Heavenly Genius

Vol 2 Chapter 1158: Grab!

Waiting for the side, and after Huang Pan processed the emergency report, Xuan Yao asked again: "I heard that the people of Wushuang Holy Land have detained the other seven factions. Is the incident related to this matter?"

Huang Ban shook his head, "We don't talk about deductions, we protect. Before the incident, Niu Youdao people should be together, and they didn't know what they did. They seemed to be with Lu Wushuang, and these people were received immediately after returning. The people in Wushuang Holy Land are fully protected, but the only way is that you have never returned, and you do n’t want to be killed by assassination! "

Xuan Yao was not surprised, "Niu Youdao said they were with Lu Wushuang before? What are they doing together?" This was completely beyond his expectation, and he was a little puzzled. How could he be with Lu Wushuang?

Huang Ban: "I also want to know what they have done together, and they are so enemies. I went to ask, the seven factions refused to disclose, saying that there is no opening by the Lord, they dare not Give way."

Xuan Yao's eyes were amazed and uncertain, and he wondered beside him.

Huang Ban also pondered for a while and suddenly sighed: "Xuan Brother, the thing that can make Lu Wushuang personally participate is probably not a small matter. Once the death of Niu Youdao is related to this matter, I am afraid that Niu Youdao's death cannot easily pass by. The Lord is angry, blood is flowing into the river, it is very likely to take a bunch of lives to fill it! "

Xuanyao's tongue was a little dry, without a word, his throat was shaking. He couldn't figure out, how could Lu Wushuang be involved in this, I'm afraid it's hard to be good ...

In Wushuang Holy Land, Lu Wushuang, who looked up at Xingchen, leaned against the railing of Yuyu Pavilion, turned back suddenly, and said sharply, "Dead?"

The disciples who reported the matter were as gorgeous as they were, and put their hands on the report, "Yes! It was said that they were attacked by a group of masked people in the dead of Arasawa. According to the injury, they should have died under the attack of Tianjianfu!"

Lu Wushuang stretched out two fingers, pinched the paper and flipped it, swept the contents above with cold eyes, and suddenly sneered lightly, "It's really interesting. The black hands behind this scene are magical. The front foot of Niu Youdao was just found in Wuliangyuan. Someone gave him a killer to kill him, really can't wait! Niu Youdao should really have grasped what makes the other party afraid, otherwise it won't be so can't wait! "

The beauty is astonishing, "Master said that Niu Youdao is in Chawuliang Garden?"

Lu Wu shook the paper in his hands and turned it into dust to go with the wind. "It seems that I'm going to ask Tiancheng in person."

Huamei was astonished, "Master, did you just ask my brother to ask Tiancheng?"

Without answering, she also wanted to ask Master Zun to ask her brother to ask Tiancheng what to do. The only way to answer her was the whistle of the sky breaking away.

Wuliangyuan, who just came out of the house, was looking for Ao Feng, who was stationed in Deacon Jinxu, to stop.

He saw a group of people, a group of people who surprised him, people from the emptiness of the holy land, the leader is his master Ye Nian.

I saw Ye Nian led a group of people straight to the Wuxu Tang in the deacon's sitting hall, and he quickly hurried away to see him.

When he arrived, it was discovered that a group of people brought by Ye Nian had surrounded Jin Xu, the deacon stationed, and several personnel stationed in this sacred place looked at each other, somehow.

Jin Xu sent a deacon to look around and said in a deep voice: "Ye Nian, what do you mean?"

Ye Nian stared at him, "Nothing else, come with the decree of the Lord, and ask Kimber a few words in person."

Jin Xu said in a deep voice: "Since it is the sacred decree of the deity, please respectfully ask your subordinates."

Ye Nian: "The inspectors of the eight factions came to the inspector of Wuliangyuan the day before yesterday. Was it your message to the Holy Land of No Void?"

Jin Xu: "Exactly! They want to break in, I refuse, but they are holding the honorable title of the Lord. I can't force it to stop, I can only let it go. After the release, I will definitely report this to the Lord. , Is there anything wrong? "

Ye Nian nodded, "Yes! I ask you, in addition to the Gold Wings that you sent out on the same day, have anyone else released Gold Wings?"

Jin Xu: "That day, I was guarding the gates of the Noble Holy Land. I opened the gates. I was present every time the gates were opened. There were no other people except for the one who ordered me to fly a gold wing. But After the line-up of the No-Void Holy Land, I do n’t know if the people of other factions have been released. "

Ye Nian: "That is to say, you admit that no one other than you passed the news on that day?"

Jin Xu: "On the surface, this is the case, but there are quite a lot of people going in and out on that day. I can't guarantee if there will be news to anyone after going out."

Ye Nian: "That's the case, I'm afraid I will be wronged by Jin Bo first." Waving his hand, the entourage immediately swarmed up and stopped Jin Xu on the spot.

The other party came under the name of Du Wuxu. Although Jinxu did not dare to resist, he struggled a few times and refused to say, "Ye Nian, why take me?"

Ye Nian: "Jin Bo, those who clear are self-clearing, those who are turbid are self-turbid. You are the master's confidant, and no one dares to treat you harshly. Investigate and find out that I will let you free. Here, I will take over for you for the time being! "

Jin Xu shouted, "What am I doing wrong?"

Ye Nian: "Did you do anything wrong, you will know when you reach the Holy Land." Waving and drinking, "Take away!"

In this way, Jin Xu was escorted away on the spot, and the move quickly disturbed the entire Wuliang Park, staring at the situation where Jin Xu was escorted away.

