When Ye Hao was talking to Murong Zhan, he said that he slept and said that Murong Zhan could not sleep for a long time. He never believed that the nightmare would come true, but Ye Hao is different. She is a life and death. People, he is most afraid now that he will lose her in the future.

If he didn't fall in love with her, he wouldn't know that he loved someone so deeply. Now he can't even imagine what he would lose when he lost her one day.

He will not lose her, it will not.

Suddenly, the hand placed on her lower abdomen was gently kicked.

Murong Zhan's eyes flashed through the light, his handsome thin lips raised his smile, this child should be a boy, otherwise how to be naughty, if the girl is so naughty, he also likes.

He wants to pamper his little princess with impunity.

His jealousy, his little princess...

Mo Rongzhan’s mood finally eased, and the baby in his arms went to sleep.

On the following day, when preparing to depart, Huangfu appeared in front of their eyes with Qi Zikai. Qi Ziyu rode his horse and walked behind the emperor. They slowly came over to the farmhouse.

Qi Ruoshui, who had just been brought out of the firewood house, saw them, and his face became even more ugly.

Ink Murray smiled faintly, holding the leaf that had already got on the carriage, "Your Master is here."

Ye Xiaoying looked at Huangfu and walked a few steps to meet him. "Master."

"Hey." Huangfu saw Ye Hao, his eyes floated softly, especially when he saw her obviously raised belly. He even had a sigh of relief. "If you see you well, I will rest assured." It is."

"I was rescued from the priest's house on the same day. I couldn't leave with Master. What can Qi Ruoshui do to you?" asked Ye Hao.

Huangfu said with a smile, "If she did something to me, I can't stand here now."

Murong Zhan and Murong Yu came over, and Murong Yu shook hands. "Mr. Huangfu, you have to save you on the same day, otherwise the king may not be able to leave the priest's house alive, help the life, the king remembers in his heart."

"The six kings are polite." Huangfu returned to the ceremony and looked at Qi Ruoshui faintly. "The younger generation of the family did not teach well, so that she would come out to endanger the world, and then bring back to let the elders teach her well."

Murong Yan is very curious about what other emperors are in Huangfu, but he still did not ask for an exit.

Ink darkness and darkness looked at Huangfu deeply. "When you are in the priest's house, you have to take care of you."

"She is my apprentice. If it is not because of me, Qi Ruoshui will not take her to the priest's house. I want to be sorry for you." Huangfu said helplessly, "Qi Ruoshui thought that he could catch the cockroach." Get what she wants, but unfortunately, it is something that others have cheated on her, even if it is killing me, it is not available."

"She is a madman." Ye Hao snorted.

Huangfu looked back and looked at Qi Zikai, "Hey."

Qi Zikai came over from behind and gave a ritual to Mo Rongzhan and Ye Hao. "The grass people have seen the emperor and the empress."

"Master?" Ye Hao did not understand what Huangfu meant.

Huangfu said, "I have to take Qi Ruo water to go to a place this time. I am afraid that this will last for half a year. I can’t send my children back to Kyoto, so I want to trust me, can I bring my nephew back to Beijing, Let him reunite with his grandmother."

"Okay." Ye Hao nodded and said to Hung Hom, "Let's take it with you."

Murong Zhan knows that Ye Hao must have a lot of words to ask her master, so he and Murong Yu also found an excuse to leave.

"Master, do you know your own life?" Ye Hao whispered.

"Qi Ruoshui has already told him, but I have already told him that Huangfu is not his father. It is Qi Ruoshui who deliberately wants to say this." Huangfu said.

Ye Hao didn't think that Huangfu and her guess were the same. "Do you believe that?"

Huangfu shook his head. "I don't believe it, but he will go back to Kyoto to find his biological father. If he finds it, he naturally believes."

"Master..." He glanced at Huangfu.

"What's wrong?" Huangfu whispered. "What else do you understand?"

Ye Hao smiled helplessly. "I recently gave Azamp a glimpse, but I don't understand it. Can you ask Master to solve it?"

"How do you give Azamp a good end?" Huangfu asked questioningly.

"The nightmare is entangled, so I want to ask for peace." Who knows that the elephant is out of peace.

Huangfu smiled. "The nightmare is usually only when people are tired and worried. You are probably worried about being worried recently. Don't worry, there will be nothing."

"Master is still helping me solve the problem." Ye Hao asked.

"Okay." Huangfu looked at her with a low sigh. He had never seen such worries, and it seemed to be a worry about nightmares.

Ye Hao let Huangfu enter the farmhouse and took the grass.

Huangfu let Ye Hao himself confess, so that she can know more exactly what she is asking for.

"Master..." Ye Hao once again bumbled, looking at the messy scribble on the table, her eyes trembled to see Huangfu.

"Hey, what are you thinking about in your heart?" Huangfu looked down at the image on the table, and he asked in a shocked way. "This image is actually like this."

Ye Hao smiled, "I just ask Azhe to meet what happens after going to Xiazhou."

Huangfu looked at her deeply. "You are worried about the safety of Azhan."

In addition to safety, there are other more important things.

"You can rest assured that this image is chaotic, but there is still no danger, nothing will happen." Huangfu said with a smile, but there is still some doubt in his heart that he did not say it. How did this image die? meaning?

Ye Hao still breathed a sigh of relief. "That's good."

"What you are asking should not be one thing." Huangfu said, "There are still many things that cannot be solved. However, there is nothing too dangerous to look at."

She asked too many things. When she asked for help, she was too mixed. She wanted to know if Murong Chan would have an accident, would she forget her, and that nightmare... So I couldn’t understand it.

"You are now at the emperor's side, you should relax, you don't need to be scared again," Huang said softly.

"Maybe I am too nervous." Ye Hao smiled.

Huangfu said with a smile, "It is easier to think about getting pregnant."

Ye Hao smiled. "Can a master leave with a water?"

"She can't do anything." Huangfu whispered, "Because she, let you suffer."

"Just take a trip out of the palace." Ye Hao smiled.

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