"Azhan, how come you come?" Ye Hao leaned on the chest of Murong Cham, their horses went unhappy, and Ye Hao also had the opportunity to talk to him.

Murong Zhan bowed his head and kissed her cheek, and her thin lips were stuck in her ear. "Don't come to you again, you will start killing in Xiazhou."

Ye Hao’s eyes floated up and smiled. He looked back at him. “Isn’t the war in Xiazhou not tight?”

"Haicang took the troops back to the north, and now Anhe City simply did not dare to attack us. It would be enough to leave them with Wang Qu." Murong Zhan whispered.

"But I heard that there are still 200,000 troops in the North Ming Kingdom to go to the wasteland..." Ye Hao Xiu Mei is still close to each other, always feel that something is going to happen.

Murong Zhan chuckled, his voice was low and mellow. "The 200,000-strong army has not yet reached the wasteland. Your brothers have already severely injured Wan Ziliang, and now the entire wasteland is a soldier of Jinguo. Wan Ziliang is either Going back to the North, or simply placing the 200,000 army in the west, he did not dare to attack the wilderness."

“Why?” Ye Hao asked doubtfully.

"Your brother made him believe that we are more sophisticated than him in the wild." Murong Chan whispered.

Ye Hao slammed, and then he understood what it meant by Murong Cham. "So, Jin Guo does not have to fight for the time being?"

"The border is safe now, but it depends on what the North Ming Kingdom wants to do," said Murong Cham.

"Isn't that they are in chaos? Is there still time to attack others?" Ye Hao was scornful. Because of Zhaoyang's affairs, she didn't like North Mingguo very much. Now she is even more disgusted.

Murong Zhan tightened his arms and bowed his head and took a strong breath on her neck. "I know a lot."

"That was on the road to hear other people's arguments." Ye Hao shrinks his neck, "Azhan, itchy."

"Wang Hao is in the North Ming Dynasty, they want to stop this civil strife is not so easy." Murong Chan whispered in her ear, the heat linger on the skin of Ye Hao.

Her cheeks were reddish and she turned to look at Murong Cham. "Is this idea you want to come out?"

Ink and darkness is black and clear, "How do you think it is delusional?"

"It's your means." Ye Hao chuckled, with the adjectives of 爹爹, that is what black, thick black!

"The Queen is so understanding." Murong Zhan hugged her soft and warm body, and finally couldn't help but bow her head and kissed her lips. She just wanted to sneak a bit, but she could touch her soft and sweet lips. He couldn’t control himself. The tip of his tongue drove straight in, and the city plunged into the ground to capture her sweetness. She wanted to swallow her.

Fu Gonggong, who has been following him, hurriedly bowed his head, indicating that other dark guards were slowing down, so as not to disturb the pair of lovers.

Ye Hao grasped the sleeves of ink-capped Zhan with her hands tightly, until she was about to breathe, and he finally let go of her.

Murong Zhan looked down at her blind eyes like a layer of drunkenness. He vomited a long breath and buried his face on her shoulder. "Hey, I am afraid..."

From the day she was taken away, he was always unable to restrain himself and feared that he would lose her.

"I am not here, right?" Ye Haoqiang resisted the tears coming up, she was not afraid, but she did not have time to fear.

Murong Zhan hugged her and did not speak until he calmed down. He looked at her slightly raised belly and cautiously asked, "Can you touch it?"

Ye Hao powder lips evoke a gentle and bright smile, "He just kicked me."

"He kicks you!" Murong Cham's voice suddenly rose. "He dare to kick you?"

“What are you so nervous about?” Ye Hao smiled and said, “Can't the child move in my stomach?”

Murong Zhan gently put his hand on the belly of the leafhopper. "Does it hurt?"

Ye Hao said with a smile, "No pain, wait for the next time he has a movement, you touch it again."

"Hey, this is a sly child." Murong Chan touched Ye Hao's stomach, and he finally felt the excitement of becoming a father.

This is the child of him and Ye Hao. Why don’t you teach him to be happy?

Ye Hao gently sighed, "Well, this is our child."

Murong Zhan kissed her cheek, "I won't let you leave."

"I won't leave you." Ye Hao, then she remembered everything she saw in her dreams, and her smile on her lips was stiff.

"What's wrong? Is it uncomfortable?" Murong Cham immediately became nervous.

Ye Hao felt the tension and worry of Mo Rongzhan, so deeply love her ink, how could she forget her, how could she go to favor other women? She thinks too much.

"I am not uncomfortable, it is a little hungry, let's go into the city." They walked slowly in front, followed by a bunch of people did not dare to go over, Ye Hao was a little embarrassed.

Murong Zhan smiled and nodded. "We will talk again at night."

Into the city, Murong has already arranged the inn, he stood outside the door and smiled and greeted them with ink, "The room is ready, the emperor..."

His words stopped without saying it, and it seemed that the emperor was not very good here.

Murong Zhan whispered, "Call me A Cham."

Murong Yan glanced at him and said with a smile. "I only ate two snacks at noon. Now I should be hungry. Go back to the room and eat."

I heard that Murong Yulian was already hungry and thought of it. Ye Hao’s heart was both moved and sad. “Thank you for the Six Lords.”

"Please, please." Murong said, bowing his head.

He still didn't look at Ye Hao again.

If you don't look at it, you can't help it, you can hold back your heartache and continue to go on.

Murong Zhan took Ye Hao’s hand into the inn’s room. The table was ready for the meal. He held Ye Hao on his lap and fed her in one bite.

"I don't have no hands, I can eat myself." Ye Hao cried helplessly.

"I want to feed you." Murong Zhan laughed.

Ye said with anger, "I am now a double body, not afraid to crush your legs."

"As far as you are, you can still bear it." In the eyes of Murong Zhan, she smiled and watched her eat cheeks. He even laughed and laughed.

"Laughter, this palace is eating much now." Ye Haodao.

Murong Zhan pinched her cheek. "It’s good to eat more."

Ye Hao had eaten most of the food on a table before she stopped. Her appetite became very good in the last two days. After she had finished eating, she talked with Murong Zhan, saying that she felt sleepy and she was in the ink for a while. Rong Zhan fell asleep.

Murong Chan whispered out, holding her gently on the bed, holding her back and letting go, until there was a subtle knock on the door.

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