"What's going on!"

"Ye Tian, ​​did you already know this would happen?"

Huang, Empress Qijue, Demon Emperor and others all gasped at the moment, with an ominous premonition shrouded in their hearts!

But Ye Tian's expression was completely calm, without any change!

Because, when the fiftieth page of the Wordless Heavenly Book appeared, he already knew this fact!

"Ye Tian, ​​until you refine all the void power in your body, you will be regarded as a void creature!"

"In other words, you now have the right to choose your own camp!"

"If you want to join the attacking side, you don't need to refine the power of nothingness, just follow the attacking side to attack!"

"But if you want to win the event as the defending camp, you can't do anything until all the power of nothingness is refined!"

"How to choose, it's all up to your own choice! Then... I wish you all good luck!"

After Tian Qi's ancient vicissitudes of life slowly dissipated in the star field space, the eyes of all the great emperors were all focused on Ye Tian, ​​and the shock was beyond words!

They never dreamed that the rules Tianqi made for Ye Tian would be like this!

"Wori! Did I hear you right?〃「!"

"This rule formulated by Tianqi is simply too bullying?!"

"That's right, if you don't let Ye Tian participate in the battle, isn't it obvious that you want the defender to fail!"

"No, if you think about it carefully, Tian Qi gave Ye Tian the right to choose. This is actually to let Ye Tian win the event no matter what!"

After Tianqi explained all the rules, the outside world has completely boiled at this moment!

Countless onlookers were arguing about the rules made by Tianqi, their faces red-faced!

Soon, the views of the outside world were roughly divided into two types!

One is that this kind of rule is not beneficial to Ye Tian, ​​and the other is that Tianqi is opening the back door for Ye Tian!

As they talked, the two groups couldn't stop arguing, and there was a tendency to fight!

However, contrary to the outside world, everyone in the star field who was about to transfer to the new battlefield fell silent, and the atmosphere was oppressive!

As participants, they cannot disobey the rules set by Apocalypse!

But today's rules are clearly restricting the defender's camp, full of unfavorable factors!

"Ye Tian... what are you going to do?"

"Otherwise, join the attacking camp!"

"I also think this is the right thing... Forget it, I don't want to consecrate the artifact, it's useless anyway! 11

"Ye Tian, ​​join the attacking camp, after all, you are the one closest to fighting nothingness!"

After ten screenings, there is a long way to go to fight against nothingness!

If people like them are sacrificed, an existence that can resist nothingness can be born, and this deal is not too bad!

The expressions of the great emperors all looked dignified and complicated. After all, without (Li's) Ye Tian's help, it is too difficult to win as the defender!

"Your thoughts are still too simple!"

"If this rule is really for me to easily pass this event, why not just force me to be in the attacking camp?"

"Anyway, the result of making special rules by the participants will not change!"

Among the stars, Ye Tian stood with his hands behind his back, and said lightly, the expressions of the surrounding emperors all became more subtle!.

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