All kinds of whispering talks have come out, some people even doubted, is the traitor in Infinite Garden the Jin Xu?

Due to the troubles of the eight inspectors, everyone has been speculating about the traitor recently.

After personally watching Jin Xu leave Wuliangyuan, Ye Nian met with the other eight deacons and greeted each other. The other eight deacons asked what happened, and Ye Nian refused to reveal.

After returning to Wuxutang, Ye Nian recruited Ao Feng.

Ao Feng was unavoidable to see the Master, Ye Nian raised her hand lightly, and gestured for exemption, and asked, "When the eight inspectors came to investigate, were you on duty at the gate of Dazhen?"

Ao Feng felt uneasy, and I did n’t know what was going on. In short, he was a thief, and he could n’t help associating with theft. But he could n’t figure it out. If he discovered theft, how could he be so good? Recently, I have been paying attention to the reaction of the fruit tree.

Besides, why did you catch Jin Xu when you discovered the theft?

"It is the disciples on duty!" Ao Feng replied carefully.

Ye Nian: "In addition to Jin Xu's external communication that day, can there be other people?"

Ao Feng: "Only Jin Xu did not see anyone else that day." Then Bi Hao didn't respond for a while. He looked up and looked at what the master seemed to be thinking about. He couldn't help but ask, "Master, the old criminal What's the matter? "

After glancing at the apprentice, Ye Nian did not hide him. "The day after Niu Youdao left the Wuliangyuan, he was assassinated and killed in Arasawa!"

"Ah!" Ao Feng was shocked, Niu Youdao died? My God, this joke is big!

It was finally stolen and sent out. If Niu Youdao died, who would admit this account? Is it useful for him to go to the place where Arasawa died?

How much risk he took, how much effort he spent, he could not accept the result, he stuttered: "This ... how is this possible?"

Ye Nian coldly said: "What's impossible? Niu Youdao investigated Wuliangyuan's affairs, what was investigated, and if no one else spread the news, Jin Xu was the most suspected person. From the time Niu Youdao died See, someone must have leaked the news on that day before they were ready to start. Why should we kill the cow at this time? Think carefully! The news of the death of Niu Youdao arrived at the Holy Land and immediately aroused the suspicion of the Lord. As soon as the Holy Master received the news, he immediately ordered all the people in the Holy Land who might be in contact with Jin Xu ’s summons to be controlled and strictly investigated! "

Ao Feng: "This ... it is entirely possible that Niu Youdao leaked it themselves after they went out."

Ye Nian: "That's why I have to check! I hope it's not that the news sent by Jin Xu makes people leak, otherwise the Lord is angry ..." He shook his head and didn't say anything, only sighed.

Ao Feng was completely at a loss. He wanted to leave Jin Xu for leave. He wanted to use the one-year holiday to take advantage of the opportunity to leave. Who knew that Jin Xu had been arrested and changed his master to sit in town. This is nothing. The biggest problem now is that Niu Youdao is dead, and he will have a hard time deciding whether to leave the Wuliangyuan.

How could it die? He really couldn't figure it out, he knew too well, what kind of **** was completely out of nothing, how could Niu Youdao be killed because of the leaked news of the outlaw in him? impossible! It ’s impossible for the Holy Land to confuse the news. Niu Youdao must be dead!

He was really speechless and asked Heaven, how could this be ...

Niu Youdao, who was meditating cross-legged in the stone room, slowly opened his eyes and exhaled a **** gas in his mouth. The whole person's spirit was relieved.

Seeing that he had recuperated and received the merits, the three people who were standing by immediately surrounded him, and Qin Guan said, "The chief of the Fox tribe made people talk, saying that the elder woke up to let the announcement, and when something arrived, please ask the elder to come over A trip. "

Niu Youdao nodded and got up, took a step and stopped again, looked at Kunlin Tree and asked, "Are your injuries all right?"

Kunlin Tree shakes his head ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ has taken the medicine, can't cast the spell, recovery is slower at most, no harm! "

Niu Youdao said: "It's not that I don't believe you, but that some things are different. I can't let you show up for the time being. I may have to grieve the three of you for a long time here. To seal your mana, I'm afraid you can't figure it out after a long time. Will run out forcibly, especially your Kunlin tree, thinking of the love over Tianhuo, you will probably remind something. Some emotions, I can fulfill you, some emotions, I cannot fulfill you. Whether you can I ca n’t figure it out, I ’ll keep you here for the time being, it ’s for your own good, and you will understand it later! ”

Kunlin Shu said quietly: "Listen to Master Dao's arrangement."

Niu Youdao raised his hand, instructed the three to stop, and left alone.

As soon as he showed up, soon the fox clan notified Heiyun. After a while, Heiyun and others came out to meet him together, and they all looked a little excited.

"I heard something arrived?" Niu Youdao asked.

"Well! Come." Heiyun reached out and led.

Several people entered a stone room guarded by two elders, and the black cloud walked over to the stage, opened a jade box, and immediately saw the red light ooze out.

Niu Youdao looked at it recently, and twelve countless fruits were lying in it, and he reached out and grabbed one.

Heiyun excitedly said, "How are you going to arrange this thing?"

Niu Youdao threw his hand at him, "First save and restore the old patriarch!"

Seeing him without hesitation thinking about the old patriarch, the fox demon immediately nodded and applauded, and there was a trace of kindness in his eyes looking at Niu Youdao.

In fact, even if Niu Youdao didn't say it, they would definitely have to fight for the old patriarch first.


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