When Ye Hao woke up again, it was already bright outside. She vaguely seemed to hear someone talking outside, listening to the voice like Song Wei.

"What's wrong?" she asked the red dragonfly in the room.

"Yiang Niang, you woke up." Hung Ho smiled and said, "There is Song Hao outside, he said to ask the goddess to pass."

Ye Hao thought that Murong’s injury had changed. “Change clothes for me.”

Hung Hom said, "The maiden will use the breakfast and breakfast before, and you haven’t eaten much yesterday. You can’t be hungry again today.”

"Good." Ye Hao smiled lightly.

After the grooming, Ye Hao rushed to eat a bowl of chicken porridge and went to see Murong.

Song Wei saw her apparently relieved and hurried to the front. "Mother, how have our lords not yet awake?"

Ye Xun quietly walked into the house and saw Murong Yu lying on the bed. The wound on his face was cruel, the injury recovered quickly, his face was still pale, and his face was still so distressing. He seemed to be I never fell asleep when I woke up, and even the breath was so weak that I could barely notice it.

"You said you can save him. When can he wake up?" Fujisawa kept Murong for a night and saw Ye Hao. He still couldn't hide his hostility towards her.

"I said, if he can wake up within three days, he will... well." Ye Hao took the pulse for Murong and found that his pulse is also very weak. If she still believes in the fire, she I feel that he is the pulse of the oil.

Fujita angered, "How can you say this without any reason? In your heart, is his life and death really so irrelevant?"

"I didn't want him to die, I hope he is good." Ye Hao said softly. "Now I am nervous, he can live, I can only wait."

"Are you not a doctor like God? You have a way to save others. Why can't you save him? Don't forget, he is for whom." Rattan once again reminded Ye Hao that Murong Yu was because she only had Now the end.

Ye Haofu looked at the vines indifferently. "I know that he was rescued by Qi Ruohui. You don't have to remind me once a day. If you can't find an excuse to kill me, you don't have to. trouble."

Fujisawa looked at Ye Hao coldly. "I want to kill you, and I will save him from being hurt in the future."

"Fuji, don't say it." Song Yan frowned to stop him. "You have forgotten what the owner said?"

"Are you also bought by her?" She killed our owner." Fujisawa screamed at Song, because Murong Yu had an accident, and Fujisawa’s temper became worse and worse, and he regretted that he had not been in Murong. She was killed before she saw Lu Hao.

Song Yu said helplessly, "If it is not the Queen's Empress, the owner of the house is now suffering more, is there still two days? We wait."

Fujita snorted and turned and walked out of the house.

"The goddess, the vines are more concerned about the owner, it is inevitable that the words collide, you don't mind." Song Yi said embarrassedly to Ye Hao.

"He is really loyal to Murong Yu." Ye Hao smiled lightly.

Song Wei whispered, "Mr. Teng is the famous door of Qi State. Because he was framed and left behind, the owner of the cabinet rescued him. He has been with the cabinet for more than ten years, and his feelings are like brothers. ”

"Murong is also honored to have such a brother." Ye Hao smiled, looking down at the sleeping Murong, "He will definitely wake up."



Lu Hao, who had already traveled to Anhecheng Road, received a secret letter from Qi Ruoshui who asked him to find Lu Hao and took Lu Hao to Anhe City to meet her.

Lu Yuzhi knows that there are people around him, so no matter where he goes, he will be known by Qi Ruoshui.

He looked at his attendant faintly and said that he was a servant. It was better to say that Qi Ruoshui had arranged his eyeliner. "Wu Wang wants me to catch Lu Yan? Xi Liang said that it is not big, saying that it is not good. Little, who knows if she is still in the Xiliang?"

"Mr. You don't have to worry, Lu Yan is definitely still in the cold, and some people have already discovered her whereabouts."

"Discovering the whereabouts of Lu Hao?" Lu Yanzhi blinked slightly. "It seems that you really have the ability."

He said with a smile, "It is not what we found. Some people secretly reported it."

Lu Yanzhi said with a smile, "Can someone who believes in the letter trust it, and when it is time to introduce us into the trap, it will not be worth the loss."

"Mr. Yu rest assured, I have carefully questioned it. The man is a thousand Luosha people, and Lu Hao has a hateful first. As long as we promise not to hurt other people in the thousand Luosha, she can take us to find Lu Hao. Hey." He said with a smile.

"That's good." Lu Yizhi nodded. He was unwilling to take Lu Hao to Anhe City. The news from Xiliang Wang made him feel that Qi Ruoshui had gone. She wanted to catch Lu Hao. Oh, nothing more than trying to threaten Murong Cham.

Once Lu Hao fell in the hands of Qi Ruoshui, it is dangerous in all likelihood.

He said, "Mr. Qi doesn't seem to want to go to Lu Hao."

"Because I am not sure whether the person you said is reliable, it is not easy for me to come back and not want to be killed inexplicably." Lu Yan said faintly, "especially that Murong martial arts, you I am not his opponent."

"Although Murong Yu was rescued, can he still survive? Unless there is a **** to help." He laughed ridiculously. "I have never seen anyone who has won the viciousness of the Witch King." ""

"Lu Hao is still alive." Lu Yanzhi reminded him.

The face of the face has changed slightly. "Maybe she is not poisoned."

Lu Yi’s faint smile, he knows that Ye Hao’s anti-drug is definitely unraveling. This little girl... He never knew she would have medical skills. When she was in Qin’s palace, she never mentioned it. Is it What amazing experience has it become when you become a landlord?

He really wants to know how many secrets Ye Xie hides.

"Mr. Hey, let's go to Donglai." He said, he does not believe that Lu Hao can be better than the Witch King. She is either dead or not poisoned.

The same guess as the 邬 difference is Qi Ruoshui.

Although she asked Lu Yizhi to go to Lu Hao, she felt that Lu Hao must have died from her viciousness. Otherwise, she would not have returned to Qingzhou yet. It is probably someone who wants to conceal her cause of death, so as not to let Murong Zhan is overly sad.

If Lu Hao is dead, what else can she threaten with Murong Cham?

Nowadays, in addition to her and the people who saved Lu Yu, no one knows that Lu Hao is dead.

Just as Qi Ruo was very proud, her attendant ran out from the outside in a panic. "Witch King, Wang uploaded the position to the Grand Prince. Now the Grand Prince is already the King of Xiliang."

Qi Ruoshui's face changed, "What?"

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