish light fell on him, pulling a long shadow on the ground.

"What are you doing in?" Ye Hao asked sharply.

"Oh, it's me." Murong Yu walked over, and the low voice came from the quiet night, and it felt a bit more special in the ear.

Ye Hao looked at him with shock. This person seems to be a stranger, but his voice is so familiar. Is he Murong?

"Are you okay?" Murong Yu had come to her, reaching for her dagger and gently placed it on the table.

“Murong?” Ye Hao whispered. “How come you are here?”

"To save you." Murong whispered, he put his hand gently on the shoulders of Ye Hao. "Any water can hurt you?"

"I'm fine, how do you know that I am here?" Ye Hao felt a warmth in her heart. She thought that he must have been cold in the west. I didn't expect him to go to the priest's house to save her.

Murong Yu wanted to hold her in her arms. He restrained his impulse and put his hand down from her shoulder. "Don't say so much, I will take you out of here first."

"You just sneaked in and found no one?" Ye Hao asked suspiciously, when did the guards of the priesthood become so loose?

"Do you think we can be recognized by others?" Murong asked with a smile. "You don't even recognize who I am."

Having said that, Ye Hao still feels that something is wrong. "Murong, and Jin Shanshan, have to save her."

"Who is Jin Shanshan?" Murong asked, raising his eyebrows. His words were just finished, and there was already a fight outside.

"Outside..." Ye Hao looked at Murong.

Murong’s sighs sank, was the vine that was guarded outside being discovered?

"Don't go out here, let me go and see." Murong whispered to Ye Hao.

Outside the fight with the vines is unnamed, when Murong 恪 just entered the room, the nameless has already appeared.

The entire Violet House has been surrounded by the guards of the priestly temple.

Fujisawa is not an unknown opponent, barely able to withstand his sword, or Murong Yu shot to save him, he can have a chance to catch his breath.

"We are surrounded, this is a trap." Rattan whispered to Murong Yu.

Murong squinted at the guards around him, and Qi Ruoshui standing in the middle of the guards. It turned out that the other party had already known that they had sneaked into the priestly palace.

Ye Hao came out of the room and saw this scene. The heart suddenly looked at him and looked at Murong Yu worriedly.

"Come to the priest's house again, I don't know if the six princes can feel at home." Qi Ruoshui smiled at the easy-to-wear Murong.

Murong Yu smiled faintly. "Wu Wang is so eager to treat each other, how can I not feel honored."

"Six princes have been thinking about it in Xiliang for a while. The last time I went to the priest's house, I didn't say hello to you. It's ours. It's natural to be warmer today." Qi Ruoshui said with a smile, "I heard that the six kings are not in the bargain. I didn’t expect that the things of the younger brothers and sisters at night would be done, but it’s amazing.”

"This king was ordered to save the Queen of the Kingdom, the dirt is spotted, and he thought about it with the Witch King." Murong said coldly.

"Declared?" Qi Ruoshui smiled and sneered and said with exclamation, "I thought that the owner of Thousands of Rakshasa did not worship the land, how could the emperors of the Jin State be afraid?"

Murong’s twilight was heavy, and the whole body exuded the murderous murder.

The owner of the thousand Luosha? Ye Hao felt that his chest was heavily stunned and looked at Murong Yu with shock.

How could he be the owner of the thousand Rakshasa?

She used to be killed by thousands of people in Luochao... is his order?

Murong has always wanted to kill her?

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