Heavenly Genius

Vol 2 Chapter 1130: Hell of Blackwater Terrace

Throat knot twitched for a long while, and said slightly: "Father and Emperor may doubt me, but it was not me that did the thing, and I can find out the truth and give me innocence."

Tian Guangfang: "Yes, it is indeed not the prince did, this matter knows you and I know, but what do other people think? Do n’t forget, prince, you do n’t report the disease early or late, but you sue at this time. Sickness, is it possible that the prince can pass without acknowledging death? How can anyone who dares to do this kind of thing grasp the handle easily? Who can bear this pot, not by the prince? "

Hao Qi's breathing was rapid, and suddenly he stomped his feet, pointing at Tian Guangfang and reprimanded: "It's all a good thing you did! If you don't persuade me to take a leave, will I be able to bear this black pot?"

Tian Guangfang knew his cis and violent temper, reached out and pressed his hand, reminded: "If I had not advised him, the prince was poisoned at this time, and his life was on the verge of death, black and black, what would the prince choose? If the prince would rather choose I have to go back to black when I die, then I have nothing to say. "

Hao Qi was dull and silent. If the two choices were chosen, it would definitely be a little stronger. For his personal feelings, it would be better for him to take a leave of absence to some extent. He was terrified when he thought about the dying situation.

"Father and Emperor were angry, I was afraid to die without peeling. How can it be good now, and sir can have a good strategy?" Hao Qi panicked and asked for advice.

Tian Guangfang pushed back and said: "It's not that there is no room for recovery. Fortunately, the prince is not in the capital, and he will not be in danger immediately. The prince can leave the place quickly and avoid it temporarily. Your majesty will never let go of the matter. When His Majesty finds out the truth, he will naturally know that the prince was wronged. At that time, the prince can not restore the original, at least to save his life! His lord does not lack a son, Hao Cheng can enter the Weiwei Kingdom, which is a lesson! "

Hao Qi said sadly: "You also said, how can a person who dares to do such a thing can easily grasp the handle, if the father emperor can not find out the truth?"

Tian Guangfang: "If this is the case, if the prince stays here, he will just sit back and die!"

Hao Qi stunned, huh, with a smirk, "Hide? The world is so big, where can this king hide?"

Tian Guangfang said: "Working for the prince before the humble office is also considered to have met some people through the decency of the prince. If the lord wants to get out of danger, the humble office has its own way to arrange it and will not let the lord go nowhere!"

In the end, after some persuasion, Hao Qi still listened to Tian Guangfang's persuasion, and waited for the opportunity to get rid of the Huhu and fled the place.

Without his own willingness to cooperate with Haoqi, the protective power around him is not weak and it is difficult to be easily taken away.

However, what he did not know was that this escape just looked at him, and he could never look back again ...

In the house of the ghost doctor disciple, more people were allowed to enter, and several people who helped carry Haozhen into the house were allowed to enter.

In addition to Princess Shao Liu'er, Daqiumen's car is not late, Xuan Bingzong's Xie Longfei, and Tian Huo Gao Gaohou, these three members of the three major factions of the Haozhen family took this opportunity to enter the house of the ghost doctor disciples.

The medical hall was quiet, no one dared to disturb. They all quietly looked at the bloodless blood test and drug test of Hao Zhen who was in a coma with the silver needle. The people of the three schools judged that it was the poison of the jade corpse. The judgments of the three major factions obviously have to do final detailed confirmation, and it is impossible to take the risk.

The car is not late, Xie Longfei and Gao Jianhou each put a hand on Hao Zhen, and continued to cast a spell for Hao Zhen to suppress the poison in the body. Do n’t dare to relax in the slightest. Be sure to stick to the unintentional detoxification, otherwise the poison will be comprehensive The outbreak will bury Hao Zhen's life at any time.

People always have habitual movements, and unintentional attention to detoxification also has its own habitual movements.

Shao Liu'er caught it, staring at the unintentional gaze from time to time with a look of surprise and uncertainty, and silver teeth would bite her lips from time to time.

"It is indeed the poison of the jade corpse!" Nodding innocently, who put down the poison tester, nodded to the car three times later: "Thanks to your full efforts to suppress the poison for him, otherwise he will have been killed. I will open the bone for him now. Bu Dan, the poison in his body is severe, you must continue to suppress the poison for him. "

The car nodded and said: "Mr. rest assured, I will do my best to wait."

Unintentional: "You don't need you to do your best. If you don't have enough mana, you will be replaced immediately. Otherwise, don't blame me if something goes wrong."

"Yes, according to the instructions of the gentleman." The three of them obediently nodded, and the patient met the attending doctor, and no matter how powerful he was, he had to be soft.

Shao Liu'er, who was biting her lip, was not paying much attention to her husband at this time. Instead, she kept staring at her unintentional actions.

In the medical hall, the poisoned people were treated in an orderly and orderly manner, but the streets outside were messed up. Various vehicles and cars were crowded together and jammed together.

All came from the princesses of the various palaces, or the royal wife of a certain royal family.

At first, it was learned that even Xun Xie failed to ask the ghost doctor disciple for treatment, and the family members of the poisoned person naturally did not count on it, nor did they dare to disturb this easily.

After the concubine Shao Liu'er knelt outside the door of the ghost doctor disciple, finally moved the ghost doctor disciple with sincerity, and invited the ghost doctor disciple to save the hero Wang Haozhen. As soon as the news came out, the hostess of the poisoned people's government immediately sat Can't help it, it can be described as consistent action, all hurriedly came.

