"Azhan..." Ye Hao cried for a long time, and finally woke up from her dreams. She saw that Murong Chan was in front of her eyes. She still had some reactions. "Is it you?"

"Oh, it's me." Murong Zhan saw that she had woke up, showing a gentle smile, but her chest was so painful that she could barely breathe. "What happened to you? What did you dream of?"

Ye Hao still has some inconsistencies in the dream and the reality of Murong Cham, only to wake up after a while, "It is really you, you have not forgotten me."

"How can I forget you, what do you say stupid?" Murong Zhan chuckled, "still dreaming."

"Azhan..." Ye Hao clung to the ink-filled Zhan Zhan, crying in his arms.

Murong Chan held Ye Hao in his arms and let her sit on her lap and hugged her with her hands. "Hey, it's here, don't cry."

"You ignore me..." Ye Hao cried.

"Nonsense, how can you ignore you?" Murong Zhan said with a funny voice, glaring at her softly. "It's just a dream, you still take it seriously."

Ye Hao touched her cheek, and it was really wet. She looked up at him. "How did I cry?"

"You have a nightmare." Murong Zhan whispered, "Hey, tell you, what do you dream of?"

"I have a nightmare again?" Ye Hao took a moment, she actually forgot what she dreamed of this time.

Murong Zhan held her face in both hands. "Hung Ho said that you had had a nightmare before, hey, what did you dream of? You just kept my name in your dreams."

Ye stunned, she knew what the previous nightmare saw, but today’s dream was not even a little impression. She looked at Murong Zhan with a blank look. "I... I don't remember, you heard me call." Your name? What did I say?"

"You have always said, I am Ye Hao, hey, are you dreaming of forgetting you?" Murong Zhan whispered.

When he heard him say this, Ye Hao knew that his dreams were the same as the two previous nightmares. She dreamed that he could not remember her and liked other women.

"I dreamed that you ignored me." Ye Hao clung tightly to the neck of Mo Rongzhan, and said with a lingering heart, "I will stand in front of you, you don't even look at me..."

"Impossible!" Murong Zhan whispered, "How can you like other women, don't think about it, what are you thinking about this little head melon all day, how come you dream about such a thing."

Ye Hao buried his face in his neck and squatted a few times. "I am a nightmare, but I can't control it. You turn a blind eye to me, and you have to set up another woman as a nobleman. How can I not care?" I am almost going to die."

Murong Zhan laughed softly, and a dream made her so sad. If he is really guilty, is she more painful? "That's just a dream, not really."

"Azhan..." Ye Hao clung to his neck and kissed him on his cheek. "You must not forget me in the future. You can't like others. You can't even take a look at it, okay?"

"I don't like it, don't look at other people, just watch us." Murong Zhan held back and smiled, and the lips that had been glued to his lips contained a thin kiss.

Ye Hao took the initiative to welcome him. Her heart was still very upset. In her dreams, he was too indifferent to her. She needed his warmth to be dreamy and realistic. He was still her Azhan, and there was no change.

Murong Cham tastes her sweet taste. This is the little man he misses every day. Now he is in his arms. He can restrain himself. His fine kiss falls on her tender neck. The hand on her back unconsciously slipped into her robes and held the warm nephrite. He was so excited that he grew up so much.

"Hey, I have grown up..." Murong Zhan loved to put it down and couldn't help but increase his strength.

Ye Hao snorted with pain.

Ink Murray suddenly woke up, "Is it hurting you? Where is it uncomfortable?"

"It's too hard." Ye Haohong whispered in his face.

"Stomach pain?" Murong Zhan's face changed, and the big hand asked Ye Hao's lower abdomen.

Ye Hao could still feel his burning changes. She gently shook her head and buried her face on his chest. "You are lighter."

"What?" Murong Chan couldn't hear what she was saying, and bowed her head to understand.

"You don't want to be so hard." Ye Hao whispered in his ear, his cheeks red and burning.

This time, Murong Zhan understood her meaning. He gently held her. "Hey, do you know what you are talking about?"

Ye took a look at him. "I am a doctor myself. How can I not know what I am talking about?"

"You know how much you miss you." Murong Zhan bowed his head to her lips. "But, I am afraid of hurting you, hey, you can bear it."

"No, don't bear it." Ye Haozhi said, "It will be just three months."

Murong Zhan helped her to lie down. She looked up at Murong Cham, only to think that his black scorpion seemed to have two rapids to get her into.

"Hey, sleep." Murong Chong kissed her forehead and said softly and softly.

Ye Hao was amazed, she could clearly feel his burning, but why didn't he want her?

"You don't want it?" she asked, biting her lip.

Murong Zhan chuckled, lying down beside her, holding her in her arms, "Thinking, thinking about going crazy." When Ye Hao wanted to speak, he whispered again, "It is not this time, 夭Hey, don’t grieve and please you, you are the jewel in your heart, no one can be more important than you."

Ye Xin’s heart seemed to be sweet as honey, and her weak, boneless hand slipped into his clothes. “Not only you miss me, I miss you...”

Murong Chong grabbed her hand and pressed her back in the back of her head and kissed her heavily.

The spring breeze is awkward.

The cockroaches and red cockroaches who kept outside listened to the screaming sounds from the house, and the two smiled.

Fu Gonggong came over from the other side and waved them to rest first.

It was so great that the Queen returned to the emperor's side.

On the middle of the moon, the movement in the house stopped. Murong Zhan personally wiped the body for Ye Hao. He cleaned it casually, and he returned to the bed. He carefully kissed the leaves. The lower abdomen, "Hey, hurt you?"

Ye Hao had just enjoyed the ultimate joy, and she was lazy and tired. When she heard the words of Murong Cham, she gently shook her head, and her face was flushed like a morning glow. She never knew that the body after pregnancy would be so sensitive. Is it because I haven't been together for too long, or is it because I miss him too much?

"This must be a little princess, really sincere." Murong Zhan said with joy.

"No." Ye Hao whispered, with a narrow smile in his eyes. "You will know later."

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