Fujisawa and Song Yu jointly put Murong Yu into the tub, and they held him in the seat. Ye Hao let the sinking into the tub and pour the potion. The potion passed through the wound of Murong Yu. He woke up in a coma. The pain of eroding the bones spread from the wound to the whole body. He opened a pair of deep eyes and endured the pain of the whole body. He looked at the leafhopper standing in front of him with a burning gaze.

"Pour the potion into it." Ye Hao clear and clear eyes looked at Murong Yu, let Shen Yi pour a few barrels of potion into it.

Murong felt that someone was holding a knife in Ling Xiao, and he cut off his flesh. He snorted, his teeth were bitten out of blood, and his mouth was overflowing with blood.

"The owner..." Song Yu looked so sad.

"Fuji!" Murong 恪 don't open his eyes and don't look at Ye Hao, his voice hoarsely screaming at the vine.

"At." Fujisawa immediately responded.

Murong sighed and gasped. He had already stunned in the past, but he still supported the last sensibility. "Please go out!"

Ye Hao slightly stunned, she looked up at Murong Yu, he did not want to see her?

Fujita looked at Ye Hao in a different place and whispered to him, "The owner, she can cure the poison on your body."

"Go out." Murong Yu seems to be trying his best to speak these two words calmly.

Ye Xiaomei, "Murong, I will cure you."

Murong Yu just wanted to talk, and suddenly the locusts in the body turned, and he could no longer resist the pain in his body, and roared loudly, "Go out! Go out!"

Sinking and dropping the last bucket, came over and guarded Ye Hao to leave the house.

This is the first time Ye Hao has seen Murong’s anger. I don’t know why she feels so sad and sad that she must be determined to cure Murong’s determination.

"Don't let him out." Ye Hao walked over to the door and told them to the vine.

Murong squatted tightly on the edge of the tub, and the pain of the delay made him unable to scream, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

When I heard the sound from the outside Ye Hao, my heart was smashed.

"Mother, six kings, can he get better?" Hung Ho asked whispered.

On this way, she was too sympathetic to Murong. He was the end of the present for the Queen's Empress. When she was in a coma, she only had a ecstasy. She couldn't bear to watch him die in such a tragic situation.

Ye Hao looked up at the blue sky and shone in the sunshine. "Yes, no matter what method I use, I will cure him."

"Anniling..." Hung Hom wants to tell the Queen that Murong is reading her name along the way.

蒹葭 Gently pulled the red sleeves and motioned her not to speak.

"What's wrong?" Ye Hao asked in a low voice.

"Nothing, the slaves just think that the six princes are too poor, and they are tortured like this by Qi Ruo water." Hung Hom whispered.

Ye Hao was silent. For Qi Ruoshui, she has become calm from anger. If Qi Rushui falls into her hands in the future, she will treat her with thousands of times.

"How come there is no sound inside?" All the thoughts of Shen are in the house, and Murong’s screams seem to have stopped.

"Probably the pain has passed." Ye Hao whispered, "I went back to the house to go to the pharmaceutical, red dragonfly, you continue to cook medicine, every time a quarter of an hour to add water to Murong, at least let him soak two Hours."

"Yes, the goddess." Both rings were heard, and they all hoped that Murong could be better.

Ye Hao looked at the sinking. "You are here to protect the six kings."

"Yes." Shen Shen wants to say that his duty is to protect the Queen's Empress, but when he thinks about Murong's encounter, he has to listen to Ye Hao's instructions. Anyway, there is a hidden dark guard around this house. Not everyone can easily come in. .

When Ye Hao returned to the room, she immediately entered the space. She came directly to the front of the fire phoenix. "Little bird, tell me, how can I bring out the locusts of Murong?"

"Aphids?" Fire Phoenix jerked his head up. "Who is poisoned?"

Ye Wei thinks that she seems to be excited in the eyes of this little bird. It seems like a pair of foods. "Murong, I was almost trained as a monk by Qi Ruoshui. Can you save him?"

"The locusts only..." The fire slammed disdainfully, and then turned his head to another place. "The Great God has no form today, except where this space can't go anywhere."

"Then you always know what is the nemesis of the locusts?" Ye Hao naturally can't expect the fire phoenix to eat the locusts for her like last time, but since it is a **** bird, you should know how to deal with locusts.

Fire Phoenix said proudly, "This God is the nemesis of all poisonous insects."

Ye Hao’s palms are itchy, as if he had punched it in the past. “Can you tell me something useful besides you?”

"Do you think this **** is useless?" Fire Phoenix asked immediately.

"Of course not, you are very useful, otherwise why should I ask you?" Ye Yan said with a smile, "In this world, no more reliable than you, little bird, you tell me, how to put him inside Is the locust forced out?"

Fire Phoenix said, "It is natural to force out the locusts, but he may not be able to survive. After all, he is not you, there is always a spring body, and the locusts have long bitten his internal organs, so people are so vulnerable. And you can't be born again, why waste time."

Ye Hao is somewhat angry. "It is not a waste of time to save Murong. As long as the locust is forced out of his body, I can use Lingquan to raise the wound for him."

"If he can wake up within three days of forcing the locust, Lingquan will be useful," said Fire Phoenix.

"How do you force a locust?" asked Ye Hao.

Fire Phoenix pulled out a feather and put it in the hands of Ye Hao. "Put it in the medicine and give it to him."

Ye Hao’s hand grasped the feathers of the flames. The fire did not hurt her hand. A bright smile appeared on her face. “Okay, thank you, little bird.”

"Hey." The fire screamed arrogantly.

From the space, Ye Hao began to give Murong medicine, the herbs were taken from the space, and there was a large bowl of Lingquan. She did not believe that the medicine cooked with Lingquan could not be combined with the feathers of the fire phoenix. Extend the locusts of Murong.

"The maiden, two hours." The voice of Hung Hom came in outside.

Ye Hao finally made the medicine, and the feathers boiled for an hour.

"Murong woke up?" Ye Hao asked in a low voice.

"Wake up, but..." Hung Hom glanced at Ye Hao. "The six kings don't seem to know anyone."

"Go and see." Ye Hao put the medicine in the food box. Qi Ruoshui is the best at tempting others. Who knows if the person being hypnotized is because of poisoning? Murong will not recognize other people as normal.

Just push out the mites in his body.

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