Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 956: Is it a person or a ghost?

Song Yu drove fast in the carriage. He looked back and couldn't help but whispered, "You shouldn't leave the cabinet with you."

"Do you want to teach me?" The vines immersed in grief are red eyes. He is not pleasing to see anyone now. Song sang persuaded him no less than ten times. He heard all the annoyance. "If you want Go back to Lu Hao, I won't stop you."

"If the lord wakes up, he will definitely be unhappy." Song licked his lips. He still can't believe that the lord left the world like this. He still has luck and feels that the owner must wake up. .

Fujita looked down at the pale-faced Murong Yu. "If he can wake up, I can give it to Lu Hao."

Song Wei said, "The owner is asking us to protect the Queen's Empress from Xiliang. Now she is still in the house. If she has something, the owner will be very angry."

"That's not the right thing, let her go to the owner." Fujisawa sneered.

When he heard the vine, Song Song sighed in his heart. Even if he continued to persuade, Fujisawa would not change his mind. He had already treated the Queen as an enemy.

"Right, isn't Qianxue looking for you?" Song Zhen suddenly remembered the thousands of snow that had disappeared for some days, and how they haven't come to them yet.

Fujisaka frowned. "I want to ask you, why didn't Qianxue be with you, is it because Lu Hao, you drove him away?"

Song Wei said helplessly, "At that time, I took the Queen's Empress to the small house, and Qian Xue wanted to kill the Empress. I stopped her. She said that she would save the owner. I thought she was looking for you. ”

"I didn't see her in Wangdu City." Fujisawa said, "She should be..."

No, Qian Xue should know that they saved the owner, why not come to them?

Song Hao suddenly hurriedly stopped the carriage. "Thousands of snow have always wanted to kill the Empress. She must have known where we were. Now that we have left, she will definitely go to the Queen, Fujisawa, we have to go back to save the Queen. ”

"If Qianxue can really kill Lu Hao, I would also like to thank her, let me go back to save Lu Yan?" Fujisawa returned to Song Song with a scornful smile.

"Fuji!" Song screamed anxiously. "Thousands of snow will really kill Lu Hao!"

Fujita said, "If you kill, you will kill. If you can't protect your queen, you should die."

"You..." Song slammed the rope with anger. "You just retaliated against Lu Yan for your private thoughts. The death of the owner is caused by Qi Ruoshui. You know very well, because the owner likes her, you Push all the faults on her."

"Song Wei, you are amazing, and I know that I have learned from you." Fujisawa looked at Song Yu coldly, but he was even more angry because he was said by Song Yu.

"I tell the truth, you know the brother of the cabinet. I don't know if I am sad. Now that the owner has gone, you can't even finish his last wish. I believe that you believe him." Said.

Fujisawa looked loose and sighed coldly. "If it wasn’t for Lu Hao, why did he suffer from such suffering?"

"You are simply stubborn!" Song said.

"If you want to go back and save the land, please, please, I will not go back." Fujisawa said.

The two of them arguing in a word, and did not find that Murong’s fingers, who had been lying on the couch, moved a little.

Murong Yu feels that she is making a long, long dream, and the dream is too real, so he can't wake up.

He saw a different life, people are still those people, but it seems to be a little different in his dreams. He did not see his heart-felt people in his dreams. Even Murong Cham became different.

"... killed Lu Yan."

"She should die..."

who is it? Who dares to start? Murong Yu’s sleep was awakened, and he tried hard to open his eyes, but his eyelids were as heavy as a few thousand pounds, and he couldn’t open it.

what happened to him?

Murong’s mind was blank, and he didn’t remember why he became like this. He wasn’t... Murong’s brain was a pain, and his dreams and reality made him a bit confused, and he couldn’t tell the truth. What is it.

He seems to have been arrested.

Murong Yu remembered something happened before. He went to the priest's house to save the blasphemy. He was caught in the dungeon by Qi Ruoshui, and then... locusts...

The painful memories of the heart and bones made Murong’s knowledge clearer and clearer. He was rescued from the dungeon and forced him out of the locusts. Then he fell asleep and didn’t know what was going on.

"Fuji, if Lu Hao really has something wrong, the cabinet owner will not forgive you under nine days." Song Wei called out to the vine.

"Lu Sheng's life and death have nothing to do with me. We have saved her from the priest's house. It is already done to the best of my heart." Rattan said coldly.

What happened? Murong Yu was shocked. Is she dangerous again?

Thinking of this, Murong slammed his eyes open. He saw the roof of the carriage at a glance and felt the swaying bumps. Was he in the carriage?

Fujisawa turned his back to Murong, so he did not find that the person behind him had already sat up.

Song Yu turned back and wanted to smash the vine, and suddenly saw Murong Yu, who was half-sitting, scared him to almost roll down from the rut.

"Gate... the owner..." Song Yu rounded his eyes.

"Do you think that the owner can still wake up to save Lu Yan?" Fujisawa sneered and asked.

Song Yu shook his head and his voice was shaking. "The owner refused to come back and look for us to settle accounts."

Rattan snorted with a cold nose. "Song, can you be more naive?"

"I... I mean, you look behind you." Song screamed.

"Enough!" Fujita calmed his face. "Don't waste time for Lu Hao."

Murong’s hand was placed on his chest. He had not felt the pain of cutting the meat. It was probably because the locusts had been forced out. He looked at the vines faintly and whispered. "What happened?"

Fujisaki had wanted to reprimand Song Song and heard the voice of Murong Yu. He was all froze and didn't even dare to look back.

"Why are we here? Don't you protect you?" Murong asked again and again, "Where is it?"

"You..." Fujisawa turned stiffly and looked at Murong Yu and said nothing.

Song snorted and swallowed. "The owner, are you a human or a ghost?"

Murong’s long and narrow voice was slightly raised. “Do you say that I am a ghost?”

"The sky is white, I want to come... it is not a ghost." Song said in a whisper.

Fujita looked at Murong, and thought of Lu Hao saying that if he woke up in three days, it would be fine. His eyes were wet. "You finally woke up!"

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