Huangfu didn't fall asleep all night. He was taking drugs and medicine, and then he gave up the medicine. He gave up his guard and watched him yawn until he was about to get up in the early morning. Make the last bottle of pills out.

"This is sent to the unnamed adult." Huangfu took the medicine to the guard, as if he was relieved. "You must be waiting for the law-abiding adults. Take it quickly."

The guard hesitated for a moment, feeling that one night had passed, and the emperor kept on taking drugs. It seemed that he had not made anything else. There should be no problem. "Good."

After the guard left, Huangfu left the other two bottles in his arms and left the pharmacy. He met the red dragonfly on the road and saw her gently nod to him. The emperor floated a little smile and secretly buried the two porcelain bottles. Handed it to Hung Hom, "The small bottle inside is to play. Every day, I will give Murong a three-piece meal. I can support him to see him. This bottle is a powder. Sprinkle it on the ground before saving Murong. Those aphids. I dare not approach."

Hung Hom put two bottles in my hand. "Mr. Huang, don't you go together?"

Huangfu said, "I still have to do something, there is not much time, go ahead."

"Good." Hung Hom gave him a deep look.

It was not long before Huangfu returned to the house. He came to him without name.

"Do you give me the medicine is antidote?" The nameless look looks better than yesterday. He just ate the medicine sent by Huangfu, and he felt that even the internal force came back.

Huangfu shook his head. "One can only protect you from poisoning."

The nameless face changed. "You mean, I only have ten days?"

"I will find a way to make antidote in these ten days. If it doesn't work, you can only go to Qi Ruo water." Huangfu smiled faintly, and he also went to Qi Ruoshui.

"Mr. Huangfu is going to the palace today?" asked the nameless eyebrow.

"The last time I didn't appreciate the Xiliang Palace, the weather is good today, just go and take a walk." Huangfu said gently, "by the way, visit Xiliang Wang."

The nameless cold snorted, "It is your purpose to see Xiliang Wang."

"Don't you let me see Xiliang Wang?" Huangfu taunted to play.

"I really want to know, you can see what Xifeng Wang can change." Some contempt in the nameless eyes, "Mr. Huang, please."

The emperor smiled faintly. "Good."

The nameless did not intend to follow the imperial concubine to the palace, but he now has anti-drugs on his body, so that others can look at the emperor. He is not at ease. He must keep an eye on it. When he leaves the priesthood, he also deliberately added. The guard guards the dungeon.

It was not long before they left, and Fujisawa took people to sneak into the priest's house.

The red dragonfly and the donkey have already been waiting for them. The secret guards left by the sinking have killed the guards around the dungeons. Now the guards outside the dungeons are the guards.

"What about the owner?" Fujisaki nodded to Hung Hom. He did not expect these people to stay and help them to save Murong. At this point, he could hate Lu.

"In..." Hung Hom looked at Fujisawa, "Mr. Huang said that he was locked in the wormhole."

Fujisaki's face changed, and when I heard this place, I felt that my scalp was numb. "Where?"

Hung Hom said, "In the dungeon."

Fujisawa immediately rushed into the dungeon and quickly found the wormhole. He couldn't believe the Murong 被 locked underneath. The throat was like something plugged in, and he couldn't say a word.

"This is given by Mr. Huang Wei, which can make those locusts avoid." Hung Hom handed over the big porcelain bottle to the vine.

"I went down to save the owner." The vine's eyes were red. He took the bottle in the hand of the red dragonfly. "There are locusts below. It is not good for people."

Fujisawa has been with Murong Yu for so many years. He has seen Murong Yu’s worst injury, but he has a knife in his chest. But this is a bruised, **** face, and there is almost no human figure. How can he be Murong... ...

The owner of Thousand Rakshasa is handsome and unparalleled, and he is a strategist. No matter where he goes, he is a genius of the genius. Now he is tortured into this way.

Fujisaki has no longer want to ask the value is not worth it, he knows that even at this time, Murong Yu is still thinking about Lu Hao.

That woman... maybe I have already returned to the side of Murong Cham, and I don’t care if someone has paid for her.

"Auntie, are you okay?" Rattan picked up the mites on his body with a sword and sprinkled the yellow powder in the bottle on the ground. The locusts immediately avoided it.

Fujisaka cut off the chain that tied Murong's hands and feet, and carried him back out of the wormhole.

"Let's go!" Rattan said to the outside.

"Mr. Teng, how the cabinet owner..." Those people who saw Murong’s injury were all shocked and could not speak.

Fujisaka whispered, "The owner is bitten by a locust, and we can quickly leave here to heal him."

The red dragonfly followed behind them and just walked out of the dungeon and found that there were already guards who found them and were fighting with those dark guards.

"We cover you, you quickly leave with the owner." Others immediately said.

Fujisaka didn't care so much at this time. He just wanted to take Murong Yu away from the priest's house.

"Follow us." Hung Hom and Hyun are covering in front. "We know there is another way."

"You?" Fujisui looked at them suspiciously.

Hung Hom said, "Mr. Huangfu said that the wounds of the six princes can only be healed by our niece. He gave me a bottle of medicine, which was given to the six princes. It can only support a few days. We must find the maiden as soon as possible."

Although Fujisawa doesn't like Lu Hao, she has to admit that her medical skills are really powerful. "I know where your goddess is."

Song Hao is at the side of Lu Hao, and it is not difficult to contact him.

"Will your goddess save him?" Fujita said with Murong, and he worried that Lu Hao would not stay in the place for their safety and wait for them to find her.

Hung Hom and Sui looked at each other. "If the Niangniang knows that the Six Kings are injured, she will definitely save him."

Fujita tightened his lips. He hasn't heard Murong Yu say a word. Although he is awake, he is like a dead man. He has no sense of his own.

If Lu Hao refuses to stay to heal the cabinet owner...

Regardless of the ends of the earth, he must pay for it.

Murong Yu was for her to be harmed like this.

"This is the back door, there is a carriage outside, we will leave immediately." Hung Hom said to Fujisawa.

Fujisawa now has no doubt about the red dragons. When he saw the carriage, he immediately let Murong Yu on the couch. "Come on! You care for the owner, I will drive."

"This is the medicine given by Mr. Huang Wei, let the six princes take it first." Hung Ho said.

"Good!" Fujisawa nodded.

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