Fujisawa took Ye Hao with three points of anger and left the priest's house. The people of Qianluosha stopped the chasing soldiers behind them. Fortunately, he prepared two horses near the priest's temple.

"Can you ride a horse?" he asked Ye Hao in a bad tone.

Ye Hao gently nodded and landed one of the horses.

Fujisawa glanced at her and rushed out like a horse on a horse.

"What about Murong?" Ye Hao shouted at his back, but the Fujisawa had already been far away. She looked back and bit her teeth.

Ye Hao and him left to the east in tandem, and soon the Xiliang City of Xiliang was out. The Fujisawa didn’t stop, let alone the slow speed and other leafhoppers. The last two horses ran. I was exhausted before I stopped.

They stopped on the official road, next to a simple tea stall, and a carriage behind the tea stall.

"He will send you to Qingzhou, the people in the priest's house can't catch up for a while, let's go." Fujisaki didn't want to see Ye Hao, let her go to the carriage next to him.

The car was driven by Song Wei, who was guarding it early in the morning. He dressed up in a small suit and looked at the back of the vine. "What about the owner?"

Fujita said coldly, "I am going to save the owner."

"How do you save him?" Ye Hao stood next to the carriage and looked up at the vine.

"It's rare that the Queen's Empress will care about his life and death." Fujisawa sneered at Ye Hao.

Ye Hao said coldly, "His life and death naturally have nothing to do with me."

Rattan’s voice was a little trembling. “Would he want to go to the priest's house to save you? Do you think he is going in to play? He just blinked and fell in love with you, for his life, he didn’t want to die. You are good, fluttering, his life and death have nothing to do with you, what is your heart doing?"

"He is the owner of Thousand Rakshasa!" Ye Hao opened his face. "He used to want to kill me."

"The person who wants to kill you is not him, it is me!" Rattan said coldly. "I am letting people chase you. He doesn't know anything at all."

Ye Hao suddenly turned back. "What are you talking about?"

Fujisawa sneered and smiled. "Poor He knows that you are the Queen of the Kingdom of Korea. You only have the Emperor of the Kingdom of Korea, but you willingly go to the priestly palace to save you. You don't care about his life, we care!"

How can I hurt you...

What Murong Yu said in her ear echoed, Ye Hao bite her lip, is she misunderstood him? Does he really want to chase her?

"Song Song, take her away." Fujisaki does not want to say a word to this woman, or he will not be able to control her to bring back to Murong.

"He won't have anything, right?" Ye Hao hurriedly asked.

Fujisaki sneered, "Do you care?"

"I will go back to save you," Ye said.

"You want to kill him when you go back!" vine screamed. "He just saved you out, you want to send it back? Roll it! Don't hinder us."

Ye Hao was pushed to the car by the vine, and it was too late to say a word and was sent away.

Song Yu took the carriage and quickly walked onto the official road. He looked back and explained in a low voice. "If you are not there, Aunt will be able to fight with the Xiliang Wuwang. If you are there, you will be distracted."

"Qi Ruoshui will kill him?" Ye Hao asked, she had already owed a lot of Murong, and did not want to owe him more.

"No, at least not now." Song said, "I will send you to Qingzhou. Ye Daren is there. As long as you are safe, our cabinet owners will not have any worries."

Ye Hao thought about Murong’s last words. If she went back at this time, she would not be able to save him, maybe she would be even more tired.

"Why is he the owner of the thousand Rakshasa?" Ye Hao asked.

Song Xiao smiled. "The original owner of the Thousands of Rakshasa was Zhuo Lao. He was sick and asked the aunt to do some chores for him. He told other people that he would follow the orders of the aunts and slowly get others. I took the aunt as the owner, although Zhuo Lao regrets it. However, Qian Luozhan is no longer the former Qianluo, and we no longer rely on murder to do business."

"I was almost killed by your people a year ago." Ye Hao said faintly.

Song Wei said, "That is the order of the vines carrying the owner of the cabinet. The owner knows that he is very angry. He sent the vines to the corners. Not long ago, he let the vines come back."

Ye Hao gently rubbed his lower abdomen with one hand and leaned against the wall. "He will be fine."

"Qi Ruoshui does not dare to kill the owner." Song Hao comforted her.



Murong’s martial arts were above the nameless, but he still could not walk out of the priest's house. After he wounded his nameless, the entire priest's house was surrounded.

"The owner of Thousand Rakshasa really deserved the name, and destroyed my hall one night. I still looked down on you." Qi Ruoshui looked at Murong Yu coldly, if not for a lot of people in Thousands of Rakshasa The descendants of the old dynasty, she can't wait to kill Murong Yu now.

"It's not as good as the witch king's mastery." Murong faint smiled.

Anyone who is no longer young can't listen to the word old, especially women, especially women who used to be prosperous.

Qi Ruoshui looked gloomy at Murong, "Do you really think I am afraid to kill you?"

"If the Witch King really wants to kill me, now is not standing here to talk to me." Murong whispered.

"Take him to the dungeon." Qi Ruo water screamed at the guards next to her. She now has no time to deal with Murong Yu. The priest's house was almost burned. She has many things to deal with.

No name went to Qi Ruoshui's side, "Wu Wang, Lu Hao was taken away."

The anger of Qi Ruo's chest rushed up. She went to the unknown sword and pointed to Murong. "If I can't find Lu Hao, I won't let you go."

Murong slammed his lips and smiled.

"Take it down!"

Qi Ruoshui turned and walked away, saying to the nameless, "to bandage the wound, others went to other places to search, and everyone who was still lurking in the priest's house was killed!"

The fire in the main hall was extinguished. Qi Ruoshui personally came to the Zi Luo Yuan. He heard the people underneath and went back and forth. Not only was Lu Yan taken away, but even Jin Shanshan was missing. Only Yan Xixi was left because his body was too weak. The person who wanted to save him failed to save him, and it was not long before he was caught back.

"Throwing Yan Xi is also thrown into the dungeon." Qi Ruoshui said coldly, "I told the cities to strictly guard the gates, especially the roads leading to the wasteland and Donglai. I must find them back to me!"

"Yes, the Witch King."

Qi Ruoshui took a deep breath, "What about Huangfu?"

"I am here." Huangfu smiled and walked from the outside. "You can rest assured that I have not left."

"Why didn't you go?" asked Qi Ruo water frowning.

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