Ye Hao, they only spent one night in the small house. They started to hurry the next day without dawn. This road did not stop to rest. After three days, they finally approached Donglai. Song did not continue on the road, but instead found a The farmhouse let Ye Hao live.

"Why don't you go on?" Ye Hao asked, she was eager to see him, and wanted to leave Xiliang. It would be obvious to go to Donglai after another day. How can she stop again?

Shen Xiao whispered, "The goddess, Dong Lai was taken down by Ye Daren, and Xiliang Wang sent troops to support. I heard that Tuoba took the troops to Pingjing and blocked the army of Ye Daren in Pingjing. If we want to go east Lai, I have to go through Hirai. We can’t just rush in the past and will be recognized by the people of the priesthood."

Ye Hao asked with surprise, "I have already won Donglai?"

"Yes, Ye Daren used the soldiers as gods, and together with the tower, he laid down Donglai. I believe that it will take a long time to get down the Pingjing." Shen said.

Song Wei said next to him, "This time the Xiliang School is Tuoba, the first general of Xiliang, even Tuoba Xuanyuan can not match his mighty."

"What is the relationship between Tuoba and Tuobauan?" Ye Hao asked.

"The two are cousins," Song said.

Ye Hao groaned, "That is also the end of Yan Xi's embarrassment, he did not help Yan Xi, but instead of the Witch King?"

Shen said, "I heard that the two have never been together, and Tuoba is a hand-picked Qi Ruoshui."

"When are we going to stay here?" Ye Hao asked slightly.

"You are here, I am going to inquire about the news." Song said, "If there is a chance to leave Hirai, we will leave at night."

Ye Hao had nodded and temporarily stayed in this farmhouse. Although it was a farmhouse, it was very clean and it looked good.

Now that she is pregnant for three months, although she still can't see her belly, she still wants to leave here as soon as possible. In the colder days, she will worry more about the day.

"Is there still no news of the priest's house?" Ye Hao whispered to Shen Wei. He was the leader of the Dark Guardian. He was sure that the news was better than anyone else. What's more, he has been around him for so many days. Did not see.

Shen Xiao bowed his head and did not dare to look at Ye Hao. "The subordinates still don't know, didn't receive the news."

Ye Xie calmly looked at the sinking. "Is Murong Yu an accident? Don't hide me, I will know sooner or later."

"Anniling..." Shen Shen really knows the news that Murong Yu was locked in the dungeon, but he can't say it. He feels that if the goddess knows that the six kings are tortured by Qi Ruo, they will definitely want to go back and save him.

"Sinking!" Ye Hao called him coldly. "What happened in the end?"

"The niece, Murong 恪 did not escape, was caught in the dungeon by Qi Ruoshui..." Shen Xiao whispered, "The subordinates have already tried to save him."

Ye Hao feels so sad that this is perfunctory, she whispered, "Qi Ruoshui will not easily kill Murong Yu, just shut him in the dungeon, or what did he do to him?"

Hesitantly hesitated for a moment. "The goddess, his subordinates do not know what Qi Ruoshui did, just... I heard that... I heard that Murong’s screams are often heard in the dungeons."

"That is because Qi Ruoshui threw the owner into the wormhole." Song 炯 appeared palely on the door. "The vines gave me the news, Qi Ruoshui wants to train our staff." people……"

Ye Hao stood up suddenly, his face suddenly changed. "What do you say?"

"Qi Ruoshui has left the priest's house to go to Anhe City. The vines will save people in these two days. I don't know who can detoxify. Are you not medically ill? Can you cure the poison of our lord? ?" Song Yan eyes staring straight at Ye Hao.

Shen Shen immediately said, "Our niece must return to Qingzhou, can not stay in the cold."

"Our cabinet owners can't hold back to Qingzhou even if they are rescued from the priest's house." Song screamed in anger.

"Mother, can't stay!" Shen looked at Ye Hao.

Ye Hao was still immersed in the shock, she asked Song Hao, "You said, Qi Ruoshui threw him into the wormhole, to practice him as a monk?"

"Yes, our lord is bitten by locusts..." Song Yu’s voice was a little choked. "Queen of the Queen, our lord is for you to be caught by Qi Ruoshui, now only you can save him. ......"

Shen said, "Mother, you are pregnant, you can't go back to the boat."

"Don't go back to the priest's house, we will go back to the previous house, where it is the safest, and the vine will send the owner to there." Song said in a hurry.

Ye Hao gently closed his eyes. "I will go back with you."

"Anniling!" Shen Yan rounded his eyes. "You can't go back, it's too dangerous!"

"If it wasn't for Murong to save me from the priest's house, I am still limited by Qi Ruoshui." Ye Hao whispered, she could not let Murong Yu be trained as a monk.

Deaf people... It is completely unconscious, as if it were arrogant, and the whole body is poisonous, it can only live for three years.

How can a person who is so proud of Murong Yu let him be used by Qi Ruoshui?

"But, the goddess... In front of Donglai, Ye Daren is there, don't you want to go back?" asked Shen.

Ye Hao nodded. "I want to go back than anyone else, but... I can't watch Murong Yu as a monk."

Song Yi’s face was a joy, “Mother, then we will go back immediately.”

"Good." Ye Hao nodded.

"The Niangniang!" Shen is still opposed. He is worried that this time he will meet the people who are priests to arrest them. He has finally arrived here and can no longer be arrested.

Ye Hao said, "Qi Ruoshui went to Anhe City. I and the towers defeated Xiliang. The priestly palace must have no extra thoughts to hunt us now. We will not be in danger."

Shen Shen thought that he was not only worried about her safety, but also worried about the child in her stomach. It was the first child of the emperor. Do not have any mistakes.

"Shen Daren, the body of this palace is very clear. You are not saying that red dragonfly and dragonfly are in the cool West? Let them come to us."

"Yes, the goddess." Shen Shen sighed in his heart, it seems that it is impossible to change the idea of ​​the goddess, how should he tell the emperor about this?

Ye Hao whispered, "For the things left by the palace, don't talk to the emperor for the time being."

"..." Shen Qiang stunned, the maiden is not able to read the mind?

"We took a break and started eating lunch." Ye Hao said to Song Yu.

Song Hao was happy to nod. "Okay, I am going to prepare lunch."

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