No, no, no matter what kind of learning is useful, you have to give it a try. Otherwise, not only the male host of the family is going to die, but as the female host, I am afraid that I will be drowned by spittle stars.

Obviously, Shao Liu'er tried his best to find a way to do his best, but other hostesses in the government have little thanks, and there are many resentments in their hearts. This kind of thing made Shao Liu'er take the lead and let them hostess of the various provinces feel so good?

The point is, after this matter has spread to His Majesty's ears, what will His Majesty think of Shao Liu'er, and how will he see her group of daughter-in-laws?

A group of noble ladies knew that such a big thing could not be concealed by His Majesty's eyes and eyes, and His Majesty must have known it.

In this matter alone, the thunder of the princesses was completely suppressed by the princess of England, not to mention how much resentment in the hearts of the ladies.

Some women even wished that all the princes could not be saved, and did not want Shao Liu'er to monopolize the limelight.

Not only is the limelight suppressed, if the other princes are dead, would n’t King Wang Hao really want to be independent, who belongs to the crown prince? I'm afraid that even the three major factions will support the King on one side!

At this time, the cars on the roads are stuck together. It is already a mess. Everyone must scramble. At this time, a group of noble ladies will not fall behind any more.

The imperial concubine Shangxue opened the car curtain and took the lead in abandoning the car to walk.

Before she came, she had been sought by the queen. She was ridiculed by the queen for a while and asked her to see how the wife of the king of England did what she did. In order to save her husband, she laid down the dignity of the princess and knelt down. Draw a sword to persuade.

The queen said, this is what it is like to be a wife, saying that you are blind, how can you not find such a daughter-in-law or the like.

Involving the life of his son, the Queen's words this time are indeed a bit mean and excessive, and they also give Shang Xue a lot of excitement, but they have nothing to say.

As soon as Shang Xue abandoned the car, the ladies from various provinces reacted and drove to the destination one after another.

The noble lady traveled a lot, and her followers were desperately moving forward. The followers did not dare to fall behind, so it was another mess.

Fortunately, a team of soldiers and horses rushed to bring the emperor's will to maintain order, and they quickly controlled the situation.

To some extent, the emperor who controlled the rhythm of the harem for his own enjoyment still knew women well. At least he knew a certain aspect of women. It can be said that he had predicted in advance what this group of women would do and dispatched people in time.

Only the female nobles were allowed to enter the alley, and all the entourage were stopped. At one point, the man talked a little, and the leader led the soldiers to pull the knife, and the man took the sword on his horse. Blood sprayed, a head fell to the ground, and a body twitched in the pool of blood.

The leader on horseback was expressionless, waving his **** knife ring fingers, and the scene was instantly quiet!

But in the alley, the door of the disciple of Ghost Doctor was not quiet, a group of noble ladies knelt down and begged ...

Inside the palace, Hao Yuntu and the heads of the three major factions are also waiting for the news of the treatment of the ghost doctor disciples.

An **** came and reported to Hao Yuntu the situation of a group of noble ladies.

After hearing this, Hao Yuntu waved him back, his face was not so pretty, and it was strange that he could look good. A group of his daughter-in-laws ran to someone and knelt down, what was the whole system, and it was a joke.

A doctor in every area is so self-confident with a little background, and the royal face has been wiped out, which has caused his murderous heart.

Although the influence of Ghost Doctor is great, it is no more than his power. If it were not for the ghost doctor, he would not be found ... In short, after this incident, even if he did not kill the disciple of the ghost doctor, he also made up his mind not to let the unintentional feel better.

Even if he didn't care to save his son, he wouldn't be grateful. He was determined to give the ghost doctor disciple who had too many ease days to have a look!

Soon, the things in front of him were left behind, and the life and death of his son was not important.

Bu Xun brought a more urgent situation ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The army soldiers who went to support the Great Patriotic State had problems, and the dispatch was abnormal.

"What's going on?" Hao Yuntu was shocked.

Soon after, the news of Huyan Wuhen also came, referring to the anomaly of the army, and asked the emperor whether to order the retreat of the Three Ways?

Hao Yuntu immediately realized that something was wrong.

Immediately afterwards, the monks of the three major factions followed the news and asked about the situation.

Soon, several large birds carrying the monks of the three major factions hurried away and rushed to various military departments.

It is not difficult to verify clearly where the chaotic phenomenon is. It is quickly discovered that several communication centers have been captured by foreign enemies. The three-way army heading to Beijing cannot receive real information at all, nor can they send out real information. Fortunately, not all communication centers were captured, only those three ways.

It is simply impossible to completely control the Qi people in this way, at least a little lag.

Under Hao Yuntu's anger, the strength of the school desk suddenly went crazy, and he ran a thorough investigation.

When the water has left traces, the strength of the school desk bites the clues and traces at any cost, and even prefers to kill the wrong one.

A contest between the Jinshui Heishuitai and Weiguo School Desks was vigorously launched in all directions outside the battlefield, but after all, the contest was on the territory of Qi State.

The secret intelligence network developed by Jin State in Qi State over the centuries has no idea how many generations of hard work and many people have built a channel that has paid the price of their lives. Because of the exposure of this campaign, it has suffered heavy losses and suffered unbearable huge damage !

But for Jin Guo, this is an expected thing. In order to support Shao Pingbo's plan this time, Jin Guo has already used state power to fully support it. As long as this battle can be won, it will be worth paying the greatest price.

In other words, this is intended to sacrifice some people.

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