Lu Yizhi saw Ye Hao spit once. Although he was gloomy, he no longer took the initiative to take her hand. He knew that she only had ink to be in her heart, but what about it? If Murong Zhan can't escape the 200,000-strong army of Wan Ziliang, as long as Murong Chan is dead, he can really get her.

Ye Hao had eaten dinner, stood in the window and looked at this small inn, and found that in addition to the treasurer, I could not see any other guests. Obviously this was already one of Lu Hao’s already arranged.

She felt a little confused. Lu Yizhi was saved by Qi Ruoshui. If he is a man of water, he should not have such absolute trust in Lu Yizhi. How did Lu Yan manage her own confidant under her hand?

It’s impossible for so many people to sell for him. It’s impossible to do it in just a few days.

By the way, I met Lu Hao twice. He didn't seem to mention Lu Shuanger, and Liu and his brother. Where did they go? Liu was originally looking for Lu Yizhi. Since Lu Yi was rescued by Qi Ruo Shui, Liu should not be in the wasteland. Where did they go?

"Anniling, Lu Yanzhi only has two people, let's leave here in the middle of the night?" Red Dragon came in from the outside and whispered to Ye Hao.

He is making a bed. When he hears the red dragonfly, he shakes his head and says, "You can't take risks. The surface looks like two people. I don't know how many people are in the dark."

Ye Hao whispered, "You are right, Lu Yan can not only carry two people."

If you want to leave, you must have a perfect solution.

"What should we do? We must not let the goddess be taken to the country." Hung Hom said anxiously.

"Don't worry." Ye Hao whispered, "I will think of ways to leave."

Is there any way to make Lu Yizhi feel unaware? Ye Hao suddenly took the opportunity to move, the medicine?

If you have the opportunity to take medicine, it will be easier for them to leave.

"Do we still have herbs on the body?" Ye Hao asked in a low voice.

"Mother, when we came out, nothing was taken." He said, she looked at Ye Hao.

Ye Hao carefully recalled what medicine could make people unknowingly eat in, and was able to sleep and stun. In the end, she wanted to ruin Lu Yu, but she did not know who he was still arranging. In the dark, if he died, it would be even worse for them.

At least as long as Lu Hao is alive, their safety can still be guaranteed.

"Today is tired, sleep." Ye Hao said that she is not worried about the problem of medicine. There is a large area of ​​medicine in her space. Now which prescription she wants is the most effective.

The red dragonfly and the dragonfly looked at the leaves and then went out to see the waist of some of them. "Mother, you have to rest earlier."

Ye Hao touched his lower abdomen with a hand and smiled faintly. "Well, sleep."

Although her belly has not yet appeared, she can already feel the child squirming in her stomach and imagine the child in her stomach. She will laugh when she thinks about it.

If Murong Chan is by her side at this time, it will be fine.

He must be more happy than her.

Thinking of Murong Cham, Ye Hao’s eyes still couldn’t help but wet. Since she became a relative, she has not left him for more than three days. Sometimes he is very busy, and he will take time to accompany her to eat. When he is with him. Always abandoning him to be tired, even in her palace to watch the folds like to stare at her, now she wants to hold him to sleep, but he is not around her.

Ye Hao remembered her nightmare. On the second day of her dreams, she smashed the ink for Zhan Zhan, and it was like a big murder.

She is very scared...

I am afraid that he will have any accidents in Xiazhou, so she wants to find him in the fastest time.

Even if he is injured, she is always around, and she can always save him.

Ye Hao slept in the past, and when she woke up the next day, the outside sunshine had already entered.

"Mother, you are awake." Hung Hom was watching, and when he saw Ye Hao waking up, he breathed a sigh of relief. "You have been talking about your dreams last night, and the slaves are not waking up, it is really scary."

“I am dreaming again?” Ye said in a strange way. “What have I said?”

The expression on the face of Hung Hom is a bit weird. "The goddess is talking nonsense in your dreams. If you don't understand the slaves, you only hear that you have been calling the emperor and don't forget you..."

What she did not say is that Ye Hao has always said that I am a beggar, I am Ye Hao’s dream.

This is too horrifying, the red dragonfly does not dare to replace, the first queen is already dead, and the empress is saying that she is the first queen, it is really unlucky.

Ye Hao sat up and felt a little heavy. "What time is it?"

He said, "Mother, it’s still early."

"Let's come over?" Ye Hao saw the food box on the table, and the eyebrows twitched slightly.

Red licked his mouth. "He knows that the goddess is still asleep, let us not yell at you."

Ye Hao smiled a little, "Combine for me."

Washing her face with cold water, Ye Hao felt that her spirit was better. She should have been crying in her dreams. Her eyes looked a little puffy. She used Lingquan for a while to get better.

Just used breakfast, Lu Yanzhi came over to find her.

"Hey, did you sleep well yesterday?" Lu Yanzhi looked at her with a smile, and sat down opposite her.

"Not good." Ye Hao said faintly.

Lu Yanzhi smiled, "You are spoiled, this place is not suitable, next time I will choose a better place to settle down."

"You are very capable now." Ye took a look at him. "I heard that the big lady went to the wilderness to find you, who are they?"

"How come suddenly asked them?" Lu Yanzhi asked with a funny smile.

Ye Hao whispered, "I care about my third brother."

Lu Yizhi was good to her at the beginning, she cares about him for granted.

"They are very good." Lu said simply, it does not seem to want to mention Liu in front of Ye Hao.

"Is it with Lu Shuanger?" Ye Hao asked with a smile, "It seems that the skills of both of your brothers and sisters are not small."

Lu Yizhi sighed softly. "Hey, you don't want to see two children. You won't see her again in this life. As for other people, you want to see and see, you don't want to see it."

“When is the departure?” Ye Hao asked faintly.

"Time is better, we will start soon." Lu Yuzhi said softly.

Ye Hao frowned. "I want to go outside and buy something."

"What do you want to buy, people can buy it." Lu Yanzhi smiled, very satisfied that he can talk to him calmly now.

"Pharmaceutical shop, I have to go to the drug shop." Ye Hao said.

Lu Yanzhi said with a smile, "Now no one is hurting. What do you want to buy medicine for? It is just a small place, and the medicine in the medicine shop is only awkward."

"You don't want me to go to the pharmacy to make it clear." Ye Hao whispered.

"I know that your medical skills are amazing." Lu Yanzhi said.

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